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Author Topic: What Tony Blair's Future Counterpart Thinks
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See, I'm an honourary Brit, so I had to make it somewhat related to England.

Anyway, I felt I'd release some of the responses American Presidential candidates gave to the political awareness test. This shows what issues they would support. Thus Yanks can bandy about who they'll vote for. And since the US is the world hegemon, I thought our European friends would also be interested in what the new dictator of the American Empire would do.

We'll start with Johnny McCain (GW Bush did not reply to the questionairre)


  • Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
  • Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.
  • Abortions should be limited by waiting periods and notification requirements as decided by each state government.
  • Prohibit the dilation and extraction procedure, also known as "partial birth" abortion.
  • Prohibit public funding of abortions and public funding of organizations that advocate or perform abortions.
  • Provide funding for family planning programs as a means to decrease the number of abortions

I believe that life begins at conception, and that abortion should be barred except in the case of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is in danger. Except that no public money should be used to subsidize abortion counseling or services. Remove obstacles women face to choosing life

Budgetary Priorities

  • Agricultural programs -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Arts funding -- Eliminate Funding

  • Defense -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Education -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Environmental programs -- Maintain Funding Status

  • International aid -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Law enforcement -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Medical research -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) -- Slightly Decrease Funding

  • National Parks -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Scientific research -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Transportation and Highway Infrastructure -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Welfare -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Other -- Eliminate Funding - Pork barrel spending/corporate welfare

  • Other -- Greatly Increase Funding - Veterans' Health 5: Admin. Overhead D) Direct More Money to Classrooms

Defence Spending

  • Armed Forces personnel training -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Covert intelligence operations -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Defense plant conversion -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Military hardware -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Military space shuttle missions -- Maintain Funding Status

  • Pay for active duty personnel -- Greatly Increase Funding

  • National Missile Defense Program -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Modernization of weaponry and equipment -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Programs to improve military retention rates -- Greatly Increase Funding

  • Research and development of new weapons -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Troop and equipment readiness -- Slightly Increase Funding

  • Other -- Greatly Increase Funding - Military Retirement

  • Other -- Eliminate Funding - Defense pork; Excess Bases

  • Other -- Greatly Decrease Funding - "Buy America" costs; cold war weapons


Income Taxes: Family Income

a) Less than $25,000 -- Greatly Decrease

b) $25,000 - $75,000 -- Greatly Decrease

c) $75,000 - $150,000 -- Greatly Decrease

d) Over $150,000 -- Greatly Decrease

e) Other -- Eliminate - Marriage Penalty

f) Other -- Eliminate - SS Earnings Test

g) Other -- Did not answer

Income Taxes: Retiree Income

h) Over $40, 000 -- Greatly Decrease

i) Other -- Did not answer

j) Other -- Did not answer

k) Other -- Did not answer

Other Taxes

a) Alcohol taxes -- Did not answer

b) Capital gains taxes -- Greatly Decrease

c) Cigarette taxes -- Maintain Status

d) Corporate taxes -- Slightly Decrease

e) Estate taxes -- Greatly Decrease

f) Gasoline taxes -- Slightly Decrease

g) Other -- Greatly Decrease - Interest

h) Other -- Greatly Decrease - Dividend

i) Other -- Did not answer


a) Charitable deductions -- Maintain Status

b) Medical expense deductions -- Greatly Increase

c) Mortgage deductions -- Maintain Status

d) Child tax credit -- Slightly Increase

e) Earned income tax credit -- Slightly Increase

f) Student loan tax credit -- Maintain Status

g) Other -- Slightly Increase - Pension/Retirement

More Taxes

2) Do you support replacing the current U.S. income tax structure with a flat income tax?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided
(this is worrisome - ed)

3) Do you support instituting a national sales tax?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

4) Should a married couple filing jointly pay the same taxes as if they were an unmarried
couple filing separately?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

5) Do you support requiring at least a 2/3 majority (super-majority) vote in both houses of
Congress to raise taxes?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

6) Would you cut taxes if there were an operating surplus?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

7) Would you cut taxes and use Social Security surpluses to supplement the difference?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

8) Other
-- I support simplifying the current tax system and eliminating unfair special interest loopholes.

Campaign Finance Issues

  • Eliminate publicly financed matching funds for presidential campaigns.
  • Increase the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns.
  • Strengthen and enforce legislation that encourages full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information.
  • Provide free or low-cost television advertising to candidates who agree to voluntary campaign spending limits.
  • Ban unregulated soft money campaign contributions to political parties or committees.
  • Prohibit non-U.S. citizens from making soft money contributions to national parties or party committees.
  • Require full disclosure of funding sources of issue advocacy commercials which appear within 60 days of an election.
  • Require unions to get members' permission before using union dues for political advocacy.
  • Require Congressional candidates to raise over half of their campaign money from their home state.


  • Broaden the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
  • Impose stricter penalties for violent felons.
  • Increase spending to build more federal prisons.
  • Impose "truth in sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve full sentences with no chance of parole.
  • Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.
  • Support programs to provide prison inmates with drug and alcohol addiction treatment.
  • Increase penalties for crimes committed on school grounds.
  • Increase funding for community policing programs.
  • Prosecute as adults, youths accused of a felony.
  • Increase funding for local Boys & Girls Clubs and other independent organizations in communities with at-risk youth.
  • Provide block grants to states for implementation of programs to combat juvenile crime.
  • Impose harsher penalties for youths convicted of violent offenses.
  • Support the use of "boot camps" as alternative sentencing for juvenile offenders.
  • Support programs that provide job training and placement services for at-risk youth.

juvenile offenders should be kept separate from adult offenders and receive the appropriate remedial and rehabilitation services


  • Increase penalties for selling illegal drugs.
  • Support mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
  • Support capital punishment for convicted international drug traffickers.
  • Expand federally sponsored drug education and drug treatment programs.
  • Increase border security to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the U.S


  • Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any publicly-funded school.
  • Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any participating school: public, private or religious.
  • Allow parents to use tax-free savings accounts to send their children to any publicly-funded school.
  • Allow parents to use tax-free savings accounts to send their children to any participating school: public, private or religious.
  • Support creation of more charter schools where teachers and professionals receive authorization and funding to establish new schools.
  • Give all federal education funding to states in the form of block grants and allow the states to spend it as they see fit.
  • Increase funding for block grants to states to help them hire additional teachers.
  • Support voluntary teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.
  • Support mandatory teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.
  • Increase funding to reduce class sizes.
  • Increase funding for computers and computer training in public schools.
  • Increase funding for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings and infrastructure).
  • Eliminate restrictions on federal education funding, giving educators or local school districts more flexibility to design and implement their programs.
  • Religious expression on public school property should be allowed.

