By Matt Gurney
Which teenager hasn�t heard the argument of �Alcohol isn�t bad, it just let�s you let go of your inhibitions and have a good time,�? Who hasn�t heard the argument that drugs aren�t bad because it lets people act out more freely? These theories are a part of growing up, I suppose, but when I hear people say thing like this, there�s only one thing I wanted to ask them.
When did having inhibitions become a bad thing?
I, like any seventeen year old, like to have a good time. I like to be able to skip a class in order to spend time with friends. I like to stay out late, having a good time. I like being able to laugh and joke with my peers.
But why must the inhibitions come down before that can happen?
I have always stuck to my beliefs. I�ve clung to them fiercely, because at the end of the day, my beliefs are all that I really know to be true. People lie, situations change, but my beliefs don�t.
It hasn�t been easy. After a bad day, there�s temptation to allow alcohol to dull the pain. When something goes wrong in my life, it�s tempting to simply ask one of the guys at school for some marijuana, so that I can forget my troubles for only a few bucks. When I feel lonely, it�s understandable to want to feel close to someone else, even if that closeness is only physical.
But that�s not what I�m about. I don�t hide from my problems � I solve them, or at the very least face them. I have never turned to drugs of any kind to make things a bit easier. I have never been drunk, so that I might have a good time, damn the consequences. Sure, I�ve consumed alcohol, but I always draw the line before I become even �tipsy�. Because it�s that line who makes me who I am.
Inhibitions exist for a reason. They exist to keep us clean. They exist to remind us that what is easy should always take a backseat to what is right. It�s never easy to go against your conscience. So instead of using a chemical to make it easy, I just don�t do it.
It�s a hard life, always trying to do the right thing, no matter how painful it might be. It�s a frustrating life, seeing those you care about the most cheating their own consciences. It�s also an indescribably lonely life, knowing that the only person you can count on to do the right thing is yourself.
But it�s the only life I could ever imagine living. It�s the only life I ever would want to live. I weep for the fact that I have to live it alone, but I�d rather be alone and myself than be surrounded by people and someone else.
My conscience is who I am. I am not an overly religious person; I do not belong to any church. But I know that some things are right and some things are wrong � no exceptions! I don�t know what instilled that knowledge in me, whether it be God or my parents or society, but I know that I am helpless before my own convictions. If I dare violate them, no matter what the temptation, I�ll have to pay a price for it - the price of shame and humiliation.
Saying that something �Takes away your inhibitions� is the same thing as saying �It allows you to cheat your own conscience.� If something doesn�t feel right, don�t drink to make it right, accept that it�s wrong and take solace from the fact that you�re doing what�s best, for you. Don�t do it for friends or religion, do it for yourself.
"You exist here."
I couldn't have said it better. I feel the same way.
"Huh. An intelligent guard. I never would have guessed."
-Preed, Titan A.E.
[This message has been edited by Fabrux (edited July 09, 2000).]
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
And, as far as inhibitions go... What do you think it was that got you people here today? If your great-great-caveman-grandparent hadn't had inhibitions, he would have attacked that cave bear on his own in a heated frenzy and been torn to shreds, and you never would have existed. If you didn't have inhibitions, you'd wonder what it was like to fly and you'd jump off the nearest rooftop, spread your arms, flap a few times, and get hosed off the sidewalk a couple hours later. Those inhibitions are there for a reason. Getting rid of them is like saying "I think I'll turn my brain off for a little while and let my body do what it wants. Hopefully it won't kill itself before I get back...".
Believe me, people, if you can't get over your problems w/o numbing your mind for a while, you definitely need some sort of professional help...
"I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups: all you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you..."
-Eminem, "The Real Slim Shady"
"You exist here."
Have we finished patting each other on the back yet?
Jeez, some of you have got your head's so far up your arses that you can see what you had for lunch.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups: all you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you..."
-Eminem, "The Real Slim Shady"
The world is not enough, but it is such a perfect place to start my love
And if you're strong enough, together we can take the world apart my love
"You exist here."
If you don't want to participate in it, don't. We're not making you take the stuff. However for anyone to come into a fora and deride one life view whilst pontificating another shows not only a potential ignorance of the substances involved, but a total disregard for the views and attitudes of what you will find is the majority of people.
Keep in mind, if you know anything about the substances invloved and have any common sense you won't waste yourself. But then, since the members of the opposing side have not experienced the aforementioned social lubricants, you can't know the realities of their effects and would therefore have no idea what you are talking about.
