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Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
A hodgepodge of never-seen ships, by Lee. No diagrams, 'cause, ya know, they were never seen.

Andromeda-class Starship

USS Drake, NCC-70956: Anbushed 2373 by Klingon battle group, heavy casualties required her to divert to DS9.

Sources: "Apocalypse Rising" (DS9)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

USS Prokofiev, NCC-68814: Mentioned as being sent to the Federation border of the Demilitarized Zone in 2370 in response to the arrest of Miles O'Brien by the Cardassians.

Sources: "Tribunal" (DS9)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Bradbury-class Starship

USS Bradbury, NX-72307: One of the few rare examples where the actual class ship is known; unfortunately no other members of the class have been mentioned. In 2366, she rendezvoused with the Enterprise-D while en route to Earth.

Sources: "Menage a Troi" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

Chimera-class Starship

USS Portland, NCC-57418: Searched the Algira Sector for a missing runabout in 2371.

Sources: "The Die Is Cast" (DS9)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Deneva-class Starship

USS LaSalle, NCC-6203: Reported the presence of radiation anomalies in the Gamma Rigulon stellar system in 2367. Note the extremely low registry for a TNG-era ship.

Sources: "Reunion" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

Hokule'a-class Starship

USS Tripoli, NCC-19386: Investigated destruction of the Omicron Theta colony in 2338, discovered and reactivated the body of the android Data. After being decommissiones and mothballed at the Zed-15 surplus despot near Qualor II, it was stolen by Romulans in 2368.

Note: The class name is a Hawaiian word meaning "star of gladness."

Sources: "Datalore" (TNG)
"Unification I" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

Istanbul-class Starship

USS Sarajevo, NCC-38529: Disappeared in the Gamma Quadrant sometime prior to 2371, presumed lost to Dominion forces.

Sources: "In Purgatory's Shadow" (DS9)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Korolev-class Starship

USS Goddard, NCC-59621: Scheduled rendezvous with the Enterprise-D postopned after signing of the Acamarian Truce in 2365; Formed part of a tachyon detections grid in 2367/8.

Sources: "The Vengeance Factor" (TNG)
"Redemption II" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Mediterranean-class Starship

USS Lalo, NCC-43837: Reported time distortion in 2364; disappeared near Zeta Alpha II during Borg in cursion in 2366

Sources: "We'll Always Have Paris" (TNG)
"Best of Both Worlds I" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

USS Wyoming, NCC-43730: Tuvok's first assignment following his return to Starfleet in 2349 after 51 years absence.

Sources: "Flashback" (VOY)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Merced-class Starship

USS Trieste, NCC-37124: Previous assignment of Lt. Commander Data; during his assignment on board, the ship once traversed a wormhole; in 2364, its location given as 66 hours away from Starbase 74 when the Enterprise-D was hijacked.

Sources: "Clues" (TNG)
"11001001" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

Renaissance-class Starship

USS Aries, NCC-45167: Command offered to William Riker in 2365; last posting of missing Starfleet crewman Mendez in 2367.

Sources: "The Icarus Factor" (TNG)
"Identity Crisis" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

USS Hokkaido: Last of this class built, c. 2337

Sources: TNG Technical Manual

USS Hornet, NCC-45231: Served in blockade during Klingon civil war in 2368.

Sources: "Redemption II" (TNG)
"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" (DS9)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

USS Maryland, NCC-45109: Disappeared in the Gamma Quadrant sometime prior to 2371, presumed lost to Dominion forces.

Sources: "In Purgatory's Shadow" (DS9)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Sequoia-class Starship

USS Yellowstone, NCC-70073: Trasnported personnel to Deep Space Nine in 2370; may no longer be active by 2372, given an experimental runabout of the same name appeared in an altyernate-timeline in the year 2372.

Sources: "Melora" (DS9)
"Non Sequitur" (Voy)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Surak-class Starship

USS Zapata, NCC-33184: Scheduled to rendezvous with the Enterprise-D in 2366.

Sources: "Menage � Troi" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

Wambundu-class Starship

USS Drake, NCC-20381: Offered to William T. Riker in 2363, he refused, preferring to serve on the Enterprise. Command instead went to Captain Paul Rice; destroyed 2364 in the Minos system.

Sources: "The Arsenal of Freedom" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia

USS Fleming, NCC-20316: disabled by a Verteron Mine in the Hekaras Corridor in 2370, it was subsequently destroyed in a subspace rift, although the Enterprise was able to rescue the crew.

Sources: "Force of Nature" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Yorkshire-class Starship

USS Denver, NCC-54927: Transport ship, with crew of 23. Destroyed in 2368 by Cardassian War-era gravitic mine while transporting 517 colonists to the Beloti Sector, crashed in Mericor system.

Sources: "Ethics" (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2

Zodiac-class Starship

USS Yorktown, NCC-61137: In an alternate-reality future c. 2395, the Yorktown was ordered by Admiral William Riker to conduct sensor sweeps of the Devron system.

Sources: "All Good Things. . ." (TNG)
Star Trek Encyclopaedia 2
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
You forgot the Apollo class (though there was that MSD sketch Sternbach intended for the Pegasus- which I built my model from).
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
If you'll recall, UP3 was going to reflect the (neither provable nor disprovable) notion that the Vulcan design seen as the T'Pau in "Unification, Part II" (TNG) was the Apollo, as per the suggestion of the Encyclopedia.

There's nothing to link Sternbach's Pegasus sketch with the Apollo, although there were at one time rumors that an Ambassador-esque design was created (and then not used) in "Emissary" (DS9). Whether or not these rumors reflected the truth or not was never conclusively established.

-MMoM [Big Grin]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
hmmm...I suppose.
I've never like the notion that a ship of alien origin would sport a name from Earth's mythology.

It's just silly- as though the Vulcans have no culture to draw names assuming their name "Vulcan" is a phonetic coincidence, of course. [Wink]

Besides, the ASDB Apollo is (sorta) like the Sternbach sketch, so there! HA!
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
Apollo is Vulcan for "Angel of the Abyss"

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