Regarding higher education...

  • Eliminate federal financial aid for individuals convicted of drug offenses.
  • Increase funding of programs such as Pell grants and Stafford loans to help students pay for college.
  • Support federal tax incentives to help families save for college.

Employment and Affirmative Action

  • Provide tax credits for companies that move job-creating industries into areas with high unemployment.
  • Reduce government regulation of the private sector in order to encourage investment and economic expansion.
  • Establish empowerment zones in areas with large numbers of unemployed people.
  • Encourage employers to offer flex-time scheduling, comp-time, and unpaid leave for family emergencies.
  • Provide tax credits for businesses that offer on-site child care.

I oppose quotas unless judicially ordered to address specific discrimination.

Enviromental Issues

  • Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.
  • Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act.
  • Require states to fully compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses of privately-owned land.
  • Encourage further development and use of alternative fuels to reduce pollution.
  • Strengthen emission controls on all gasoline or diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles.
  • Strengthen regulations governing the security, safety, transportation, and storage of spent nuclear fuel and waste.
  • Support the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel.
  • Reduce current federal regulations on the environment.

2) Do you support the United Nations (Kyoto Conference) treaty, in its current form, regarding global climate change?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided


  • Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
  • Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
  • Increase penalties for the possession of any illegal guns.
  • Hold gun owners responsible for crimes committed with their guns by children age 16 and under.
  • Strengthen enforcement of current regulations on guns.


  • Support health care strategies focused on prevention, including health education, and natural medicines and remedies.
  • Support a Patient's Bill of Rights to define and enforce the rights of insured patients, including greater access to specialists and emergency rooms, wider choice of health care providers, and appeal mechanisms when claims are denied.
  • Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes the right to sue when claims are denied.
  • Allow small business owners, the self-employed and workers whose employers do not provide health insurance to have the same deductibility for health costs as corporations and large employers.
  • Expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts, which would be taxed if used for purposes other than medical costs.
  • Establish limits on the amount of damages awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.


  • Increase the eligibility of legal immigrants for certain social programs (e.g. public housing, food stamps).
  • Provide extra federal aid to states with higher numbers of immigrants for necessary medical and social services.
  • Increase the immigration quota for computer scientists and other information technology workers.
  • Support the separation of the INS into two bureaus: one administering naturalization and one administering border patrol.
  • Reimburse states for providing services to illegal aliens.

International Aid

  • Aid should be granted to countries when extraordinary circumstances cause disaster and threaten civilian lives.
  • Aid should be granted to countries when it is in the security interests of the U. S.
  • Aid should be granted to countries that are close allies of the U. S. and in need of financial/military assistance.

2) Should the International Monetary Fund (IMF) be restructured so that it can respond to
international financial crises more effectively?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

a) Colombia -- Slightly Increase Funding

b) Egypt -- Maintain Funding Status

c) Israel -- Maintain Funding Status

d) Kosovo province -- Slightly Increase Funding

e) Mexico -- Maintain Funding Status

f) North Korea -- Slightly Decrease Funding

g) Russia -- Did not answer

h) Turkey -- Maintain Funding Status

i) Other -- - (g) Tied to Chechnya and anti-corruption reform.
l) African Development Fund -- Maintain Funding Status

m) Agency for International Development(AID) -- Maintain Funding Status

n) International Monetary Fund (IMF) -- Maintain Funding Status

o) NATO Peace Keeping Missions -- Maintain Funding Status

p) UN Crisis and Humanitarian Aid -- Maintain Funding Status

q) UN Peace Keeping Missions -- Maintain Funding Status

r) World Bank -- Maintain Funding Status

s) Other -- - (l-r) coupled with reform and accountability.

International Policy

It's the responsibility of the President to explain what our goals in Kosovo are so that the
nation can render a judgment. Rather than set an artificial withdrawal date as an exit strategy, we should base our exit on the achievement of appropriate goals.

The U.S. should continue to play a prominent leadership role in the peace process between Israel and the Palestine Authority.

The U.S. must continue to play a leading role in promoting and maintaining peace and stability in the region. We must be prepared to take whatever actions are necessary in the event our interest or values, including the security of Israel, are threatened by Iraq or any other country.

The U.S. should pay its debt to the United Nations.

Our nation should participate in U.N. peacekeeping operations when defense of our national interests and values calls for such action, provided the U.S. maintains operational control of our forces.

Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with Cuba?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

Do you support the cooperative threat reduction programs with Russia to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to unfriendly nations?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

Do you support modifying the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in order to deploy the National Missile Defense System?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

International Trade

1) Do you support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

2) Do you support broadening NAFTA to include other countries in the western
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

3) Do you support the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

4) Do you support continued U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

5) Do you support China becoming a member of the World Trade Organization?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

6) Do you support imposing tariffs on products imported from nations that maintain
restrictive trade barriers on American products?
Did not answer

7) Should a nation's human rights record affect its normal trade relations (most favored
nation) trading status with the United States?
Did not answer

8) Do you support normal trade relation (most favored nation) status with Vietnam?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

9) Do you support granting the President "fast-track" authority in trade negotiations?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

10) Do you support the trade embargo against Cuba?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

11) Do you support strengthening the American anti-dumping laws which give the
Commerce Department additional power to fight imports priced below the manufacturing
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

12) Do you support an open trade policy for the United States?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

Morals and Ethics

Isn't this familiar? :-)

Do you believe there has been a decline in moral and ethical standards in America over the
last four decades?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

As a self-governing people, Americans hope to see in our leaders the best in ourselves -- men and women who are flawed, as we are, but who nonetheless have the character to call us to a cause higher then ourselves. But our leadership has failed us. Instead of inspiring us to greater heights, it has cultivated a deep and coarsening cynicism. I will work to reverse this by reforming our institutions of government and calling all Americans to a cause greater then their self-interest; a New Patriotic Challenge to those in
public life to risk their personal ambitions for the sake of the country and the ideals that make America great.

