This is topic Mandatory Plant Meeting at 3:15 in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
We are sorry to announce...
Your beautiful two-year old facility will be closing. Layoffs will start on second shift beginning next week. Some will be permitted to work thru February, but the facility will have doors locked by March. We are dismissing everyone today with pay - see ya Monday.
Good luck, drive safe, and we will see ya Monday.

Now, let me give you an idea of what a close knit family environment this is....
Of course there are people crying as soon as the announcement was made, more crying half way thru the announcement, and all by the end of the meeting. Our regional manager had to make the announcement and was crying himself before he was finished. This is one of the sadest things I've ever had to participate in. I'm sure I'll have to answer question (ones I don't have answers to) on Monday.

Was it a surprise? DEFINATELY! Over half of the assembly lines had new products being introduced for production...including mine. I'm in the middle of making arrangements for the new components - dunno what to do about that now. Anyway, I was a few minutes late to the mandatory meeting because I was committing our company to the purchase of 5,000 pounds of steel. Can't wait to see how the company gets out of the commitments - btw...this isn't a bankruptcy deal.

How hard is it going to hit home? LOL - OMG! I'm the primary income in my family. *sigh*
Merry Christmas anyone?

*insert colorful, unlady-like adjectives here*

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'm very sorry to hear this. Out of curiosity, what sort of factory is it?

"I finally see that what we thought was a fun way to celebrate our love was really an expression of hostility and disrespect toward Jesus."
Bill Metz, in The Onion
Read chapter TWO of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Now with 30% more plot.


Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
It's a plant - factories have smoke stacks.
We make the option packages for Heavy Duty Transportation Vehicles (trains, tractor trailers, construction equipment, bus industries, etc)

Over 300 people are going to loose their jobs.

Posted by Jeff Raven (Member # 20) on :
How lovely...right before Christmas too. You have my sympathies, MsChris, and I hope you find a new job soon.

"I'm not like George Bush. If he wins or loses, life goes on. I will do anything to win." - Al Gore, Newsweek, 1999


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Do you know if you're going to be one of the ones who'll still have a job through February, or if you're screwed immediately?

"I suppose it's possible my mother is a product of my imagination, but that raises more questions than it solves, really."
-Simon Sizer, 4-Dec-2000

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Good luck!

This has happened to several places around here, for one reason or another. If it is a new facility, some one will reopen it at some point. We have a stamping plant here that has changed hands, closed and reopened more then once. It's running now, with some good paying jobs, so have some hope.

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
Bob Dylan


Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
My sympathies, MsChris

This is why I plan to rob a bank

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 7.5 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux
Shop Smart -- Shop "S"-Mart


Posted by Quatre Winner (Member # 464) on :
How cruel for this to happen to you.


"Omae o korusu..." - Heero Yuy


Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
"Do you know if you're going to be one of the ones who'll still have a job through February, or if you're screwed immediately? " - TSN
Well, the layoffs will start this coming week (I suppose that will be tomorrow). Since my department supervisor was on vacation when the announcement was made, I'm not sure what the plans are for our department. I'm hoping to find out more tomorrow when he gets back from vacation.
I am part of the Purchasing Department, and I'm hoping that I'll have a job until after Christmas. I should have a job until my assembly lines move and right now they haven't scheduled the moves yet (or at least announced it anyway).

If it is a new facility, some one will reopen it at some point. We have a stamping plant here that has changed hands,..." - Kosh
That's the hope I'm holding onto. But considering the department I'm in, I would think that the new owners would transfer some of their own Purchasing Agents to this facility. It would still leave open some positions in the department though. The problem is...How fast would the new owners fill the plant? It's 240,000 square feet (and $11 million)- it would likely take them a considerable amount of time. Time I can't wait around unemployed. I still have hope though.
Stamping plant? We should talk over ICQ. The company I work for uses stamping plants and they are loyal to them. I'm curious if the one you know of is one that we work with.

