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Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
If, (and this seems to hinge on this) A-Channel does buck the trend of non-UPN stations and shows the promo for next week (unlike, *cough* City *cough*), our Albertan/Manitoban/Bell Expressvu-blessed forumites will catch a first glimpse of the new Andorians when next week's episode promo runs tonight.

Those of you with the ability to make you television and computer see eye-to-eye might want to consider making a whole pile of new friends and go a-capturing tonight.

If A-Channel needs those thirty seconds of potentially advertising airtime that badly, looks like this thread'll have to wait another twenty-four hours to be useful. C'est la vie.

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Can't help you, I'm afraid.


Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
My next acquisition on eBay will likely be an Apple TV/Video system, but not likely in time to help you...
Posted by Mr. Christopher (Member # 71) on :
Tell me, when does A-Channel usually air it's promos? Usually when I watch Trek, they show the promo after the last act, but A-Channel so far hasn't done that...
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
That's the thing, Christopher... while UPN stations are essentially required to show the promo for next week, off-network airings are free to drop the promo for an extra commercial (why they can't just squash the end credits and play it concurrently I have no idea). It might have something to do with the promo not arriving in time via a satellite feed. If A-Channel doesn't show it, then I guess we're all gonna have to wait until tomorrow night.
Posted by Alshrim (Member # 258) on :
A buddy of mine get's A-Channel .. and can divy something up! :-)
Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
Well, *I* get A-channel.. And AFAIK they didn't run Enterprise last night. Instead, we got a crapy rerun of Psi-Factor. And no, AFAIK they didn't spontaneously run it an hour earlier in the Calgary market. Argh!
Posted by Alshrim (Member # 258) on :
Actually.. my buddy told me that they played the ep an hour early!
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
$$$ Spoilers!

Wow, the make-up for the Andorians isn't too shabby. It looks like the forehead is built up a little more like Westmoore said in an interview. These Andorians are a lighter shade of blue (sky blue I think) and their hair isn't as shaggy as it was in TOS or TNG.

Editted because I seem to be confusing the production team of Star Trek for the American forces command in Vietnam.

[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Siegfried ]

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
So, Paramount is being so un-canon on Enterprise they enlisted America's top ranking General from Vietnam, eh?
Posted by Ryan McReynolds (Member # 28) on :
Originally posted by Siegfried:
Wow, the make-up for the Andorians isn't too shabby. It looks like the forehead is built up a little more like Westmoore said in an interview.

Yeah, but luckily it's not a predictable "ridged forehead," it just looks like they've got a slightly differently-shaped skull. Almost not noticeable unless you knew to look for it, in my opinion. I'm just jazzed to see them at all.

The fact that the promo kept mentioning the original series was nice, showing that (at least occasionally) they're actually targeting old-school fans as well as the 18-35 males... being a 21 year old original series fan, I get the best of both worlds.

Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I started a whole rant about not adding foreheads to TOS aliens just because Westmore has a fetish for forehead oddities (I swear he must get off on it.. i stil lhate what he did to the Romulans)

Looking at the Andorians from ST:TMP, it should be noted they wore an exaggerated brow-forehead piece.. im hoping its similar to that (tell me.. im not watching my tape of the preview until tomorrow)

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Or I could show you...

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

(not my pics)

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Not bad at all!

These Andorians seem to be of the same type as the ones in TMP.

They seem to be a bit small, for Andorians..

Posted by Timo (Member # 245) on :
I have mixed feelings about giving them all that Rutger Hauer blonde look, though. It might be the prevalent hair color for the species, yes, but it's also one place where one could show "racial variety" (I don't really like the idea of seeing distinctly negroid or asiatic Andorians, for example - if there is "racial" variation, it should be of some *alien* type). Three blondes and one with blue hair might have been more interesting... Or is white their equivalent of a crew cut, obligatory for the military and thus favored by paramilitary activists?

Also, if you have blonde hair like that, wouldn't you choose to wear a commando mask over it if you have bothered to don a black commando suit? (then again, commando masks and antennae might pose a problem...)

