T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
We know that all celebrities have hidden talents, if not universal talents. Guess what Paul McCartney has been doing the past 15 years or so. He's been painting. And now his very first exhibition is taking place nowhere else but in our little town. If you don't believe it, just look here: http://www.siegen-wittgenstein.de/kultur/pmc/index.htm McCartney himself was in town yesterday to hang up his works. He will officially open the exhibition this saturday. Without commenting on it, I can highly recommend to have a look at his works and read the comments, it's worth while, especially for "The Queen after her first cigarette" and "Bowie spewing". ------------------ I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer. (McCoy in "Devil in the Dark") www.uni-siegen.de/~ihe/bs/startrek/
Does this make Ringo a Ringmaster, or George a Gynacologist? ------------------ "I AM THE SPIDER!!!!" - Vic Reeves
*an effort to get more attention to this outstanding cultural event*
Why is it that so many celebrity paintings frighten me? :P------------------ The Unknown Vulcan