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You're the Admiral! — Kedmar Sector
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay: [QB] [i]Question A: Consider the background information provided above to be your briefing as you assume your duties in this sector. Define what Starfleet’s priorities in this sector should be. Also, note any gaps in the information provided, and where you’d want to focus your intelligence gathering.[/i] Starfleet's priorities: -Examination of The Big Drift, particularly with an eye towards any tactical advantages or disadvantages it could provide to friendly or hostile fleets. -Examination of elements of Nillavi society with an eye towards isolationist elements which might choose to resist Federation expansion through military force. -Establishing diplomatic contact with Qorn and T'G'Nar, if these societies wish it. I am curious about The Big Drift, and why no information has been provided on it; one of my priorities would be assigning a ship (preferably a dedicated science vessel) to explore this region of space – can we scan through it, can we see ships hiding in it? If it can provide a tactical advantage, I want to know about it. I would like to explore meeting with the governments of Nillavi, T'g'nar, and Qorn. In the case of the Nillavi, I am most curious by the phrase “some Nillavi citizens feel that their society should join the Federation.” Well, what about the other elements of Nillavi society? Certainly it can almost be expected that there is an isolationist movement, and I'd like to have my finger on their pulse to judge how the society may react to the installation of a Starfleet starbase so close to their own interests. T'g'nar is, to me, almost a non-threat. They prefer to be left alone and have not shown any indication that they would strike at the Federation unless provoked to do so. The Qorn have no capacity to strike at anyone – my concern with them is primarily related to actions that may be undertaken by the Nillavi, or the T'g'nar, particularly if either society feels it needs to “flex its muscles.” Due to the possibility (hopefully remote) of military action between the Federation and the Nillavi, or the T'g'nar, or between the Nillavi and T'g'nar, or one of those two and the Qorn, or the Tzenkethi and who knows who, I would like to place some sensor buoys in strategic areas of space to keep an eye on traffic in the areas of their respective planets. These buoys would be placed in what is clearly interstellar space onto which no one society can make a claim. With a response force split between Oasis and Senec, Starfleet should be well positioned to respond to any actions. [i]Question B:Starfleet wants to establish a larger outpost in this sector, to support operations both here and in the sector to the north. This starbase (same type as Starbase 375) will be an important symbol of the Federation presence, and will be have sufficient defenses against any foreseeable threat. Choose a location to establish this starbase, and justify your decision.[/i] I recommend strongly that Starfleet's new Starbase be placed into orbit of Oasis; this recommendation may be ammended based on what I learn about The Big Drift. While establishing a starbase over Senec may make more logistical sense, by placing it over Oasis, a Starfleet force will be positioned closer to the northern sector to respond to a potential Tzenkethi threat, or a Starfleet force engaged in hostilities in the northern sector will have a closer port of call for rearmamment, resupply, or repair. From Oasis, it is a 12 hour journey at maximum warp to the northern sector, and a nearly 3 day journey from Senec. The location of the starbase here will also encourage traffic to Oasis and speed the colony's development. The most compelling reason to place the starbase in orbit of Senec would be to resist any hostile moves by the T'G'Nar, however, Senec's existing orbital defenses should be sufficient against the types of vessels deployed by the T'G'Narians; additionally, with the deployment of automated beacons outside of T'G'Narian space, should they make a push to Senec, Starfleet vessels would be able to depart Oasis and arrive at Senec within hours of a T'G'Narian arrival at Senec. Additionally, should the Nillavi come to see it in their best interest to strike at Senec, by gathering their forces at the southern end of their space in advance of a strike, they would leave their northern border open to a response from the Starfleet force at Oasis. [i]Question C:Compose a request to Starfleet for your task force in this sector. Assume you’ve arrived in this sector aboard an Excelsior-class cruiser, which will be joining your fleet. In addition to that ship, justify a reasonable number and breakdown of ships that should be deployed. Specify their primary and secondary duties.