"Remeber, if there is a nuclear explosion, be sure to close your windows as the massive heat could cause objects within your home to catch fire".
Wise, wise words.
Are you sure? In the other thread, I think that's exactly what Liam was saying.
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"You exist here."
And the shrink thing is a bit of a joke. But what I was getting at is that maybe if the US learned to unwind a bit (by alcohol or not), then it wouldn't have so many stressed out people wanting to kill every time someone sneezes.
Although, as Lee pointed out, there really isn't anywhere like that in the US. Bars seem to be treated as seedy places, where only the sad, lonely and pathetic visit. Whereas in this country, pubs are the main gathering point of most people, whether using it as a place to hang out with their friends, or using it as a launching pad for a night-out, or just a place to go and get out of the house from.
In Friends and Frasier, they go to a coffee house.
In Men Behaving Badly, Only Fools and Horses, and pretty much any other contempary UK sit-com, they go to the pub.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
I think this gets back to Tim's point above. If you are not in control of yourself, or don't have a proper grip on reality, you are putting yourself at risk.
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"Remeber, if there is a nuclear explosion, be sure to close your windows as the massive heat could cause objects within your home to catch fire".
Wise, wise words.
That's correct. (Do you want to rescind anything you've said?)
"Did you actually READ the stuff with an open mind?"
When people talk about an "open mind," they're usually just angry that people have valid viewpoints that are different than their own.
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"Remeber, if there is a nuclear explosion, be sure to close your windows as the massive heat could cause objects within your home to catch fire".
Wise, wise words.
BTW, I know the mention of sex up there seems out of place, but I think I'll skip explaining it, since that's not what this thread's about. Unless someone just has to know...
"I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups: all you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you..."
-Eminem, "The Real Slim Shady"
Of course I am. I think it's safe to say that whoever made the laws against, say, suicide, or mass-murder, probably hadn't tried it him/herself.
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups: all you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you..."
-Eminem, "The Real Slim Shady"
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"To disarm the people [is] the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason, American Statesman and Author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776)
THIS always gets to me. Everytime I try and argue, someone comes up with the drink-driving thing. Now, I don't drink and drive. None of my friends do (in fact, none of my friends drive, but there you go), and actually, no-one I know drinks and drives. And the argument wasn't even about drink-driving. It was about drinking.
"Me: "It distorts your brain."
Liam: "What's wrong with that?"
Er, maybe I'm reading it wrong, but I don't think I'm saying "it lets you hids from your problems". I'm saying that there is nothing inherantly wrong with dostorting your brain to a mild degree. Come on, coffee does it. And according to most US sit-coms, half you medication seems to make you go floopy.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
"I'm saying that there is nothing inherantly wrong with dostorting your brain to a mild degree."
And I'm saying that there is, because it puts yourself and others at risk. Again, the question is why you really want to do this.
"Come on, coffee does it."
It does?
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
Yeah, I know it's different, and silly. Sue me.
I'm still getting confused by this "putting people at risk thing". When I go to the pub, I don't start fights with people. I don't run out into the middle of the road and shout at cars. I get drunk, I don't get stupid.
You put youself at risk when driving too you know.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Again, what are you getting drunk for? Because it alters your behavior, or because all your friends do the same thing? Or some other reason?
"You put youself at risk when driving too you know."
You put yourself at risk when you wake up in the morning, but you're probably doing it to accomplish something. I'm talking about putting yourself at risk for its own sake.
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups: all you do is annoy me, so I have been sent here to destroy you..."
-Eminem, "The Real Slim Shady"
That must have been five years ago and I still remember it. Stupid, stupid, stupid. As in I am so.
So, caffiene consumption can lead to celebacy. Now if that doesn't scare the kids off it, I don't know what will.
But the dead only quickly decay. They don't go about being born and reborn and rising and falling like souffle. The dead only quickly decay.
Gothic Archies
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! For the love of God, Montressor!
It would also appear that Liam has adopted the traditional educated British attitude towards social drinking.
And, fulfilling my duty as a Canadian, I must mediate.
Frank, as someone who's lived in Europe, I must tell you that the entire attitude towards alcohol is so different that it is really hard to grap if all you've known is the "alcohol is eeeevil" mentality of the US.
IIRC, Brits and Americans consume approximately the same amount of alcohol. The difference, however, is the environment in which it is consumed. With advance apologies for the stereotyping, Americans almost exclusively sit on the couch in front of the game with a Bud, while Brits almost exclusively have pints @ the pub.
