T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 5
I just a few minutes ago recommended a movie to a friend over ICQ. When I told him it starred Zero Mostel (a very skilled comedian) he answered "Never heard of him."I suppose that's a reasonable response, considering ol' Zero kicked off before many of you were born. I therefore decided to provide a public service by recommending a few movies he was especially good in. If you're not interested, please don't reply. Maintain the illusion that someone might actually find this interesting, huh? The first one I recommend only advisedly. It was a really bad movie, but had a truly hilarious scene where Zero Mostel portrays a preacher (Reverend Pious Blue) who delivers an incredibly absurd reading of Numbers 21-30 (King James Version). The movie was "The Great Bank Robbery". Another (my favorite, but not necessarily his best) was the same as the title of this thread: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum". The plot is complicated, but entertaining, especially the scene with Lycus, the slave dealer (who specializes in beautiful women!) Trust me.  ------------------ "Helping Tomorrow Feel Superior by Scoffing at Yesterday." --James Lileks [Motto of The Institute of Official Cheer.] http://www.geocities.com/cyrano_jones.geo/ [This message has been edited by Baloo (edited March 06, 2000).]
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
Even funnier is The Producers. I wonder if Springtime for Hitler could have made it on Broadway. Or if Ziyal would have the soundtrack if it ever did. ------------------ Let's see... Mesmerists, Dowsers, Luddites, Alienists, Zoroastrians, Alphabetizers... A-ha! Assassins... ~C. Montgomery Burns And be sure to visit The Field Marshal project http://fieldmarshal.virtualave.net/
Member # 31
Isn't he the guy from Fiddler on the Roof? I just remember there was someone famous for playing that role whose name was something like "Zero". I'm not a fan of musicals, so I really don't know for sure...------------------ Homer: "I can see what's happening. They did it to Jesus, and now they're doing it to me." Marge: "Are you comparing yourself to our lord?!" Homer: "Well, in bowling ability..." -The Simpsons
Jay the Obscure
Member # 19
The fellow from Fiddler was the one named wonder, Topol.------------------ Let's see... Mesmerists, Dowsers, Luddites, Alienists, Zoroastrians, Alphabetizers... A-ha! Assassins... ~C. Montgomery Burns And be sure to visit The Field Marshal project http://fieldmarshal.virtualave.net/
Member # 167
I've seen "Forum" and "Producers," both very good movies.------------------ Fool of a Took, throw yourself in next time!! Gandalf
Member # 5
He also provided the voice for Kehaar (the seagull) in Watership Down.--Baloo ------------------ "Helping Tomorrow Feel Superior by Scoffing at Yesterday." --James Lileks [Motto of The Institute of Official Cheer.] http://www.geocities.com/cyrano_jones.geo/
Member # 64
don't forget another great film, "The Hot Rock," a funny caper movie about a band of bungling crooks trying to steal a huge diamond.Mister Mostel played the smug lawyer for the group's nerdy explosives expert, complete with fedora and walking stick.