Those guns look like custom pieces, don't they?

Timo Saloniemi

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Doesn't this uniformity in looks emphasize the insectoidy background of the Andorian race?
And why *would* there be racial differences on Andor? Just because *we* have?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Well, there *are* racial differences on Andor... look at the difference between the 'ENT' Andorians, the TOS Andorians, the TMP Andorians, the TVH andorians, and the TNG andorians.. lotta different stuff going on there.
Big antennae, skinny antennae, sloping brow, bulbous brow, no brow, forward antennae, back antennae, etc...
Posted by Alshrim (Member # 258) on :
I wouldn't call that Racial Differences .. I would call that --- Facial differences.

Just like, I could have bushy eyebrows, and you don't. I could have big-lips or teeth, and you have thin lips, and moderate teeth. My teeth can be croocked and yours perfect.

I could have a bad complexion and yours flawless. I have a deep voice, you don't.

These are how I see the differences in the Andorians.

Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
so youve noticed my flawless complexion... why i do declare! *blinks rapidly*

but if we were both descended from different continents on Earth, there would be differences in our bone structure that would trace us back to our specific ancestry, rather than the differences that would arise from our being evolved on the same continent and having different family resemblences

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
The promo is online now (, and there *are* Andorians with brown hair in it .
It also speaks of the Andorian Imperial Guard. So, our blue soon-to-be allies seem to live in an Empire. The Andorian Empire... does have a nice fanboy-ish ring to it.
There must be a really good reason for these three races to form a federation in ten years.

[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Harry ]

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well, although Andor becomes a member of the Federation by the time of TOS and TNG/DS9/VOY, do we know for certain (and, by that I mean canon sources, and not fandom's wet dreams) that they're one of the top-three original founders?
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Weve been through this before.. of course we have no idea who the Federation founders are, so we cant count Andorians among them.

And my nocturnal emissions revolve around NCC-numbers and warp nacelle arrengements, not Andorians (oh i do think about the Earth females though.. the Terran women are quite comely in their own backwards manner)

Posted by Alshrim (Member # 258) on :
Found an interesting factoid -- Roxanne Dawson is directing this episode.... Cool!

And .. some of the BEST NEWS:

Guest Cast:

Jeffrey Combs as Andorian Terrorist

Steven Dennis as Tholos
Bruce French as Vulcan Elder
Jeff Rickets as Keval
Richard Tanner as Vulcan Initiate
Jamie Shane as Tactical Crewman


[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: Alshrim ]

Posted by Capt_Spencer (Member # 312) on :
Shya, like I couldn't pick out *THAT* voice a couple of rooms away... I loved his performances as Weyoun and also Brunt, but the spot on Voyager was ho-hum, if even tiresome. Hope he gets good lines this time around. My brother was like, "Geez, that guy gets more guest parts than Martok - almost!" lol...

I hope they're not trying to imply that *all* or most Andorians are as short as the Ferengi - that's a deciding factor in why they cast anyone as the latter species, because of their height. I, for one, am still partial to the chick from the short-lived SF Academy comic series... *hehehe*

~ Jas

Posted by Mr. Christopher (Member # 71) on :
I hope they show an Andorian with 'locks, like Shar.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I was immensely relieved that the 'updating' of the Andorian makeup was so tastefully done. From the way they kept mentioning that they had changed it, I thought for a while that we might end up with Klingon-syndrome!

Now I see that my fears were unfounded and I am very much looking forward to the episode.

Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
The Andorian make up is fine, not a problem. What I really what to know is whether we'll see an Andorian SHIP!!! If so, I hope it's more than a simple thrown-together ship of the week. If the Andorians become a major race (like the Cardassians, Romulans, and Klingons), they should invest some effort in creating a memorable iconic design.

BTW, I've only seen the first ep, so can anyone tell me it we've seen any Vulcan ships yet?