Social Security

  • Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage themselves.
  • Invest a portion of the budget surplus into the Social Security trust fund.
  • Support a lock box measure, limiting Congress's ability to spend Social Security and Medicare surpluses on any other federal programs except Social Security and Medicare, until each program's long-term solvency is guaranteed.


  • Allow voter registration on-line.
  • Support strict penalties for Internet crimes such as hacking and Internet violence.
  • Support strong Internet privacy laws.


  • Support housing assistance for welfare recipients.
  • Provide homeless families with apartment vouchers they can use to supplement the cost of an apartment.
  • Continue to give states and local governments responsibility for welfare programs through block grants.
  • Maintain current welfare-to-work requirements in order for states to qualify for block grants.
  • Require that unwed teenage mothers live with a parent or guardian (if possible) and attend school to receive benefits.
  • Restore food stamp programs to legal immigrants.
  • Transfer homeless housing programs to states through block grants.
  • Provide continued Medicaid benefits for those welfare recipients who have moved from welfare to work.
  • Provide federal assistance to low-income job applicants for transportation to jobs at some distance.
  • Direct federal poverty aid through religious, community-based or other non-profit organizations.


My priorities are to restore American's confidence in their public institutions; renew the American dream; and reform government to meet the
demands of a new day. I will give our government back to the people by reforming our campaign finance laws and taking the $100,000 check, and the influence it buys, out of politics. Then we can get about the business of lowering and simplifying taxes, improving
education, saving Social Security and Medicare, and achieving the other vital reforms we need. Above all, I want to inspire all Americans, particularly our youth to know and serve a cause greater than their self-interest.

Well, I wouldn't reccomend you vote for him, but...

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

[This message has been edited by DT (edited January 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by DT (edited January 15, 2000).]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jay the Obscure
Liker Of Jazz
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Jimmny willikers Batman, that may be the longest post I've ever seen!

Ohh, so Mother Nature needs a favor? Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts, and plagues and poison monkeys. Nature started the fight for survival and now she wants to quit because she's losing...well I say "Hard Cheese"!
~C. Montgomery Burns

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Dammit! I've tried over and over to just post a link here, but I can't! They're too long! And I ain't editing an entire survey again. Dammit! I need to find some middle ground.

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

[This message has been edited by DT (edited January 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by DT (edited January 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by DT (edited January 15, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by DT (edited January 15, 2000).]

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Jay the Obscure
Liker Of Jazz
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Well, I'll try and fix this later. Danm.

[This message has been edited by Jay (edited January 15, 2000).]

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Sol System
two dollar pistol
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Lots of edits.

Anyway, as things stand right now, I lean towards McCain. He appeals to my esoteric tastes. At least, he did. Eliminate money for the arts and cut NASA's budget? Still, that could be changed with some skillful letter writing, and he's a far better choice than George II or Al "I also founded CERN" Gore.

*unimaginably pleased with his wit*

"20th Century, go to sleep."

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Bill Bradley! Bill Bradley! Bill Bradley!

I'll try and find SOMETHING on him. And as soon as I can figure out how to post the links, I'll give you some other candidates.

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

Registered: Mar 1999  |  IP: Logged
Sol System
two dollar pistol
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After reading through this a bit more carefully, I've decided to respond in more detail.


Personally, I don't see this as a political issue. For starters, the rate of abortions in the U.S. are quite low at the moment, and declining. Beyond that, I get nervous when anyone but doctors get to decide what medicine is practiced. I think McCain is leaning in the right direction here, namely the idea that abortion as a form of birth control is distasteful in the extreme, but no law can be both fair and absolute, if you get my meaning.

"Agricultural programs -- Maintain Funding Status"

Sure. I mean, I live on a farm, but government monies really don't effect us much one way or the other, at least directly. (This doesn't include research, mind you.)

"Arts funding -- Eliminate Funding"

Bad candidate, bad! Art is a social institution and deserves to be treated on such societal scales. Who will give me my prize in the upcoming local poetry contest with no funding for the Arts? You don't want to dash my hopes, do you? (Not that I've actually entered yet, but hope springs eternal.)

"Defense -- Slightly Increase Funding"

With defense spending, as with all spending, the question is not so much how much is to be spent but where it is to go. If we're talking about keeping pace technologically and increasing wages for those in the service, then yes. Weapons that the military neither needs nor wants? No.

"Education -- Slightly Increase Funding"

Same as above. Er, minus purchasing weapons.

"Environmental programs -- Maintain Funding Status"


"International aid -- Maintain Funding Status"

Also good, though I'd like to see some restructuring.

"Law enforcement -- Slightly Increase Funding"

Same as defense.

"Medical research -- Slightly Increase Funding"

Very good.

"National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) -- Slightly Decrease Funding"

Very bad! Very very bad! If there's a counterproposal for more funding provided for private space ventures, then I might begin to consider it. But with no provisos? A thousand times no!

"National Parks -- Slightly Increase Funding"

Good and necessary. As parks get more and more popular, the amount of money needed to keep them around increases.

"Scientific research -- Maintain Funding Status"

I'd like to see this increased, but this is much, much better then a decrease.

Hmm, getting long. Roads and welfare, all fine, though welfare needs to be changed. (Not gotten rid of, not turned into some sort of Orwellian work group, but changed.) As for campaign finance, it's a good idea, but as the centerpiece for his campaign...well, we'll see.

Hey, a section on defense spending? D'oh! Oh, skip it. And taxes. Boring. And I'm too poor to have to pay much in the way of taxes right now. Maybe when that book deal goes through I'll sing a different tune. The Flat Tax is an ill-concieved notion, though, at least as defined by Forbes.