[/i] Currently, Starfleet is very engaged with Cardassian forces along our border. However, while an uneasy peace currently exists between the Federation and the Tzekenthi, we have fought them on repeated occasions, and should not be careless as to their capacity to hold a grudge, or to implement and carry through precision military actions. My forces would primarily be deployed to best respond to a Tzenkethi incursion to the sector through two missions: a border patrol; and a fast response force stationed at Oasis. I have requested eighteen additional starships to the vessel I arrived on. Currently, my strongest vessel is the USS [i]Little Round Top[/i], which ferried me here. These are the ships I would request, and how I would deploy them: Northern Border Patrol: USS [i]Gettysburg[/i], Ambassador Class USS [i]Gorkon[/i], Excelsior Class USS [i]Brilliant[/i], Miranda Class USS [i]Bolano[/i], Miranda Class Orders: These vessels will maintain a patrol of the Northern Border to watch for a Tzenkethi incursion. These ships have strict orders not to engage a tactically superior force unless presented no alternative -- if they discover a hostile force, they are to shadow until the Fast Response Force at Oasis can respond. The [i]Gettysburg[/i] would be instructed to remain within one day's travel of Oasis; [i]Gorkon[/i] would be requested to stay within two days travel of Nillavi, and with a preference given to fast response to the Big Drift. These orders subject to developing circumstances and at the discretion of their commanders. Tzenkethi Fast Response (FORCE T): USS [i]Maryland[/i], Ambassador Class USS [i]Aba'Kur[/i], Excelsior Class USS [i]Perseverance[/i], Excelsior Class USS [i]Bridgewater[/i], Miranda Class USS [i]Saltash Castle[/i], Miranda Class USS [i]Compass Rose[/i], Miranda Class Orders: These six vessels will form “Force T,” the Tzenkethi Fast Response force which will be on hand to respond to reports of a Tzenkethi incursion along the Northern Border. Force T will maintain orbit of Oasis until required to deploy; however, USS [i]Bridgewater[/i], [i]Saltash Castle[/i], and [i]Compass Rose[/i] are ordered to deploy buoys for monitoring of space traffic in regions of Navalli, T'g'nar, and Qorn before reporting to Oasis. Oasis Overwatch: USS [i]Alexandria[/i], Excelsior Class USS [i]Teazer[/i], Miranda Class Orders: these vessels are ordered to provide any necessary assistance to Oasis. Their real purpose is to respond to developing circumstances and provide a military force in the event of hostile action Senec Overwatch: USS [i]Ramilies[/i], Excelsior Class USS [i]Thunder Child[/i], Miranda Class USS [i]Wizard[/i], Miranda Class Orders: these vessels are ordered to provide any necessary assistance to Senec. Their real purpose is to respond to developing circumstances and provide a military force in the event of hostile action. Big Drift Survey: USS [i]Pascal[/i], Oberth Class USS [i]Coma Berenices[/i], Constellation Class USS [i]Pascal[/i] is instructed to conduct a thorough examination of The Big Drift. Because there may be tactical advantages to vessels hiding within this region of space, [i]Pascal[/i] is to be escorted by [i]Coma Berenices[/i]; additionally, USS [i]Gorkon[/i] on Northern Sector Patrol will remain near to respond in the event of a situation. USS [i]Hope[/i], Medical Ship (see below) Meanwhile, upon arrival of my requested ships, USS [i]Little Round Top[/i], accompanied by USS [i]Hope[/i], will begin a diplomatic mission to Nillavi and T'G'Nar, in that order (if our requests for diplomatic meetings are accepted). The purpose of this mission will be to communicate Federation plans for the sector in regards Federation expansion, and the Tzenkethi threat. Ideally, the [i]Hope[/i], which is a disaster response and medical vessel, will demonstrate the humanitarian efforts of the Federation. I will maintain command of sector operations from [i]Little Round Top,[/i]. Following this diplomatic mission, which is expected to last no more than two weeks, [i]Little Round Top[/i] and [i]Hope[/i] will deploy to Oasis. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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