"My sympathies, MsChris
This is why I plan to rob a bank" - JeffKardde

If you would like to share, I would be glad to make arrangements for you to have my mailing address. I'll take small bills - insequentially numbered please.

Posted by DEAvendetta on :
The real stinger is the fact there aren't the same kind of job opportunities that the plant offered in the area. Moving is naturally out of the question, so a significant dock in pay is unfortunately a fact.

It's a hell of a Christmas present for sure...

I'm usually very optimistic no matter how bad the situation is. This isn't something I'm looking forward to though.

DEAverification :P


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Chris, I wish you luck. Two weeks ago yesterday I walked out of my job, without a clue as to where I was going. After a series of emails I got in to a place right out the back door from where I did work. My first day was yesterday.
I hope you have better luck than I did in getting a job, especially with they way yours happened.
Ever here of Mueller Brass, it's a stamping company in Port Huron, MI. I tried getting in there as a CSR, but my qualifications weren't what they were looking for.
Good luck again and I hope you make it till next year there.

Well, it's done, yes, the deed is done.


Posted by Gaseous Anomaly (Member # 114) on :
That's really shitty, Chris.

Best of luck in getting new employment. Throw yourself into it.

Go Mad.
Go Evil.
Just GO.

Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Stamping plant? We should talk over ICQ. The company I work for uses stamping plants and they are loyal to them. I'm curious if the one you know of is one that we work with.

Formerly owned by Volkswagon, I don't know who has it now. It is located in South Charleston West Virginia, at the Ordinance Center.

I can't seem to get icq to work on my computer. I'm trying to get some more RAM, but the thing is special made, and I can't get the right stuff for it.

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
Bob Dylan


Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
"Ever here of Mueller Brass, it's a stamping company in Port Huron, MI." - Ritten
Hmmm....No, I don't think I've heard of it but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. My assembly lines are transferring to a company formerly known as 'Sprague Devices' in Michigan City, IN. I don't know how close that is to ya, and it's probably a good thing that I don't know.

...located in South Charleston West Virginia, at the Ordinance Center. - Kosh
Mmmmm....nope - I don't believe I recognize the location. Ah, well - It's not important anyway.

I did find out today that my assembly lines are moving out on January 15th. There's a catch to this though. My job can't be phased out until February 8th because of NC laws pertaining to company closings. The state requires the employees to be given a 60 day notice. This means I'm gonna twiddle my thumbs for a few weeks. Oh joy!

And they did allow us another tidbit of info too. There will be a severance package. The question at this point is..."Is it worth staying for?" They are supposed to be giving us details on the severance package by the end of the week. I can't complain does buy a little more time. A very small amount of time I'll bet. Time will tell. At least I'll get through Christmas.

You know? All of you have been wonderful - letting me bend your ears and all. I really do appreciate it and it has been more of a help than anything else has. Thanks go out to this very special crowd!

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

You only get a share if you participate. Bring a shotgun and a ski mask

Star Trek Gamma Quadrant
Average Rated 7.5 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux
Shop Smart -- Shop "S"-Mart


Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Other side of the state....

Last job I was down sized from was a bank, a 3 month SP was given, except I flirted with the woman in charge of HR alot, so I got a 6 month package.

Well, it's done, yes, the deed is done.


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
*looks at Chris*

*looks at DEA*

*looks at Chris*

*looks at DEA*

Did I miss something?

"I suppose it's possible my mother is a product of my imagination, but that raises more questions than it solves, really."
-Simon Sizer, 4-Dec-2000

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
IP Addresses are really close.....

Well, it's done, yes, the deed is done.


Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
MsChris is known to frequenters of the TrekBBS as iDEA, aka DEA's wife.

"The only good thing about this film is the edible chocolate roaches they gave out. Mmm, mmm... Wait a minute, edible roaches don't crawl. Edible roaches don't crawl!"

- Jay Sherman, The Critic.

Posted by DEAvendetta on :
Heh, actually she's trying to lose the iDEA identity, but you are correct.

