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Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
Those would be plug symbols, BTW.

After enough procrastination to fill Dolly's Parton's bra, the all new version of The Breen System is now online.

Don't say I didn't warn you....

"Breen. Try saying it. Bre-een. Rolls nicely off the tongue, doesn't it?"


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
So now that you've gone public, can I go ahead and add it to the Alliance?

"I'll turn everything around and confuse you. I'll fix it so you can't remember what was true."
They Might Be Giants

Posted by The Excalibur (Member # 34) on :
Cool Site!!

Dramatis Personae


Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
*is really getting sick of that pun*

"Breen. Try saying it. Bre-een. Rolls nicely off the tongue, doesn't it?"


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Say, this reminds me of a theory I created a while back, that I don't think I ever posted. I figured I'd use it in a story if I ever actually got around to writing one...

Anyway, here's what was going to happen. The characters would find the site of some sort of attack, or something, and one of the (deceased) victims would be a Breen. His helmet would be lying on the ground about ten feet away from him, and he would be lying face-down on the ground w/ his hand stretched toward it. In that ep where Kira and Dukat rescue Ziyal et al. from that Breen labor camp, we see that there is a piece of clothing under the helmet that covers the back of the head, so the characters in the story wouldn't be able to see any of the Breen's body. However, there would be pool of silver liquid around the Breen's head. When they flip him over, his entire face looks like the skin exploded. Someone asks what happened, and someone more knowledgeable explains that the silver stuff is the Breen's blood. Person one says they thought Breen didn't have blood. Person two explains that they have no vascular system, but they do have a fluid that flows directly from cell to cell, to circulate nutrients and get rid of waste, just like any other species' blood. However, their blood is mercury-based, in order to keep it liquid at their low body temperature. If a Breen's exposure suit stops working or is removed in a relatively warm environment, their "blood" heats up and expands, causing the cells to simply burst.

Feel free to use this Breen "blood" idea if you like it... (And it'd be nice if my name were by it, too... :-) )

"I fart in your general direction!"
-John Cleese, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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