I've finally decided it's time to change my .sig again...
------------------ Avon: "You really do believe in taking risks, don't you?" Tarrant: "Calculated risks." Avon: "Calculated on what? Your fingers?" -- Blake's Seven, Ultraworld
Posted by Diane (Member # 53) on :
OH MY GOD!! I mean, don't you want to think about this?!
------------------ "I would be delighted to offer any advice I can on understanding women. When I have some, I'll let you know." --Picard to Data, "In Theory"
[This message has been edited by Tora Ziyal (edited July 31, 1999).]
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
Fascinating sig, man. I love it.
------------------ Right, cheers, thanks a lot-Patsy Stone "Ab-Fab"
Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
I don't think you should have done it, Man.... These decisions must be well-thought-out and carefully discussed in a committee of at least 9 before they are acted upon....
------------------ "It is important to get up when you fall...for this much I know to be true: That thing we call Failure is not in the falling down, but the staying down."
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
And while you're at it, change your status line from CHEIF to CHIEF!!!!!
------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
SOMEONE *GLARES AT THAT SOMEONE* told me that THAT was the proper spelling, 'cause the effing spellcheck didn't like it. It has been fixed. I WISH SOMEONE HAD TOLD ME EARLIER, GODDAMNIT!
------------------ Avon: "You really do believe in taking risks, don't you?" Tarrant: "Calculated risks." Avon: "Calculated on what? Your fingers?" -- Blake's Seven, Ultraworld
Posted by HMS White Star (Member # 174) on :
"Well that's great, but who are the Chef's."
Sorry I couldn't help myself, it was too easy.
------------------ HMS White Star (your local friendly agent of Chaos:-) )
Posted by Saiyanman Benjita (Member # 122) on :
Great gugile-mugile.
------------------ Saving the world: $50. Saving the universe: $1,000,000 Saving your marraige: Sorry, I don't do that.
Posted by Jubilee (Member # 99) on :
Charles, they've been telling you your status line is misspelled for MONTHS now.
------------------ "It is important to get up when you fall...for this much I know to be true: That thing we call Failure is not in the falling down, but the staying down."
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
*whistling in the wind* That reminds me, I should probably make a new signature with proper spelling. It will have wit, humour, sarcasm, and brain freezing thought...without the wit, humour, sarcasm, and brain freezing thought. Oh just forget about the whole signature. I'll just get some Timbits.
------------------ Game over man, game over! - Hudson(Aliens)