Once I stopped laughing and picked myself up off the floor, I thought I'd share it.
"Just because you know you're right doesn't mean you are."
-- Me
No I'm Spartacus!
a friend of mine told me he knew a guy who knew a guy who'd been one of these workmen with the ill-mannered dog. Swore blind it was true.
That was 15 years ago.
I can count on my sister-in-law to send me an urban legend at least once a month, quite convinced it's true, something that was forwarded to from the Internet.
Mis-information superhighway, more like it, Al.
Well I'm a Bada$$ cowboy living in a cowboy day wicky-wicky-wak yo yo bang bang
me and Artemus Clydefrog go save Selma Hayek from the big metal spider
Wicky-wicky-wak wicky-wicky-wicky-wak
Bada$$ cowboy from the West Si-yiide