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Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
This is a site Elim and I have been working on for several weeks, and it's been progressing quite well, so we've decided to open it to the public. Already it's probably one of the best general information sites on the Internet. Pretty soon we hope to have more contributors, and we'll probably be registering a domain name shortly. Let us know what you think:


"Speak softly, drive a Sherman tank." - TMBG

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Your list, while impressive, does not include several key sources of information:

I am, however, gratified to see you included The Straight Dope website.

Keep expanding your list. It's a good start.

(Oh yes, I almost forgot:

    The Gallery of the Absurd

What fun!

American Society of Newspaper Editors motto:
"Proudly Maintaining the (Continued on Page A-4)".


Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
BTW, in case I wasn't very clear: I LIKE it!
Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Of course, the links aren't the main focus of the site...

"Speak softly, drive a Sherman tank." - TMBG

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, perhaps it's just me, but you don't seem to have much information on your information site... :-)

"Silence, you contemptible shrew!"
-Stewie, The Family Guy

Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
Frank, you also forgot

Caryl's BDSM site

The Jesus Beeper: "Beep Me, Jesus!"

Weezie's Warped World


The Sanity Test


If I follow you home, will you keep me?


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
I now politely redirect you to the first line of HTML code on the first page. Yes, the View Source thingy.

Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I LIKE that sanity test.. I'm 54.5454545454% insane.

GoD.. tHe FiVeS aND fOUrS.. ThEY wON't sToP rEPeaTiNg.....

"... Then you'll see me do some MAJOR dancing on your face!" -- Cosby


Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :


You are 38.1818181818182% insane.
You are a little insane

*L* we all knew it.
what i want to know is this: i'm a little insane what? a little insane naughty jedi? yeesss...i know that much...*L*

"Fear attracts the fearful"

Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
I'm 70% Insane.

Should I be scared?

If I follow you home, will you keep me?


Posted by Elim Garak (Member # 14) on :
I only got around 24% insane. Surprising, yes?

Doctor: "Run along. I'll reattach any severed limbs. Just don't misplace them." (Voyager: "The Killing Game")

Posted by Warped1701 (Member # 40) on :
Well, at least I'm not as bad as Jubes.

52.727272727272727% insane
You could become insane in a few years

As if I'm not relativily insane already...*demented laugh*

"Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us"
-Hamlet, Act I, Scene IV

Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

I was only 18, something percent insane. I guess my insanity expresses itself in different ways not yet comprehended by even the most advanced computer conceived and constructed by the human species. (I love to construct long winding sentences in English)
Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
You are 78.1818181818182% insane. You're a loony.

??? Who didn't see that coming?

I'm dissappointed I didn't score higher, but am mollified somewhat as I remember what I might have had to answer yes to, to achieve a higher score.

I suppose this means I, like the Earth, am "mostly harmless".

American Society of Newspaper Editors motto:
"Proudly Maintaining the (Continued on Page A-4)".

[This message was edited by Baloo on June 16, 1999.]

Posted by bryce (Member # 42) on :
Do you have or the nwwwo.comon your site, Frank?


"Everything I needed to learn in life I learned from Optimus Prime."

Rule #3 : Whenever someone under you screws up make sure you teach them a lesson more so than you punish them.


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Everyone, read Elim's first message again.

"Speak softly, drive a Sherman tank." - TMBG

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Frank: You see? I told you.

American Society of Newspaper Editors motto:
"Proudly Maintaining the (Continued on Page A-4)".


Posted by Aethelwer (Member # 36) on :
Yes, I know...

Everyone, the site is a joke. It has no content. The links are filler.

The sad part, as Baloo pointed out to me, is that it's indistinguishable from most sites out there, which also have no content.

I think we'll leave NiftySource up, then, and maybe update the links according to what everyone's suggested.

"Speak softly, drive a Sherman tank." - TMBG

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Apparently, I'm 30.9090909090909% (a little) insane. I don't think it's a very accurate test. I should've scored way higher than that... *giggles inexplicably*

"If you hear only one song this year, there's something terribly wrong with you."
-They Might Be Giants, "Critic Intro"

Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
It may be a joke, and it may have no content, but...


If I follow you home, will you keep me?


Posted by Jedi Weyoun (Member # 110) on :
well of COURSE it's a joke........*L* still fun to look at though.

*blinks* my dog is lying her staring at me. he's giving me the willies....*L*

"Fear attracts the fearful"

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