"Broaden the use of the death penalty for federal crimes."

I'm against it. I have more to say on this subject, but that can wait.

"Impose stricter penalties for violent felons."


"Increase spending to build more federal prisons."

How about we fix the ones we've got now, first?

"Impose 'truth in sentencing' for violent criminals so they serve full sentences with no chance of parole."

I'm a little unclear here. I have a few problems with the legislative branch getting too involved in the decisions of the judicial.

"Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released."

I agree wholeheartedly.

"Support programs to provide prison inmates with drug and alcohol addiction treatment."

I'd say ditto if the word didn't leave me feeling so unclean.

"Increase penalties for crimes committed on school grounds."

Yes and no. Increase them for serious crimes, sure. But there are probably better ways to deal with students in regards to many such crimes.

"Increase funding for community policing programs."

I agree, so long as we aren't defining such programs as NYC has.

"Prosecute as adults, youths accused of a felony."

Should be within the realm of the courts, methinks.

"Increase funding for local Boys & Girls Clubs and other independent organizations in communities with at-risk youth."

Sounds good.

"Provide block grants to states for implementation of programs to combat juvenile crime."


"Impose harsher penalties for youths convicted of violent offenses."

Also ok, I guess, so long as we avoid the dangerous spectre of mandatory sentencing. More on this later.

"Support the use of "boot camps" as alternative sentencing for juvenile offenders."

Mostly no, minor yes. That is, I'm in favor of such alternative programs, but such boot camps are turning out to have rather sinister aspects.

"Support programs that provide job training and placement services for at-risk youth."

We should really be supporting programs like this for others, too, though the at-risks especially.

McCain, he say: "juvenile offenders should be kept separate from adult offenders and receive the appropriate remedial and rehabilitation services"

I'd expand that. Lots of adult offenders should be kept seperate from other adult offenders and get such services too. Lumping every criminal into the same program does everyone a disservice.

I'll deal with drugs in one paragraph. The drug war has probably been rather ineffectual, and I'm not sure advancing it is going to see much of a change. Also, my opposition to mandatory sentences.

Education...uh...smaller classes tend to lead towards a better learning environment...vouchers are an intriguing idea but I have some reservations on their widespread use...religious expression on school property IS allowed and therefore a nonissue in this context.

"Eliminate federal financial aid for individuals convicted of drug offenses."

I strongly disagree. How the heck do we expect people to improve their lives without education? "Hey, we want to rehabilitate you, really. What's that, college?" *laughter echoes through the room*

Financial aid with strings attached, of course. But not none at all.

Let's see, mostly agree with the employment stuff...

"I oppose quotas unless judicially ordered to address specific discrimination."

What's this? A solution that takes into account real world factors? In an election year? Heavens no, it couldn't be.

Environment: I agree with all of these. Though how you can do that and "Reduce current federal regulations on the environment." is beyond me. Streamline such regulations, sure.

Guns, health, etc. Agree mostly. Immigration? I've not heard of this proposal to split the INS. I'll have to look into it.

I also agree with the foriegn policy here expressed. Or at least what I percieve to be the underlying philosophy at work.

Online registration, keen!

That's all.

"20th Century, go to sleep."

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McCain is a wizard on defence spending!

But as for foreign policy, yeesh!

Get the fuck out of Kosovo!
Fuck the Columbians!
Fuck the Isrealis!
Open up Cuba, err, the fuck!

That's all I have to say :-)

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

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Reigning Supreme
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Why do I get the feeling things are gonna get worse no matter who wins?

Jeez, I think it's time we launch that bid for global domination. If only to get the world straightened out.

Pinky, get my coat!

"I cannot live out that life.
That man is bereft of passion... and imagination!
That is not who I am!"

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Yeah, a Scot running the place. That's all we need.

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

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Hungry for you
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You mean "we" as in you and your lab-mice? Or as in "The combined weight of the Scottish people"?

Which is a big weight let me tell you.

"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."

Mr Garrison

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Reigning Supreme
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The combined legion of British posters, I meant!
Not my countrymen; pathetic blinkard nationalist scum that most of them are...

Anyway, I have rudely interrupted a debate on American politics. I ask forgiveness.

"I cannot live out that life.
That man is bereft of passion... and imagination!
That is not who I am!"

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Curry Monster
Somewhere in Australia
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Something I said to Jay. In relation to this thread:
"Dude, us politics are like a circus. Every idiot can juggle."

You can quote me on that.

Thus ends the lesson.

Samaritan: "A good hot curry will help heal your wounds. That is, unless your religion forbids it".

Man: (Eyes growing wide) "No religion forbids a good hot curry".

-From some movie.

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Too true Daryus! Now, we're going to look at another idiot. His name is Steve Forbes. I wanted to do a Democrat, but both Bradley and Gore did not take the survey. Thus, I have to stick with the Repubiclicans, and since Bush didn't fill one out, it's up to Stevie.

I'm just going to cut and paste this one in. I'll try and edit it, but, no promises.


Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning abortion.

[ ]
a) Abortions should always be illegal.

[ ]
b) Abortions should be illegal when the fetus is viable, with or without life support.

[ ]
c) Abortions should always be legally available.

[ ]
d) Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy.

[ ]
e) Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.

[ X ]
f) Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.

[ ]
g) Abortions should be limited by waiting periods and notification requirements as
decided by each state government.

[ X ]
h) Prohibit the dilation and extraction procedure, also known as "partial birth" abortion.

[ X ]
i) Prohibit public funding of abortions and public funding of organizations that advocate
or perform abortions.

[ ]
j) Support funding for research on the drug RU-486.

[ ]
k) Support "buffer-zones" by requiring demonstrators to stay at least five feet from
abortion clinic doorways and driveways.

