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Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
I thought I should carry this discussion to Flare, because many of the people of the good old times should be still here.

John Eaves has posted the scale chart for "First Contact", with the relative scales of the Enterprise, the four other vessels and the Borg sphere (and even with some ship names).

So what can we make of it?

According to the chart, the ship lengths would be:
Sovereign 685,0m
Akira 498,8m
Saber 252,6m
Steamrunner 403,7m
Norway 402,4m
Borg sphere 435,0m

We know that Alex Jaeger is a smart guy, and he intended the lifeboats of the Sovereign, the Akira and the Steamy to be the same sizes. Based on this assumption we get:
Akira 440m
Saber 223m
Steamrunner 356m
Norway 355m

The Akira and Steamrunner would be the size that I always assumed, while the Saber and Norway would be a bit larger. All ships would keep their mutual scales as on the chart, and would only be somewhat smaller compared to the Sovvy.

What should be given precedence, the chart (which is in many ways preliminary) or the lifeboats?

Also, are the additional ship names official enough to include them in our lists?
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Looking at that chart, I get the feeling it's a bit of a rougher estimate. I would use it as supporting evidence to justify the more specific numbers based on the lifeboats.
Posted by Mirror-Amasov (Member # 742) on :
I hate that font. Can't even decipher half of the names... [Roll Eyes] [Big Grin]
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
And the top image posits the 1701-E as the "Galaxy Class" "USS Enter Prise". Nitpicking? You bet! Flare in da house.
The chart puts the borg cube at 9000 feet, that's 2743 meters. Is that bigger than the ones in TNG?
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
I give it the same credit I give a Lindberg model kit for accuracy.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
The Akira and Steamrunner would be the size that I always assumed, while the Saber and Norway would be a bit larger. All ships would keep their mutual scales as on the chart, and would only be somewhat smaller compared to the Sovvy.
I also always assumed the Saber and Norway were larger than what they were assumed to be, especially since their lengths in the DS9 Tech manual were a mistake per Rick Sternbach.

Also, are the additional ship names official enough to include them in our lists?
I've already included them. They're no more or less official than such ships as the Ticonderoga, Talos, and Gihlan (all taken from either scripts or official publications, but never uttered onscreen). However, I'm pretty sure that the ships were only labeled with the names seen on the CGI models (i.e. the Yeager, Appalacia and Budapest, although the Akira class had a registry number but no name...according to the chart it's the Spector, not the Thunderchild).

And the top image posits the 1701-E as the "Galaxy Class" "USS Enter Prise".
From "Star Fleet." [Wink] Actually, according to Eaves the Ent-E was supposed to be another Galaxy class until someone decided to make it a new ship. IIRC, it was Berman and Braga who wanted a new ship after eight years of seeing the Galaxy class.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
Ah, so that's where the Spector name comes from. Looks like the Fact Files had access to some reasonably good reference after all.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
We know that Alex Jaeger is a smart guy, and he intended the lifeboats of the Sovereign, the Akira and the Steamy to be the same sizes. Based on this assumption we get:
Akira 440m
Saber 223m
Steamrunner 356m
Norway 355m

EXcept that the Norway had no visible llifeboats and the sabre's were obviously not of the Soverign type.

No sir, I dont buy scaling the ships based on this.
Besides, it looks like there's just a blank line to be filled in next to the lengths on everything except for the "Enter Prise".
MIght as well say the Sabre's 755 meters long, to go along with that assinine Abramsprise. [Wink]
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I am continually being amused at stuff that has been long decried as having been pulled from out the asses of the people behind publications such as the Fact Files and the Encyclopedia turning out to be based in actual pre-production and production materials.
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
... I was about to come in here and yell at someone for thread necromancy.
Posted by Reverend (Member # 335) on :
It does feel like we've slipped into a time warp. Who's been fooling around with the red matter again?!
Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Originally posted by Charles Capps:
... I was about to come in here and yell at someone for thread necromancy.

Everything in life repeats. In cycles of ten years.

Anyway, I will do the following:
- accept all ship names because I also have the Rabin and the Specter listed, why not the rest
- scale the Akira and Steamrunner to correct lifeboat sizes
- scale the rest relative to Akira and Steamrunner based on the chart (that is, about 89% of the depicted length).
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
At the smae time, you have Pocket Books (who have Okuda's tech oversight on such things, supposedly) saying the sabre is 179 meters long *(in the S.C.E. )novels, and crew complaining about the small ship.
Posted by Guardian 2000 (Member # 743) on :
So the Monsterprise swells and the FC ships shrink? [Wink]

In any case, I concur with the view that the Eaves chart is good background, but the hard research of visible details . . . the completed show -- a work of many hands -- as it presents itself . . . must take precedence.

But that's as much a question of geek epistemology as it is anything specific about this case.
Posted by Bernd (Member # 6) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
At the smae time, you have Pocket Books (who have Okuda's tech oversight on such things, supposedly) saying the sabre is 179 meters long *(in the S.C.E. )novels, and crew complaining about the small ship.

When was the S.C.E. book in question published? Because I had listed the Saber as being 179m long as soon as 1998 and I never bothered to recalculate this rough estimate.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Those are ongoing- since 2000
Many are collected into Omnibus editions- I only have the story in that Dominion wars collection, but it refers to the "small ship" and simmular wording.
I think the crew is said to be under 100.
It might be worth reading just to see if they give the ship shuttles- that notch under the bridge could probably give birth to a shuttlepod.

Any size is better than the silly DS9:TM placeholder.
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Originally posted by Reverend:
It does feel like we've slipped into a time warp. Who's been fooling around with the red matter again?!

It was me.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
That's your pee-pee, and while it may indeed be red, it does not affect time-travel.

Unless you black out afterwards- then it may seem as though you traveled forward in time- an tiring process, no doubt. [Wink]

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