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Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
Go see this thread at The Straight Dope forums, then comment:

Serious Message- Please read this (DWI)

It's the time of year we see a lot o this. If you drink, get a ride home. If you drive, don't drink (and don't park, either -- accidents cause children! ).


I once lost my corkscrew and had to live on food and water for several days
-W.C. Fields


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I vote that Prohibition be reinstated. Anyone found in possession of alcohol will be shot on sight. *evil grin*

Though, seriously, I have little�nay, I have no respect for the consumption of alcohol, accompanied by driving or not. If somebody feels the innane need to disable their higher mental functions, they should be locked up for their own good, and that of everyone around them.

"Back in the 14th century, stair-stepping to the oldies was not considered manly."
-John Scalzi, on the longbow as the best weapon of the second millennium

Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :

"Shoes, yes. Definitely. Shoes."

Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

That, and smoking. Even worse.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Which brings up the Question: how many people DO drink?

I don't. Tried beer once, tasted awful. Tried wine once, tasted awful. The only thing that I COULD drink was champagne diluted in Sprite. My girlfriend never drank at all.

Thus I was thinking that I would live life Alcohol free. But my dad says "Nope". His reasoning? He wanted to go Alcohol free too. He was doing fine, but when he hooked up in a nice job in some company, he found himself attending company functions, going to meet clients in nice bars and so on. And to blend in, if the people he was with ordered beers, he'd have to have one as well. Otherwise he'd look pretty strange in the eyes of who he was with.

Person #1: Beer please
Person #2: Bloody Mary Please
Dad: I'll just have a coke.

*Persons look at Dad in a very strange way*

Dad: On second thought.

Whatever the case, that was just pure peer pressure. Nowadays, he has the occaisional beer at company and family functions. But only 1 or 2. Never overdoes it though. His body seems to have some sort of mild reaction to Alcohol. Which is good. But in my case, I'll never drink anything alcoholic, no matter how my friends, family, co-workers or anyone else thinks. If I want a Caesar, I'd like it without the vodka please. (It's cheaper too, y'know).

I can resist anything.......
Except Temptation

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Oh for christ's sake, it's that fucking anally retentive US "guns are manly, beer isn'" crap again isn't it? And with Lee banned, that leaves just me, Monty, the entire population of the UK and Australia and anyone else who feels like it to just point at you lot and go "wankers!".

Oh, and for Frank:

"Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."

Geraldo Rivera

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
I drink and smoke. Given a choice, I would (and eventually will) abandon smoking.

Drinking is more of a choice, unless you are one of those folks who find that the drinking owns you, rather than vice-versa.

Sometimes I like a cold beer with pizza, or a glass of sherry with cheese and crackers. It's an acquired taste, but it can be a very satisfying acquired taste. If, however, you are underage, I don't recommend you indulge. Your body is still developing, and the enzymes required to properly metabolize alcohol haven't developed. It's much easier for you to consume a toxic dose of alcohol when you're young (witness all those frat initiations with one or more deaths due to alcohol poisoning). If you think the only point to drinking is to see how drunk you can get, stick to soft drinks.

In moderation, alcoholic beverages can complement a good meal, enhance one's good mood, and lubricate the wheels of conversation. I hear that, in moderate amounts, it's even good for your heart and lowers cholesterol. Like any drug, every one reacts to it differently, and some should not drink. Taken to excess, it can destroy your thought processes, make ugly women (and men) look ravishing, make you sick, give you blackouts (you remain conscious -- barely -- and do embarrassing things you can't remember), ruins your liver, and eventually hastens your death.

Consuming alcohol is like shooting guns. You have to exercise responsible judgement, plan ahead, and know when to stop. If you can't manage to do that, don't start. I've met a lot of people who got lost in the bottle and didn't come out until they joined AA or some other support group (my mom and dad were problem drinkers -- thank God for AA). I've met others who climbed in and never came out. Some of them are dead, either directly or indirectly due to abuse of alcohol.

Make an informed decision before you drink. If you find you aren't handling it like you should, stop. If people looked at me funny when I ordered a coke at a drinking party, I'd just tell them that I don't want an adult beverage right now. If they want to know details, it's none of their @#$% business.

BTW, I have been the designated driver upon occasion. If you volunteer for the job, don't cheat. It isn't fair to your friends and it defeats the purpose.


I once lost my corkscrew and had to live on food and water for several days
-W.C. Fields


Posted by Jaresh Inyo on :
I'm underage, but I'd be lying if I said I've never drank. I can say, though, that I have never been drunk. Ever. Not even close. The rare times I drink alcohol (Three glasses over six months, at least) it's because it is simply the best tasting of the drinks available. I know my limits, and I'm a big guy, so it would take a lot to get me drunk.