DEAverification :P


Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Mrs Chris Deaver, is it!! I should have picked up on that.
Nice to see you on the net again

All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.

Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,
Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
Bob Dylan


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Oh, joy. Such a pleasure to see the blue-collar contingent firmly represented at Flare. I look forward with anticipation to many threads on such diverse topics as "Pickups compared & contrasted" and "incest for fun and profit."

"I do prefer the arse, but you can't dismiss the leg. They're joined at the hip, so to speak."

- Liam Kavanagh


Posted by Orion Syndicate (Member # 25) on :
It seems to be going around. My dad's just lost his job last week too. He's was working there for 21 years, just got promoted last year after 20 years service and now his company gets sold off.

They asked him to move to Devon where they're relocating to, but there was no way he could uproot the family, especially with the lack of job security even at the new site.

My sympathies are with you Chris - hope things work out for you.

I just can't be bothered to come up with anything right now....Try next time


Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
*jaw drops and he stares at Vogon*

Three words: What. The. Fuck.

"I suppose it's possible my mother is a product of my imagination, but that raises more questions than it solves, really."
-Simon Sizer, 4-Dec-2000

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Chris: Oh! So that's who you are! Well, why didn't you say so? Or did you, and I missed it? *L*

"I suppose it's possible my mother is a product of my imagination, but that raises more questions than it solves, really."
-Simon Sizer, 4-Dec-2000

Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
No, I didn't say who I was at the other board. I was hoping to part ways with it - and leave all it's issues behind. It would appear that someone here doesn't want to let that happen though. Ah, well...this person doesn't seem worthy of a response from me.

*walks away from this board as well*
And I was just starting to feel comfortable too.

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
*Hands TSN the BWANII*
Isn't this yours?
Go to town.

What goes on on other BBS's, should STAY on other BBS's. People who have a problem with that should go back to their OLD BBS's, and not sully this place with their presence. This place is a clean slate for new members. It's how you conduct yourself HERE that matters.

"Ed Gruberman, you fail to grasp Ty Kwan Leap. Approach me, that you might see." -- The Master


Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
Hey, whoa! I didn't mean any harm! Many of us are in the habit of changing our screen names from time, I didn't think I'd be hurting you by clearing up TSN's confusion!

Great, now I've not only managed to inadvertantly tick off a member, but I've managed to do so to such a degree that they want to leave...

"The only good thing about this film is the edible chocolate roaches they gave out. Mmm, mmm... Wait a minute, edible roaches don't crawl. Edible roaches don't crawl!"

- Jay Sherman, The Critic.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Chris: I have no idea what problems you've had elsewhere, but I should hope they wouldn't affect anything here. I don't go to the TrekBBS, but I think I remember you from TNO way back when. I guess it was TNO, anyway. I know that I remember DEA from somewhere, and you from the same place as iDEA.

Anyway, from what I've seen, you don't strike me as the sort to be about to cause any trouble, so you're certainly welcome here, as long as that's true. If anyone around here has a problem w/ you, they'll keep it to themselves or they'll be asked (kindly or otherwise) to please go fuck themselves.

So, please, stick around. And, if you really want to keep yourself secreted, you might want to tell your husband to be a little more discreet... ;-)

"I suppose it's possible my mother is a product of my imagination, but that raises more questions than it solves, really."
-Simon Sizer, 4-Dec-2000

Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
TSN and Krenim...Terribly sorry I wasn't very clear with who my remark was directed towards.
I wasn't talking about you two. I was referring to this particular post...

"Oh, joy. Such a pleasure to see the blue-collar contingent firmly represented at Flare. I look forward with anticipation to many threads on such diverse topics as "Pickups compared & contrasted" and "incest for fun and profit." "

I think it would be safe to say that I was offended.

