T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 31
Tom posted about this in the "Enterprise" Forum, but I think it needs to be said where everyone will see it."Enterprise" has started airing. This means there are now people who have seen it, and people who haven't, and won't for some time. It also means there are people who will want to discuss what they've seen w/o being spoiled about future episodes. Henceforth, spoiler warnings are required on any "Enterprise" info that deserves it. Make sure you do it. Also, a warning... Since we were a bit lax about spoiler warnings up 'til now, there may still be some threads floating around that don't have warnings, but still have spoilers. If you're avoiding spoilers, you might want to be careful of those. Also, everyone should be careful about reviving old threads like that. That is all.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
What? I can't spoil Enterprise? D'oh!
Charles Capps
Member # 9
I have added appropriate wording in the forum announcement area.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
I don't see how anyone could miss that.While we're in this forum, Charles, un-ban MIB. He's had his punishment, let's let him back in time for him to post thoughts on Enterprise (provided he can those Men In Black jokes ...)
Charles Capps
Member # 9
Thanks for reminding me. He's back in now.
Member # 426
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Mr. Capps!