"I promise you, Wilma, that not one man on this force will rest until the criminal scum that did this are behind bars. Now let's go get a bite to eat." - Frank Drebbin, Detective Lieutenant in Police Squad

Posted by RW (Member # 27) on :

Actually, I for one think beer is awful not because it's macho, but quite simply because it's awful.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
I quit drinking some time ago, for reasons I coquettishly hinted at but nobody wanted to hear about.

I stay sober mostly for Julia, who already lost one loved one to alcoholism. That, and I was afraid I was becoming one.

I think beer (at least, Americal beer) tastes absolutely VILE and would not touch it when I drank.

When I DID drink, Either drank for taste (some wines, amaretto, soft liquors) or to get splazzed (vodka, tequila, good rum, and a drinking game or two).

I think anybody who drinks and drives should be dragged out of their car and beaten to within an inch of their lives. For the FIRST offense. After that, it's death by slow torture.
Listen. Everybody on the friggin PLANET knows by now you shouldn't do it, and what damage you can do. If, knowing that, you STILL do it, why then, you MUST have intended to kill someone. So let's just skip the middleman and get right to the gory demise, shall we?

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson


Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Several things come to mind:


*At the worst possible time, Barney Gumble is picked designated driver. Then Duff guys come in saying that he's won a contest and the prize is a large vat of beer*

*Music plays*

All: Chug, Chug, Chug, Chug.......

Barney: I ....... can't ...... I'm ...... the ...... Designated ....... Driver!!!!!!

*music stops, everyone looks at Barney in astonishment.

Duff Guy: Well..... Duff supports the Designated driver program....... Now...... Who wants to PARTY??!?!?!??!

Second Thing:

I was listening to a comedy channel. I think it was Jeff Foxworthy who said the following about the Designated driver program. He was talking about a wonderful idea to take advantage of being a designated driver. Here are the steps:

1) Announce that they will have to float their share for the gas he'll be using to take them home.
2) Stop at a gas station. Don't fill up all the way.
3) Charge them for a full tank of gas.
4) A few minutes later, stop at a SECOND gas station. Again fill, but not all the way.
5) Charge them again for a full tank of gas.

And repeat. The wonderful thing about this is that they are to drunken to notice that something is up. I remember him impersonating one of the drunken people and he said:

"Boy the mileage on this thing is LOW!!!!"

Couldn't help but laugh for a long time on that one..... The dandy is that firstly, you'll turn a cool profit depending on how many gas stations you stop (but don't overdo it. Drunken people are not THAT stupid). Secondly, they won't remember a damn thing the following morning, making your earnings quite secure (except for the rare case if someone DOES remember).

I can resist anything.......
Except Temptation

[This message has been edited by Tahna Los (edited December 19, 1999).]

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
BTW, Baloo's 100% right about drinking and driving.

As for that plan, come on. you woulnd't have ot be drunk not to notice. You'd have to be paraletic. And even then you'd be too busy throwing-up to notice.

And is alcoholism a cause of problems, or a sympton? I can honestly say that apart from Americans, I've never, ever heard someone over here come out with a line like:

"Oh, I don't drink. I've got an addictive personality".

You know, I remember the flaming that Lee got for mentioning that he occasionally smoked cannabis... That should open the floodgates. I've tried it too. It woul amkea lot of sense for the government to ban smoking and legalise cannabis y'know.

"Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."

Geraldo Rivera

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And there's noting like the feeling, after you've had two weeks of exams, and you've just finished your final paper, which was 4 sight unseen essays in 3 hours. You walk over to the pub, someone gets a round in. And then you finally, finally take a sip of larger. The stresses just float away.
I'm sure there's a relation between the amount people drink in the US and UK, and the number of psychiatrists people see.

"Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."

Geraldo Rivera

Posted by Baloo (Member # 5) on :
You keep forgetting. Most of our early immigrants were Puritans. All the libertines stayed home and had a party.

[Yes, I know the Puritans made and drank beer. I have no idea where the temperance movement came from, but they seem to have switched to fighing cigarettes, of late.]

I once lost my corkscrew and had to live on food and water for several days
-W.C. Fields

[This message has been edited by Baloo (edited December 20, 1999).]

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
>"It woul amkea lot of sense"


And I think we see there, just why not.

sorry, sorry, but I REALLY needed the laugh.

Calvin: "No efficiency, no accountability... I tell you, Hobbes, it's a lousy way to run a Universe." -- Bill Watterson


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Oh come on, so I'm not the greatest typer in the world. Considering that I'd typed that at about 5 in the morning, after finally finishing off my university applications, and I was stone-cold sober, we can just chalk it up to me having to teach myself to type, and being exhausted.

Now, if you want an argument that involves me headbutting people, then bring it on.

"Obesity. Adiposity. Corpulence. Whatever word you use, it represents one thing: being a big fatass."

Geraldo Rivera

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