Don't enjoy yourselves too much, I will be coming back. Look after the forums and I hope there's no crisis while I'm gone.
See ya.
WARNING! This heamerroid cream should NOT be taken orally.
[This message was edited by Orion Syndicate on March 26, 1999.]
Unnervingly, over the holidays I hear rumors that the Uni shuts off internet access (EEEEEK!), although after much effort I have successfully arrived here today.
Now I want a solemn promise that the forums won't crash, implode, move or turn all garishly red while I am on holiday!
"To appear in an Ernie Wise the final accolade"
"Look at me and say that"
Enjoy this time guys, there is no spring break after uni.
Dramatis Personae
I would think that since this scenerio has happened so many times before, that ppl would not temp fate with this particular curse/jinx/whatever... =]
Lyta Vorlon: "Our great mistake. Our failing. And now your failing. The error is compounded."
Delenn: "What mistake?"
Lyta Vorlon: "The first one, the one from which all mistakes proceed: The error of Pride..."
-- Kalesh Naranek, Last of the Vorlon
"A fellow's invented see-through film
He calls it 'cellophane!'
Another has built a parachute
For jumping out of an airplane!
Remarkable things flow endlessly
From out the human brain!
And what a remarkable age this is!"
--Titanic: the Musical
Vortex: "It just don't pack the punch it used to..."
Swindle: "Yeah, because we're out of energy, dummy."