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It should be pointed out that, considering how Combs has described his roll ("Andorian terrorist"), it is quite possible that the "Imperial Guard" does not reflect whatever the dominant Andorian government is.
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
...and no Vulcan ships yet. In two weeks.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Ooh, ooh! Let's also note that the robes the Vulcans are wearing appear pretty darned similar to the ones Spock and assorted other Vulcans wore in films III and IV. And possible I, though my memory of that scene is dicier.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"I hope they show an Andorian with 'locks, like Shar."

I don't know what a "Shar" is, so I'm guessing you mean "dreadlocks"? For some reason, when I first glanced at it, I thought it was supposed to be "bollocks". Perhaps a reference to the "passionate, violent" aspect of the race, which we haven't seen since TOS. :-)

Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
With regards to the Andorian Empire; It could still be around even after the Andorians, or at least a faction of the Andorian race joined the Feds. What if, at some point the Andorians spread out into space, and formed 2 independant governments The violent Andorian Empire and the much more peaceful Andorian Republic. The Republic might have joined the Feds while the Empire ramained an Empire. I know it's all speculation, but I can't imagine that the Anodrians were a prime canidate for Federation membership, especally when they were an extremly violent race before, during, and possibly after the TOS years. It's just a thought.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Shar is Ensign Thirishar ch'Thane, science officer of DS9 following the end of the Dominion war, from the semi-canonical DS9 novel series started by 'Avatar' (Paramount has given the novels full permission to continue the DS9 story arcs and make drastic changes in the DS9 epoch)

Shar is Andorian, of one of their 'middle'(?) sexes.(hence the lack of 'he' or 'she' when discussing Shar), and has white dreadlocks and looks quite cool (yet disturbingly androgynous). Shar works quite well and often with chief of operations Nog, and is troubled by the requirement that it is necessary to return to Andor to join three others in a marriage as is expected by Andorian society

[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]

Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
*grating horn noise*

You are herby fined 10 credits for incorrect usage of the term "semi-canonical."

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Lacking the appropriate reference stuff at the moment, was it ever confirmed that the Andorians had three sexes, or just that a traditional marriage required three people? Because I can easily imagine "odd" forms of marriage with different numbers of people than two that are, nevertheless, made up of just two genders.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Data stated that Andorian marriages require four people
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Well, four then.
Posted by Masao (Member # 232) on :
Did Data specially mention more than 2 sexes? If all we are know is that four people are involved, we cannot assume what the sexes of the people are. There might be, for example, 1 man and 3 women (or 3 men and 1 woman), 2 men and 2 women, 4 people of different sexes, or even 4 people of the same sex. We'vepresumably seen male and female Andorians, but I don't think the existence of other sexes has been established on screen. The rituals and mechanics of reproduction are complicated enough with only 2 sexes! I don't even want to think about 4 sexes, and I have a degree in biology.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Data didnt say exactly why they required four people

The books havent been too clear on it either, expecially on the matter of Shar's sex. Think they were avoiding it simply to make it easier for the writer who gets stuck with explaining it, which should be soon after Shar's mother gave the ultimatum to return to Andor because there are three other people depending on Shar.

I also wonder if the group marriage could just be a ritualistic deal.
They also made a comment about the Andorians having a population problem and being a 'dying' race, probably because of the complexity in their reproduction.

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
The official Star Trek site has just released new piccies!
The Andorians are *not* small, their big heads just make them look a bit awkward. And the guns... resemble every single Star Trek gun we've seen before. Could be new, could be existing props...
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Brown hair=evil. Andorians require white feathery "hair." All of them. Even the hawt chix. Yes, because I said so, for I am Sex God. Fear my penile prowess.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I agree with him...
about the white hair i mean.. not that other stuff
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I'm pretty sure it was never said that the four Andorians in a wedding are all marrying each other. Maybe, traditionally, a couple isn't supposed to get married unless another couple gets married in the same ceremony. Or maybe some of the people aren't even getting married. After all, not counting whoever officiates, traditional marriages around here have four main people: bride, groom, best man, and maid/matron of honor.

[ October 27, 2001: Message edited by: TSN ]


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