What this means is that when the roles are reversed, Americans just plain suck at correctly handling social pub-style drinking.
Furthering the above problem is the general North American attitude of keeping booze away from teens at any cost. Its disgusting, really. Nothing is a greater cause of accidents than crowds of drunken, rowdy teens with no idea how to handle alcohol except to binge on it. On the other side of the atlantic, childrena are brought up to see alcohol as just a beverage with assorted positive and negative side effects.
Speaking of assorted positive and negative side effects, on the subject of coffee I must interceed. Coffee is a close friend of mine. I can assure you that caffiene has both mental and physical effects.
Back to alcohol.
I'll end off with some lyrics from fellow Canadians and their observations on drinking:
The Barenaked LadiesAlcohol, my permanent accessory
Alcohol, a party-time necessity
Alcohol, alternative to feeling like yourself
O alcohol, I still drink to your health.I love you more than I did the week before
I discovered alcohol.
Forget the caffe latte,
screw the raspberry iced tea.
A Malibu and Coke for you, a G&T for me.
Alcohol, your songs resolved like
our lives never will
When someone else is picking up the bill.I love you more than I did the week before
I discovered alcohol.
O alcohol, would you please forgive me?
For while I cannot love myself
I'll use something else.I thought that alcohol was just for those with
nothing else to do.
I thought that drinking just to get drunk
was a waste of precious booze.
But now I know that there's a time
and there's a place where I can choose
To walk the fine line between
self-control and self-abuse.I love you more than I did the week before
I discovered alcohol.
Would you please ignore that you
found me on the floor
Trying on your camisole?
O alcohol, would you please forgive me?
For while I cannot love myself
I'll use something else.
"Truth about Santa Claus debunks Santa God. God evolves from Santa."
-Gene Ray,
The world is not enough, but it is such a perfect place to start my love
And if you're strong enough, together we can take the world apart my love
The misperception that it does is one of the things TheTom just pointed out.
Quate frankly, we on the other side of the pond are MUCH more uptight than we make the Brits out to be.
WE'RE the ones with the problem about alcohol, and I can tell from some of the British TV I've watched that WE'RE the ones with the sexual hang-ups, not them.
We're a sick, sick culture. I blame the Fundies. They started the whole "alcohol and sex are evil" cultural things, thereby creating the backlash that leads to binge drinkers, and such.
"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
It causes health problems, it impairs one's judgement and self-control, it has no practical use, and it's widely available. Now, tell me with a straight face that this mentality is wrong.
"Furthering the above problem is the general North American attitude of keeping booze away from teens at any cost. Its disgusting, really. Nothing is a greater cause of accidents than crowds of drunken, rowdy teens with no idea how to handle alcohol except to binge on it."
Oh, gee, who's fault is that? Maybe the crowds of rowdy teens? But, if you're not in the mood to blame those who are actually causing the problem, how about all the adults who are drinking, thus setting a bad example?
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
First is right. Most people don't automatically want get hammered when they go to the pub. I usually save that for birthdays, celebrations, or getting a shag.
"Again, what are you getting drunk for? Because it alters your behavior, or because all your friends do the same thing? Or some other reason?"
As Tom was trying to point out, it doesn't work like that. Drinking isn't something you do cause you friends are doing it, any more than drinking Coke is.
I drink it because it makes a change from soft drinks and tea, because it helps me to relax, and because it allows me to have a different type of fun that if I wasn't drinking.
Look, pretty much everyone I know has had a hang-over by the time they were 16. This is notin itself a bad thing. Once you've had a hangover, that's when alcohol stops being "uh, uh, lets get drunk", and becomes a social drink. Almost everyone who goes to the pub knows what they are doing. If these are people having a drink after work on a Tuesdaym they'll have a couple, then go home. If they are people celbrating someone's 30 birthday, then they'll probably get roaring pissed.
The thing is, what do you assume most places in the UK are like after 11? (Which is when the pubs close. Stupid old fashioned law). Sure, in certain places there are a few drunk people walking around, especialyl on a Friday. Sure they'll be acting a bit silly, but so what? They're not harming themselves by singing "Three Lions" really loudly in the middle of London. And they' not violent.
The type of people who get drunk to hide away from their lives, who get violent when they're drunk also exist in America. If they cam eover here, they'd do the same thing, and if ours wnet over there, they'd still get drunk and violent. But the majority of people, who if raised in the US would never touch alcohol were raised in Europe, they probable would go to the pub, and have social drinks, and occasionally get hammered, because they're normal, well-adjusted people.