[ ]
l) Provide funding for family planning programs as a means to decrease the number of

[ X ]
m) Other

"The federal government should not provide funding for abortions."
2) Will your Supreme Court nominees share your principles on abortion?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

Budget, Spending and Tax Issues: Part 1 Budgetary

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Using the key below, indicate what levels of federal funding you support for the following
general categories. Select one number only.

a) Agricultural programs -- Maintain Funding Status

b) Arts funding -- Eliminate Funding

c) Defense -- Greatly Increase Funding

d) Education -- Maintain Funding Status

e) Environmental programs -- Maintain Funding Status

f) International aid -- Greatly Decrease Funding

g) Law enforcement -- Slightly Increase Funding

h) Medical research -- Maintain Funding Status

i) National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) -- Maintain Funding Status

j) National Parks -- Maintain Funding Status

k) Scientific research -- Maintain Funding Status

l) Transportation and Highway Infrastructure -- Maintain Funding Status

m) Welfare -- Greatly Decrease Funding

n) Other -- Eliminate Funding - Department of Commerce

o) Other -- Eliminate Funding - Department of Energy

p) Other -- Eliminate Funding - Corporate welfare

2) Would you support enforcing the spending limits agreed to in 1997 by the President and
Congress to balance the budget?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

Budget, Spending and Tax Issues: Part 2 Defense Spending

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Using the key below, indicate what levels of federal funding you support for the following
categories. Select one number only.

a) Armed Forces personnel training -- Greatly Increase Funding

b) Covert intelligence operations -- Slightly Increase Funding

c) Defense plant conversion -- Maintain Funding Status

d) Military hardware -- Greatly Increase Funding

e) Military space shuttle missions -- Maintain Funding Status

f) Pay for active duty personnel -- Greatly Increase Funding

g) National Missile Defense Program -- Greatly Increase Funding

h) Modernization of weaponry and equipment -- Greatly Increase Funding

i) Programs to improve military retention rates -- Greatly Increase Funding

j) Research and development of new weapons -- Greatly Increase Funding

k) Troop and equipment readiness -- Greatly Increase Funding

l) Other -- Greatly Increase Funding - F-22

m) Other -- Greatly Increase Funding - Theater missile defense systems

n) Other -- Did not answer

(what an idiot - ed)

Budget, Spending and Tax Issues: Part 3 Budget Surplus

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Using the key below, indicate your priorities for spending any anticipated federal budget
surplus. Select one number only.

a) Defense -- High Priority

b) Education -- High Priority

c) Federal debt reduction -- Medium Priority

d) Medicare -- High Priority

e) Social Security -- Highest Priority

f) Tax cuts -- Highest Priority

g) Other -- Did not answer

h) Other -- Did not answer

i) Other -- Did not answer

Budget, Spending and Tax Issues: Part 4 Taxes (A)

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Using the key below, indicate what levels you support concerning taxes, deductions, and
tax credits in the following categories. Select one number only.

Income Taxes: Family Income

a) Less than $25,000 -- Eliminate

b) $25,000 - $75,000 -- Greatly Decrease

c) $75,000 - $150,000 -- Greatly Decrease

d) Over $150,000 -- Greatly Decrease

e) Other -- Did not answer

f) Other -- Did not answer

g) Other -- Did not answer

Income Taxes: Retiree Income

h) Over $40, 000 -- Greatly Decrease

i) Other -- Did not answer

j) Other -- Did not answer

k) Other -- Did not answer

Other Taxes

a) Alcohol taxes -- Greatly Decrease

b) Capital gains taxes -- Eliminate

c) Cigarette taxes -- Greatly Decrease

d) Corporate taxes -- Greatly Decrease

e) Estate taxes -- Eliminate

f) Gasoline taxes -- Greatly Decrease

g) Other -- Did not answer

h) Other -- Did not answer

i) Other -- Did not answer


a) Charitable deductions -- Did not answer

b) Medical expense deductions -- Did not answer

c) Mortgage deductions -- Did not answer

d) Child tax credit -- Did not answer

e) Earned income tax credit -- Maintain Status

f) Student loan tax credit -- Did not answer

g) Other -- Greatly Increase - Personal exemption for adults

h) Other -- - Personal exemption for children

Budget, Spending and Tax Issues: Part 4 Taxes (B)

Response from Mr. Forbes:

2) Do you support replacing the current U.S. income tax structure with a flat income tax?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

3) Do you support instituting a national sales tax?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

4) Should a married couple filing jointly pay the same taxes as if they were an unmarried
couple filing separately?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

5) Do you support requiring at least a 2/3 majority (super-majority) vote in both houses of
Congress to raise taxes?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

6) Would you cut taxes if there were an operating surplus?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

7) Would you cut taxes and use Social Security surpluses to supplement the difference?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

(this guy needs to be shot for his stupidity - ed)

Campaign Finance Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance issues.

[ ]
a) Support public taxpayer funding for congressional candidates who comply with
campaign spending limits.

[ X ]
b) Eliminate publicly financed matching funds for presidential campaigns.

[ X ]
c) Increase the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns.

[ X ]
d) Strengthen and enforce legislation that encourages full and timely disclosure of
campaign finance information.

[ X ]
e) Prohibit Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions to candidates for federal

[ ]
f) Provide free or low-cost television advertising to candidates who agree to voluntary
campaign spending limits.

[ ]
g) Ban unregulated soft money campaign contributions to political parties or committees.

[ X ]
h) Prohibit non-U.S. citizens from making soft money contributions to national parties or
party committees.

[ X ]
i) Require full disclosure of funding sources of issue advocacy commercials which appear
within 60 days of an election.

[ ]
j) Make campaign spending limits mandatory for all federal candidates.

[ X ]
k) Require unions to get members' permission before using union dues for political

[ X ]
l) Remove all contribution limits on federal candidates and parties, but require complete
and immediate disclosure via the Internet.

[ ]
m) Require Congressional candidates to raise over half of their campaign money from
their home state.

[ ]
n) Other

Crime Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) to address crime.

[ X ]
a) Broaden the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.

[ ]
b) Eliminate the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.

[ X ]
c) Impose stricter penalties for violent felons.

[ X ]
d) Increase spending to build more federal prisons.

[ X ]
e) Impose "truth in sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve full sentences with no
chance of parole.

