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Aug 9th, 1978
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by MeGotBeer: [QB] Congrats. Liam, I think you're just jealous of people with more disposable income :) Actually, what that amounts to for me is more financial control. Need to pay off the credit cards, and be consistent in deposits to my savings account. I drew up some rough figures, and I can have three of my cards paid off by this time next year and still have $1800 in the bank. Since I'll be down to one credit card next August or September, I can boost the amount of $$$ to my savings' account and have a rather nice down payment saved up for my 25th birthday: which will, also, completely and entirely coincidental, coincide with the traditional drop in insurance that comes with the marking of a quarter-century spent alive. And since my record is very clean insurance wise, I'll get a big cut (as it is, I pay $150 for my Jeep, with no reported claims on it). And then comes spectra blue mica, 6-speed, 180 horsepower at $320 a month for 72 months (assuming I put a $7k downpayment on it). Speaking of which, I've just learned your friend and mine, Fabrux, has just placed a down-payment on an '88 Ford Ranger. Congrats! Try not to wreck this one, okay? [/QB][/QUOTE]
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