If say, Simon came over here to stay for a year, I'd probably end up dragging him to the pub at one point. And, who knows, he might even start going every week. It wouldn't change him into a dribbling, alcohol addicted monster. He'd be the same person (although probably less tired, since he wouldn't be working on a farm. And he might even get a shag out of it).
Besides, being drunk often leads to sex. Apparently. So it has that at least.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Then address my points above.
"I drink it because it makes a change from soft drinks and tea,"
Well, so would bleach, but not many people drink that.
"because it helps me to relax,"
"and because it allows me to have a different type of fun that if I wasn't drinking."
You're not being very specific. What type of fun is this? The kind where you imagine you're in a different, alcohol-induced reality?
"Look, pretty much everyone I know has had a hang-over by the time they were 16. This is notin itself a bad thing."
Because hangovers are so very pleasant? I'd say that it is a bad thing, especially since the liver can't process alcohol properly at that age, thus leading to problems later in life. Again, what are you doing this to yourself for?
"Besides, being drunk often leads to sex. Apparently. So it has that at least."
Like the world isn't overpopulated enough already...
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
[This message has been edited by The Shadow (edited July 13, 2000).]
"because it helps me to relax,"
It's a depressant. Of course it helps him to relax...
Now, on the other hand, Liam...
Once you've had a hangover, that's when alcohol stops being "uh, uh, lets get drunk", and becomes a social drink.
Do you know how many times in high school I heard people talking about how sick they got themselves from drinking, and yet their mentality was still "uh, uh, let's get drunk"? In general, people are idiots. Especially teenage people.
"If I wanted your opinion, I'd call you up in hell."
-Ozzy Osbourne, "Tomorrow"
Although a fair few did do it. But they did it at the weekend. What's the problem?
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Well, does he mean relax in the physical sense, or relax in the "ah, time to cuddle up with my wonderful bottle!" sense?
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"Huh. An intelligent guard. I never would have guessed."
-Preed, Titan A.E.
Of course not, it would be too much to ever ask for explanations.
Frank's Home Page
"Tetris is, and this is fact people, confirmed by the Rand Corporation; fifteen thousand times more addictive than crack. I spent three years in a Tetris-induced haze, barely eating, wandering the streets panhandling for Gameboy batteries." - Simon Sizer
"Huh. An intelligent guard. I never would have guessed."
-Preed, Titan A.E.
"Remeber, if there is a nuclear explosion, be sure to close your windows as the massive heat could cause objects within your home to catch fire".
Wise, wise words.
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
Pint. Not bottle. Only poofs drink bottles.
And I mean relax as in relax. Look, what do you think it is? I don't drink alone. I rarely drink in the house. I haven't had a drink for about 3 weeks now due to being horrendously busy and having no money. Look, we're not talking about one culture. It's the US which has this certain attitude towards alcohol, and Europe which has this other attitude. And Europe is slightly more varied in terms of culture than the US.
I mean relax as in, I'm with my mates, I'm winding down. I'm not pretending that alcohol has no effect here. It obviously does. It mellows you. It calms you (altohugh the atmosphere does that too). I'm saying, what's wrong with that?
You culture has told you that alcohol and other social drugs are evil. Fair enough. But don't sit their with a holier-than-thou attitude over it. It's the sort of attitude that turns up in other arguments. Omega is still waiting for people to prove that evolution is true, because in his eyes, he's obviously right. Same with guns (on both sides), yadi yadi yadah. It's bloody annoying. In all those arguments, I doubt one person has changes sides, because everyone is SOOO convinced that they are right. I'm guilty of that to a certain degree, although I also don't care THAT much, which is why this got boring for me ages ago. I don't have the need to go to the library and get thousands of books out so that I can fuel my ego by proving that you're wrong. I don't care anymore. If you visit the UK, or the rest of Europe for a while, you'll see how different it is, but until then, nothings gonna change your mind. So you can all carry on sitting there with your "ooh, drinking is so pathetic. I don't need drugs to help me enjoy life. I've got TV, I don't need to go out.", and me, Daryus, and the rest of the world will carry on going to the pub with our mates. Okay?
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
[This message has been edited by PsyLiam (edited July 14, 2000).]
*L* Sorry, but that just seemed like the perfect response to that little rant. Don't take it seriously, or anything. :-)
"If I wanted your opinion, I'd call you up in hell."
-Ozzy Osbourne, "Tomorrow"
Well, you should be able to do it without alcohol.