[ X ]
f) Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and
job-placement assistance when released.

[ X ]
g) Support programs to provide prison inmates with drug and alcohol addiction

[ X ]
h) Increase penalties for crimes committed on school grounds.

[ ]
i) Increase funding for community policing programs.

[ ]
j) Reduce prison sentences for those who commit non-violent crimes.

[ ]
k) Require that crimes based on gender, sexual orientation, and disability be prosecuted
as federal hate crimes.

[ ]
l) Enforcement of civil rights should primarily be the responsibility of the federal

[ X ]
m) Other

"Enforcement of civil rights should occur at the local, state and federal level."
2) Indicate which principles you support (if any) to address juvenile crime.

[ X ]
a) Prosecute as adults, youths accused of a felony.

[ ]
b) Increase funding for local Boys & Girls Clubs and other independent organizations in
communities with at-risk youth.

[ ]
c) Provide block grants to states for implementation of programs to combat juvenile

[ X ]
d) Impose harsher penalties for youths convicted of violent offenses.

[ X ]
e) Support the use of "boot camps" as alternative sentencing for juvenile offenders.

[ X ]
f) Support programs that provide job training and placement services for at-risk youth.

[ ]
g) Other

(fascist - ed)

Drug Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning illegal drugs.

[ X ]
a) Increase penalties for selling illegal drugs.

[ X ]
b) Support mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.

[ X ]
c) Support capital punishment for convicted international drug traffickers.

[ ]
d) Expand federally sponsored drug education and drug treatment programs.

[ ]
e) Decriminalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes.

[ ]
f) Decriminalize the production and use of industrial hemp for agricultural purposes.

[ X ]
g) Increase border security to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the U.S.

[ ]
h) Eliminate federal funding for programs associated with the "war on drugs."

(but you need to be on drugs to be stupid enough to support the flat tax - ed)

Education Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning education (K-12).

[ ]
a) Support national standards and testing of public school students.

[ X ]
b) Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children
to any publicly-funded school.

[ X ]
c) Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children
to any participating school: public, private or religious.

[ X ]
d) Allow parents to use tax-free savings accounts to send their children to any
publicly-funded school.

[ X ]
e) Allow parents to use tax-free savings accounts to send their children to any
participating school: public, private or religious.

[ X ]
f) Support creation of more charter schools where teachers and professionals receive
authorization and funding to establish new schools.

[ X ]
g) Give all federal education funding to states in the form of block grants and allow the
states to spend it as they see fit.

[ ]
h) Increase funding for block grants to states to help them hire additional teachers.

[ X ]
i) Support voluntary teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.

[ X ]
j) Support mandatory teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.

[ ]
k) Increase funding to reduce class sizes.

[ ]
l) Increase funding for computers and computer training in public schools.

[ ]
m) Increase funding for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings and infrastructure).

[ X ]
n) Eliminate restrictions on federal education funding, giving educators or local school
districts more flexibility to design and implement their programs.

[ ]
o) Other

2) Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning higher education.

[ ]
a) Support affirmative action in public college admissions.

[ ]
b) Eliminate federal financial aid for individuals convicted of drug offenses.

[ ]
c) Increase funding of programs such as Pell grants and Stafford loans to help students
pay for college.

[ X ]
d) Support federal tax incentives to help families save for college.

[ ]
e) Other

3) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding religion and public schools.

[ X ]
a) Religious expression on public school property should be allowed.

[ ]
b) Student religious groups should not be allowed to meet on public school property.

[ ]
c) Other

Employment and Affirmative Action Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding employment.

[ ]
a) Provide tax credits for companies that move job-creating industries into areas with
high unemployment.

[ ]
b) Increase funding for national job-training programs that re-train displaced workers or
teach skills needed in today's job market.

[ X ]
c) Reduce government regulation of the private sector in order to encourage investment
and economic expansion.

[ X ]
d) Establish empowerment zones in areas with large numbers of unemployed people.

[ ]
e) Eliminate any federal programs designed to reduce unemployment.

[ ]
f) Increase the federal minimum wage.

[ X ]
g) Encourage employers to offer flex-time scheduling, comp-time, and unpaid leave for
family emergencies.

[ ]
h) Provide tax credits for businesses that offer on-site child care.

[ ]
i) Increase support for the AmeriCorps program.

[ ]
j) Other

2) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding affirmative action.

[ ]
a) The federal government should consider race and sex in making government
contracting decisions.

[ ]
b) The federal government should continue affirmative action programs.

[ ]
c) The federal government should discontinue affirmative action programs.

[ X ]
d) The federal government should only utilize merits and qualifications in making
government contracting decisions.

[ ]
e) Other

Environmental Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding America's environment and
natural resources.

[ ]
a) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.

[ ]
b) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act.

[ ]
c) Waive environmental review requirements for grazing permits.

[ ]
d) Revise the 1872 mining law to increase the fees charged to mining companies using
federal lands.

[ X ]
e) Require states to fully compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses
of privately-owned land.

[ ]
f) Encourage further development and use of alternative fuels to reduce pollution.

[ ]
g) Strengthen emission controls on all gasoline or diesel-powered engines, including cars,
trucks, and sport utility vehicles.

[ ]
h) Promote the selling of pollution credits between nations to encourage industries to
decrease pollution levels.

[ ]
i) Strengthen logging restrictions on federal lands.

[ ]
j) Strengthen regulations governing the security, safety, transportation, and storage of
spent nuclear fuel and waste.

[ ]
k) Support the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel.

[ ]
l) Reduce current federal regulations on the environment.

[ ]
m) Other

2) Do you support the United Nations (Kyoto Conference) treaty, in its current form,
regarding global climate change?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

Gun Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning gun issues.

[ ]
a) Ban the sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns, except those used for hunting.

[ ]
b) Maintain federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.

[ ]
c) Ease federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.

[ ]
d) Repeal federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns by law-abiding

[ X ]
e) Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.

[ ]
f) Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.

[ X ]
g) Increase penalties for the possession of any illegal guns.

[ ]
h) Hold gun owners responsible for crimes committed with their guns by children age 16
and under.