As far as my wonderful husband goes ... *kicks him*.
I'm not hiding from who I am - but there are reasons I chose to change my username. Those issues I would prefer being left behind. It's odd how your treatment changes when people find out who you are, or who your husband is. Absolutely amazing! I just want to be 'me' not the ex-mod at the TREKbbs - or the wife of an 'Admin' - just me. Is it really too much to ask for? Can't I just be a regular member somewhere?

I left the TREKbbs for a reason. I am finished with it. Whatever happens there - stays there. I haven't been there in a long while, and don't plan on returning anytime soon. I prefer not being associated with it. Vogon, would I be asking too much if I were to ask...."Please let me build my own reputation. I don't need help like that. Thank you."?

Oh and you do recognize me from TNO.
You have an excellent memory!

[This message has been edited by MsChris (edited December 12, 2000).]

Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
*Breathes sigh of relief that it is not he who MsChris is ticked off at*

I can't stand having people angry at me...

Anyway, we're all glad you're here MsChris, so stick around.

"The only good thing about this film is the edible chocolate roaches they gave out. Mmm, mmm... Wait a minute, edible roaches don't crawl. Edible roaches don't crawl!"

- Jay Sherman, The Critic.

Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Well, Chris, I won't treat you any different now then I did when you first posted. Since I don't know, and don't care to know.

So, from someone that hasn't a clue about you,


and if worse comes to worse, let the petty asses be petty asses...

Well, it's done, yes, the deed is done.

[This message has been edited by Ritten (edited December 12, 2000).]

Posted by DEAvendetta on :
Orion Syndicate said...
It seems to be going around. My dad's just lost his job last week too. He's was working there for 21 years, just got promoted last year after 20 years service and now his company gets sold off.

Good God! I've worked my job for 10 and couldn't imagine starting over.. Much less 21 years. That's terrible!

They asked him to move to Devon where they're relocating to, but there was no way he could uproot the family, especially with the lack of job security even at the new site.

That's an issue with us too. The lack of willingness to leave our home and families. I couldn't imagine leaving everyone I care about.

TSN said

So, please, stick around. And, if you really want to keep yourself secreted, you might want to tell your husband to be a little more discreet...

Nah, I know many people here and know the vast majority don't hold grudges against either of us for things that may have happened on other boards.

I really considered using an alternate username when I registered, but overall I prefer people to know who I am beforehand.

Besides, she's not embarrassed about her old username, she just wants to be rid of it and it and the issues left behind.

BTW, you know me from TNO and possibly the old days of SciFi Art.

DEAverification :P


Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It's important for everyone to remember that here, in this Forum, I am and will remain the Supreme Bastard. I don't know what sort of personal demons are being vomited up into this thread, nor do I care.

It seems a few of you are laden with grudges inscrutable to anyone but yourselves. I should probably lock this thread, but that seems rather unfair to the majority of posters here, who are good and decent people and shouldn't be forced out because some of you haven't stumbled across the fact that you are no longer in second grade.

So I trust that now that we've had this lovely little bile party we can move on. Yes?

"I finally see that what we thought was a fun way to celebrate our love was really an expression of hostility and disrespect toward Jesus."
Bill Metz, in The Onion
Read chapter TWO of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Now with 30% more plot.


Posted by DEAvendetta on :
I couldn't agree more.

DEAverification :P


Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
I just love insulting Americans. It's a character flaw. And, granted, not a very challenging use of my time given how easy it is.

Yes, I'm afraid it does suck that your plant is closing down, Mrs. Deaver. And I think you'll find that not only is it deeply insensitive that they're doing it just before Crimbo, it's also completely intentional. Catching the workforce off guard and all that sort of thing.

I wish I could suggest some solution. But I can't. What I can promise you is that venting it all in Whiny American Thread #2463 isn't going to help at all. Ohh, I've lost my job, I've crashed my car, my parents don't understand me, I hate living in a democracy because all those morons that make up most of the population voted for someone I don't like, I hate myself and I want to die, on and on and on. . .