"So you can all carry on sitting there with your "ooh, drinking is so pathetic. I don't need drugs to help me enjoy life. I've got TV, I don't need to go out.", and me, Daryus, and the rest of the world will carry on going to the pub with our mates. Okay?"
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
Personally, I believe it allows people's repressed selves to come out a bit. Which is one of the reasons I STOPPED drinking.
Seems my inner self has a tendency to become suicidally depressed.
But hey, if your inner self isn't a problem to you or the people around you, why the hell not?
Seems to me some folks around here doth protest the liquor too much. (Kinda reminds me of Smoke Nazis -- the people who quit who become the worst anti-smokers of all? And no, I don't smoke. ECCH!)
"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
'"I mean relax as in, I'm with my mates, I'm winding down. I'm not pretending that alcohol has no effect here. It obviously does. It mellows you. It calms you (altohugh the atmosphere does that too). I'm saying, what's wrong with that?"
Well, you should be able to do it without alcohol.'
*sigh*. I can do it without alcohol. Quite frankly though, it's easier with. And why should I have to do it witout alcohol anyway?
First is right in that there are different types of drinkers. There are some people who probably shouldn't drink at all. none of my friends have a problem, but maybe I just hang with a chilled bunch of people.
If I had to classify myself, I'm a talkative, giggly drinker. Which is embarassing, but there you are. One of my mates becomes a bit less up-tight. Another desperetly wants to start dancing. Another desperatly wants to start dancing while discussing how Sisko's the best Captain cause he's a complete raving psycho.
I did have one friend who had the worrying tendancy to start swearing at us, and then start telling us he loved us. And then he started licking another mates coat. And then he thought we were trying to kill him with said coat.
Now, if he did that every night, then fair enough, bad. But it was A-Level results night, so he was entitled. And he did the always impressive deet of leaving the pub, throwing up, and then walking right into another.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Well, I don't know about the people running around in the UK, but here in the US people who are not in control of themselves are usually deemed insane. However, the effects you describe indicate a willingness to relinquish self-control. For civilisation itself to function, the people must exhibit self-control at all times, for reasons stated above. Self-control is one of the defining characteristics of humanity itself! It's not something you should throw away just because you think you can't dance without knocking your brain around with drugs. People need self-confidence, not alcohol.
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
Okay, fine. I'm not going to argue with someone who thinks that the main point of sex is reproduction, and who thinks that playing the accordian is a far superior alternative to having a life. Europe and Austrlia are decaying uncivilised playgrounds where savages take drugs, knock women on the head with clubs, and then force them to mate to the musical sylings of Wham.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
[This message has been edited by PsyLiam (edited July 15, 2000).]
"More beer, more beer, more beer, more beer! ARSE!"
- Ode to God.
This doesn't say much about the UK's educational system. Still clinging to the stork theory?
"and who thinks that playing the accordian is a far superior alternative to having a life."
It shall be my lifelong goal to make sure the accordion becomes as popular as the guitar.
"Europe and Austrlia are decaying uncivilised playgrounds where savages take drugs, knock women on the head with clubs, and then force them to mate to the musical sylings of Wham."
I'm glad we agree.
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
Sorry, that should have said "Someone whose main reason to have sex is to reproduce."
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
"Reckless endangerment of one's self and others. What a way to have fun..."
Okay, at what point did I say that?
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
But the dead only quickly decay. They don't go about being born and reborn and rising and falling like souffle. The dead only quickly decay.
Gothic Archies
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! For the love of God, Montressor!
"More beer, more beer, more beer, more beer! ARSE!"
- Ode to God.
I wasn't going to go into it, but, as I seem to have placed myself in a position wherein I feel obligated to explain myself, I'll inform the masses of the logic behind my assertion that casual sex is immoral. It's fairly simple, really. Whenever you have sex, you run the risk of pregnancy (okay, so this only applies to heterosexuals who aren't sterile). That is what those little doohickeys at the base of our thighs were originally intended for, after all. Now, if you want to take your own situation into your own hands, that's your business. If your partner is consenting, that's his/her/its business. However, I find it a bit wrong to recklessly take the chance of unintentional procreation, at which point you're bringing a third (potential) person into the mix. You and the person you're screwing may have the right to do what you will w/ your own lives, but you don't have the right to risk bringing about a child you aren't prepared to have. Basically, don't perform the acts that lead to reproduction if you're not ready to reproduce. I'm not trying to be high and mighty here, or anything. I just really don't feel someone has the right to mess with someone else's life (even if it's the very creation of that life that's the issue) so carelessly.