[ ]
i) Raise the minimum age for ownership of handguns from 18 to 21.

[ ]
j) Require three business days for background checks of gun buyers at gun shows.

[ X ]
k) Strengthen enforcement of current regulations on guns.

[ ]
l) Require a license for gun possession.

[ X ]

"States should set firearm standards, not the federal government."

(my god, a states right lunatic - ed)

Health Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health issues.

[ ]
a) Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal government.

[ ]
b) Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage to all Americans
regardless of income.

[ X ]
c) Support health care strategies focused on prevention, including health education, and
natural medicines and remedies.

[ ]
d) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights to define and enforce the rights of insured patients,
including greater access to specialists and emergency rooms, wider choice of health care
providers, and appeal mechanisms when claims are denied.

[ ]
e) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes the right to sue when claims are

[ X ]
f) Allow small business owners, the self-employed and workers whose employers do not
provide health insurance to have the same deductibility for health costs as corporations
and large employers.

[ X ]
g) Expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts, which would be taxed if used
for purposes other than medical costs.

[ ]
h) Establish limits on the amount of damages awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.

[ ]
i) Allow states and local communities to use federal funds for needle-exchange programs
to combat the spread of HIV.

[ ]
j) Provide citizens age 55-65 the option of purchasing Medicare health coverage.

[ ]
k) Support legislation to provide prescription drug coverage under Medicare.

[ ]
l) Increase funding for AIDS programs.

[ X ]
m) Other

"Allow all Medicare beneficiares freedom to choose from a wide variety of private health
plans, just like federal goverment employees can do."
2) Do you support increasing taxes on alcohol and cigarettes to help defer costs of
Medicare and Medicaid?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

Immigration Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding immigration.

[ ]
a) Decrease the number of immigrants allowed into the country.

[ ]
b) Increase the eligibility of legal immigrants for certain social programs (e.g. public
housing, food stamps).

[ ]
c) Require the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to reduce the time between
applying for citizenship and taking the oath of allegiance to six months.

[ ]
d) Provide extra federal aid to states with higher numbers of immigrants for necessary
medical and social services.

[ ]
e) Prohibit states from passing laws that deny human services (medical care, education)
to illegal immigrants or their children.

[ ]
f) Children of illegal immigrants, born in the U. S., should not automatically receive U.S.

[ X ]
g) Increase the immigration quota for computer scientists and other information
technology workers.

[ ]
h) Establish English as the official national language.

[ X ]
i) Support the separation of the INS into two bureaus: one administering naturalization
and one administering border patrol.

[ ]
j) Increase state autonomy to deal with immigration.

[ X ]
k) Reimburse states for providing services to illegal aliens.

[ ]
l) Other

International Aid, International Policy and Trade Issues:
Part 1 International Aid (A)

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles (if any) you support regarding U. S. economic assistance.

[ X ]
a) Aid should be granted to countries when extraordinary circumstances cause disaster
and threaten civilian lives.

[ X ]
b) Aid should be granted to countries when it is in the security interests of the U. S.

[ X ]
c) Aid should be granted to countries that are close allies of the U. S. and in need of
financial/military assistance.

[ X ]
d) Aid should be eliminated for any nation with documented human rights abuses.

[ ]
e) Aid programs should be scaled back and eventually eliminated except for
extraordinary circumstances.

[ ]
f) Other

2) Should the International Monetary Fund (IMF) be restructured so that it can respond to
international financial crises more effectively?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

International Aid, International Policy and Trade Issues:
Part 1 International Aid (B)

Response from Mr. Forbes:

3) From the key below, indicate what levels of economic assistance you support (if any)
for the following countries and/or agencies. Select one number only.


a) Colombia -- Maintain Funding Status

b) Egypt -- Maintain Funding Status

c) Israel -- Maintain Funding Status

d) Kosovo province -- Eliminate Funding

e) Mexico -- Greatly Decrease Funding

f) North Korea -- Eliminate Funding

g) Russia -- Greatly Decrease Funding

h) Turkey -- Maintain Funding Status

i) Other -- Did not answer

j) Other -- Did not answer

k) Other -- Did not answer

International Agencies:

l) African Development Fund -- Eliminate Funding

m) Agency for International Development(AID) -- Greatly Decrease Funding

n) International Monetary Fund (IMF) -- Eliminate Funding

o) NATO Peace Keeping Missions -- Slightly Decrease Funding

p) UN Crisis and Humanitarian Aid -- Slightly Decrease Funding

q) UN Peace Keeping Missions -- Slightly Decrease Funding

r) World Bank -- Eliminate Funding

s) Other -- Did not answer

t) Other -- Did not answer

u) Other -- Did not answer

(why does it not surprise me he'd support the damned Isrealis? - ed)

International Aid, International Policy and Trade Issues:
Part 2 International Policy

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the Kosovo province.

[ ]
a) The U.S. should maintain ground troops in the Kosovo province with a specific
deadline for withdrawal.

[ ]
b) The U.S. should maintain ground troops in the Kosovo province without a specific
deadline for withdrawal.

[ X ]
c) The U.S. should not maintain ground troops in the Kosovo province.

[ ]
d) Other

2) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the Middle East.

[ ]
a) The U.S. should resolve future disputes with Iraq only through diplomatic means.

[ X ]
b) The U.S. should take unilateral military action if Iraq does not comply with all
accepted United Nations resolutions.

[ ]
c) The U.S. should take military action against Iraq only as part of an international effort.

[ ]
d) The U.S. should end the economic embargo against Iraq.

[ ]
e) The U.S. should not continue to play a prominent leadership role in the peace process
between Israel and the Palestine Authority.

[ X ]
f) The U.S. should continue to play a prominent leadership role in the peace process
between Israel and the Palestine Authority.

[ ]
g) Other

3) Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the United States-United
Nations relationship.

[ ]
a) The U.S. should participate in United Nations peacekeeping missions only when vital
U.S. interests are involved.

[ X ]
b) The U.S. should not commit military troops to United Nations peacekeeping missions.

[ ]
c) The U.S. should withdraw completely from the United Nations.