I used to do that. One day I decided that instead of writing messages on the internet about it all, I'd go out and do something about it all. Not having much luck on the democracy front, I'll admit, but it's early days yet.

I don't mean to sound mean and callous and cruel, I just am so that's the way it comes out.

Orion: sorry to hear that. Let me know what happens, OK? And if you're down here anytime soon, let's have a pint. You too, Liam.

See? I can be sensitive and sympathetic! Mind you, it helps that I know them both in what you whimsically call "real life," while some people I've seen post here would fail the Turing Test.

In conclusion: life's a bitch, get over it. Alcohol helps. End rant. 8)

"I do prefer the arse, but you can't dismiss the leg. They're joined at the hip, so to speak."

- Liam Kavanagh


Posted by DEAvendetta on :
Wow. Flare has trolls?

I used to do that. One day I decided that instead of writing messages on the internet about it all, I'd go out and do something about it all.

For some reason you seem to be under the impression everyone is complaining about loosing there job, and just sitting around sulking on a bulletin board.

When I registered, this appeared to be a discussion board afterall. I see no rules banning ranting and discussing the crappy deal you get in life sometimes.

Whatever your trying to accomplish here, seems futile to me since your obviously not very successful in starting the trouble your looking for.

DEAverification :P


Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I think that I should point out my enormous trousers at this point. Also, to be fair, it's nowhere near as bad as it was back when it was bad. I forget when. You couldn't move then for drowning in a sea of self-pity.

But on the positive side, look who's improved. Ultra Magnus went from a quiet and shy City Commander, er, poster, to a complete mentalist (a funny mentalist to be sure, but still a mentalist). Jordan seems to have brightened up, and become a lot more self-irrelevent. Which is good. Frank's calmed down a great bit, passing on most of his previous annoying habits onto Omega. And Sol is currently "dead sexy". Apparently.

And I'm at university with attractive women! Yay!

So, to sum up, vegeterians are shit.

"I am in one of those rare periods of life where I am convinced I am a sexy devil."- Simon "Sol System" Sizer

Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
Wow. Flare has trolls?

Ya, youbetcha. Though only the high quality ones survive the attacks from the others...

"Uh, Cody, what has the Mullah of Cappistan been smoking?"

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Vogon: Well, one could also say to you, "People w/ crappy lives need to vent about it. Get over it." :-)

Sure, we have trolls. We're working on getting some billy goats gruff, but, for the moment, we're just stuck w/ Charles' sheep.

"It's like LSD refined into HTML form."
-Simon Sizer, regarding, 12-Dec-2000

Posted by Vacuum robot lady from Spaceballs (Member # 239) on :

Jesus Christ, you'd think anyone actually cares about your IP numbers? I don't know why the fuck everybody continually posts them, but it's fucking pissing me off.

And what the goddamn fuck is the fucking deal with the fucking three fucking stars at the end? Like you're fucking teasing us or something? Look, here's my IP, but, oops, you can never know what it really is.

Fuck. I think we're all just fucking sick and fucking tired of the lame bastards who feel the fucking need to fucking post that lame shit in EVERY SINGLE POST.

Fucking Fucks.

Don't get me fucking started on those goddamn green flowers, either...

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world." - Dave Barry

Posted by MsChris (Member # 445) on :
*LMAO* Ultra Magnus - you are good!

But now, back to problems...
I have this really cute little angel sitting on one shoulder saying..."Chris, you are better than that. Not responding aggravates them more than responding."

But then - on the other shoulder is sitting this little red guy with a pitchfork and horns saying..."Go ahead - Rip 'em a new one. He's worn the other one out."

Angel is winning.

[This message has been edited by MsChris (edited December 13, 2000).]

Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Enough. I don't need this. Go piss on someone else's pantleg.

"I finally see that what we thought was a fun way to celebrate our love was really an expression of hostility and disrespect toward Jesus."
Bill Metz, in The Onion
Read chapter TWO of "Dirk Tungsten in...The Disappearing Planet"! Now with 30% more plot.


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