Of course, I also think sex is such an incredibly intimate experience, I would only want to do it w/ someone I truly loved, even ignoring the moral implications I mentioned above. However, that's just a personal thing. I wouldn't want to impose that on anyone else. But the stuff I said before seems like much more of a universal right/wrong issue (or, as close to universal right and wrong as is possible).
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
"More beer, more beer, more beer, more beer! ARSE!"
- Ode to God.
As for sex. I agree, don't do it unless you're willing to accept all the potential consequences.
I'm lucky, in a sad way. My gf can't get pregnant, so it's not a worry for us. (Of course, someday, we might wish she could...)
"Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi
Trial-and-error isn't a good idea when the error part tends to result in bodily harm...
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
And I'm still not sure how it endagers peoples lives.
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
Neither of which are 100% effective.
"And I'm still not sure how it endagers peoples lives."
There are plenty of STDs out there to worry about.
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
As far as "endangering lives" goes, I'm not talking about people dying. I'm talking about, if you go around having sex whenever you like, the odds are unacceptably high (hell, I'd probably call any chance at all unacceptable) that you and the other person will end up w/ a kid that neither one of you wanted. It's that life that you're jeopardizing. Not in a physical harm sense, but just in the fact that, if you aren't willing or prepared to have that child, his/her quality of life isn't going to be what it should.
And if anyone even dares to seriously suggest abortion as a solution to that problem, I swear I'm leaving this discussion...
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
Well, ultimately, I'd rather see fewer public health risks.
Frank's Home Page
"Frank is absolutely right." - Laz Rojas
Now, say you're 21, you're going out with someone who you've been ogin out with for 6 months. It's going fine, neither of you have the slightest thoughts about commitment, as you're both too young. You're having sex about 3 times a week.
How's the first oe worse? Or should you not have sex even in a steady relationship unless you want to have a kid?
"I can't believe we're actually gonna meet Guru Lou. Everyone says he's the wisest man in the universe. He's sensitive, creative, has a great sense of humour, and he's a really smooth dancer. *giggles*"
"You're confused Polly. We're not meeting Paul Newman."
- Polly & Speedy; Samurai Pizza Cats
But is a risk-free life really worth living? Is it worth never falling in love to protect myself from a broken heart?
But the dead only quickly decay. They don't go about being born and reborn and rising and falling like souffle. The dead only quickly decay.
Gothic Archies
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! For the love of God, Montressor!
"You exist here."
Anyway, back to the problem at hand... Yes, Liam, I am saying you shouldn't have sex unless you're prepared and willing to have a child. Basically, the whole premise boils down to reckless disregard for the possible negative consequences of your actions on others. That's what I have a problem with.
Bear in mind, of course, that I specified that this only applies to cases where there actually is the possibility of pregnancy. If you want to go sleep around, feel free to have a vasectomy, or something to that effect. Or you could turn gay. That's always an option... *LOL*
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000
Because I'm silly that way, their song "Love is Like a Bottle of Gin":
It makes you blind, it does you in
It makes you think you're pretty tough
It makes you prone to crime and sin
It makes you say things off the cuff
It's very small and made of glass
and grossly overadvertised
It turns a genius to an ass
and makes a fool think he is wise
It could make you regret your birth
or turn cartwheels in your best suit
It costs a lot more than it's worth
and yet there is no substitute
They keep it on a higher shelf
the older and more pure it grows
It has no color in itself
but it can make you see rainbows
You can find it on the Bowery
or you can find it at Elaine's
It makes your words more flowery
It makes the sun shine, makes it rain
You just get out what they put in
and they never put in enough
Love is like a bottle of gin
But a bottle of gin is not like love
I am not good with English but excuses me. I hate you whom think bad of the gods of the thunder known under the name of ""Metallica"". Good tape of ""Metallica"" is ""Load"", that you like it or not. A much better tape of Metallica ""Load"" than overrated the tape known under the name of ""Iron Maiden"" ""Powerslave"". You all are penis for the bad one of thought about ""Lars"". ""Lars"" can take a cucumber in bottom of his throat without reflex of muzzle. Lars can too take cucumber in bottom with no stretching of bottom hole sphincter muscle. Thanks for reading.
an anonymous fan
Read chapter one of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Because I'm saving all my love for you.
"I just measured him. He's about 21"."
-Chris Martin, 14-Jul-2000