[ ]
d) The U.S. should pay its debt to the United Nations.

[ X ]
e) Other

"The US should never put American soldiers under UN command."
4) Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with Cuba?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

5) Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with China?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

6) Should the U.S. recognize and extend full diplomatic relations to Taiwan?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

7) Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with nations with documented human rights
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

8) Do you support the cooperative threat reduction programs with Russia to prevent the
spread of nuclear weapons to unfriendly nations?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

9) Do you support modifying the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in order to
deploy the National Missile Defense System?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

(isn't he the perfect Republican? violate Iraq because, well, fuck them, they're not white, get out of Kosovo cause that's Clinton's war, and fuck the Cubans, but we need to get our hands on China - ed)

I ran out of space, so more in the next post.

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

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Member # 80

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International Aid, International Policy and Trade Issues:
Part 3 International Trade

Response from Mr. Forbes:

1) Do you support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

2) Do you support broadening NAFTA to include other countries in the western
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

3) Do you support the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

4) Do you support continued U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

5) Do you support China becoming a member of the World Trade Organization?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

6) Do you support imposing tariffs on products imported from nations that maintain
restrictive trade barriers on American products?
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

7) Should a nation's human rights record affect its normal trade relations (most favored
nation) trading status with the United States?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

8) Do you support normal trade relation (most favored nation) status with Vietnam?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

9) Do you support granting the President "fast-track" authority in trade negotiations?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

10) Do you support the trade embargo against Cuba?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

11) Do you support strengthening the American anti-dumping laws which give the
Commerce Department additional power to fight imports priced below the manufacturing
[ ]Yes [X]NO [ ]Undecided

12) Do you support an open trade policy for the United States?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

Moral and Ethical Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Do you believe there has been a decline in moral and ethical standards in America over the
last four decades?
[X]YES [ ]No [ ]Undecided

In one hundred words or less please explain what you would do as President to address
this concern. -- "We must rebuild the moral basis of our free society. Top priorities:
Restore the sanctity of life. I'll have a pro-life Vice President and appoint pro-life judges.
Reaffirm the sanctity of marriage. My wife, Sabina, and I have been married 28 years. I
will use the "bully pulpit" to celebrate marriage, abolish the marriage tax penalty, cut
taxes, and make it easier for families to spend more time together. Reinforce the essential
role of parents in raising children. I'll fight for parental freedom to choose schools that
reinforce moral and spiritual values being taught at home."

Social Security Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding Social Security.

[ X ]
a) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they
manage themselves.

[ ]
b) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts managed by
private firms contracted by the government.

[ ]
c) Invest a portion of Social Security's assets collectively in stocks and bonds instead of
U.S. Treasury securities.

[ ]
d) Increase the payroll tax to better finance Social Security in its current form.

[ ]
e) Invest a portion of the budget surplus into the Social Security trust fund.

[ ]
f) Increase the minimum age that determines when retirees are eligible to receive full
Social Security benefits.

[ ]
g) Lower Social Security's annual cost-of-living increases.

[ ]
h) Limit Social Security benefits based on recipients' other income and assets.

[ ]
i) Require individuals to pay the Social Security tax on incomes above $68,400 (which is
currently exempt).

[ X ]
j) Support a lock box measure, limiting Congress's ability to spend Social Security and
Medicare surpluses on any other federal programs except Social Security and Medicare,
until each program's long-term solvency is guaranteed.

[ ]
k) Other

Technology Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding technology.

[ ]
a) Implement taxes on commercial Internet transactions.

[ ]
b) Implement regulation of Internet content by the federal government.

[ ]
c) Allow voter registration on-line.

[ ]
d) Allow voting on-line.

[ ]
e) Support government mandates to curtail violent and sexual content on television.

[ X ]
f) Support strict penalties for Internet crimes such as hacking and Internet violence.

[ X ]
g) Support strong Internet privacy laws.

[ ]
h) Regulation of the Internet should not in any way controlled by the federal government.

[ X ]
i) Other

"Support permanent ban on new internet taxes."

Welfare and Poverty Issues

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding poverty and the welfare system.

[ X ]
a) Support housing assistance for welfare recipients.

[ X ]
b) Provide homeless families with apartment vouchers they can use to supplement the
cost of an apartment.

[ X ]
c) Continue to give states and local governments responsibility for welfare programs
through block grants.

[ X ]
d) Maintain current welfare-to-work requirements in order for states to qualify for block

[ ]
e) Require that unwed teenage mothers live with a parent or guardian (if possible) and
attend school to receive benefits.

[ ]
f) Restore food stamp programs to legal immigrants.

[ X ]
g) Transfer homeless housing programs to states through block grants.

[ ]
h) Provide continued Medicaid benefits for those welfare recipients who have moved
from welfare to work.

[ ]
i) Provide federal assistance to low-income job applicants for transportation to jobs at
some distance.

[ ]
j) Require states to return any unused welfare block grant funding to the federal

[ X ]
k) Direct federal poverty aid through religious, community-based or other non-profit

[ ]
l) Other

Presidential Priorities

Response from Mr. Forbes:

Please explain what your top two or three priorities will be if elected President of the
United States. If they require additional funding for implementation please explain how
you would obtain this funding. -- "As President, I will tear down the walls of big
government and create a 'new birth of freedom' for all Americans: Freedom to be born and
grow up in personal safety and properity. Freedom to choose an honest, simple flat tax
that's a $1,670 tax cut for typical working families. Freedom to choose a new Social
Security system of Personal Retirement Accounts so workers can retire with more than $1
million. Freedom to choose schools that work and doctors you trust. Freedom from fear of
missile attacks and a loss of American security and soverignty."

(unless you're a Palestinian or Iraqi, in which case, fuck you, you're dead! - ed)

There you have it, that's the perfect example of the Republican idiocy. I'm sure our European friends are laughing their arses off at how stupid Americans can be that this guy can be considered a legitimate candidate. Thankfully, even Republicans are smart enough to put this guy third.

"She's just as bored as me." - Kurt Cobain
Polly, Nirvana

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