Found this at SNOPES:
If you're the type that can't talk about sex without sniggering, please don't comment.
[Exception: If your comment is really, REALLY funny, it's okay, but remember that Sol will be watching! ]
"Just because you know you're right doesn't mean you are."
-- Me
"This ship will not survive the formation of the cosmos..."
-B'Elanna Torres, VOY: "Death Wish"
You know, depending on how you define it, I'm a man of independance. Maybe I should consider Judaism...
"What did it mean to fly? A tremor in your soul. To resist the dull insistance of gravity."
Camper Van Beethoven
Well I'm a Bada$$ cowboy living in a cowboy day wicky-wicky-wak yo yo bang bang
me and Artemus Clydefrog go save Selma Hayek from the big metal spider
Wicky-wicky-wak wicky-wicky-wicky-wak
Bada$$ cowboy from the West Si-yiide