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Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Well, JeffK asked about TWINE so

Anyone Played Final Fantasy VIII?

I'm about to enter the Lunatic Pandora. I've got the Ragnarok, and I can go anywhere I want. However, I want to get a couple of Rare cards to complete my collection. The Cards that I want are Kiros, Ward, Laguna, Doomtrain, Phoenix, Leviathan, and Alexander. The Card Queen wants the Alexander card, but I don't know where to locate it.

However, there are actually 8 empty slots in the rare card pages. Whose does the 8th belong to, and how do I get it?

There is also an empty slot in Page 5 of the Monster Cards section. Which card is that, and how can I get it?

[ June 11, 2001: Message edited by: Tahna Los ]

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
OK, I got my FFVIII strategy guide here, and it gives all the cards.

The Level 5 card you are probably missing is the PuPu card (should be the 4th slot on the list), and it's only available by going through the Alien Encounter Side Quest (if you don't know what that is, I can explain it for you).

As for the cards you listed:
Kiros - part of the Card Queen's subquest, a man on the streets in the Deling City shopping districts has it.

Ward - Dr. Odine from Esthar has the card (you were supposed to get it on Disc 3)

Laguna - Ellone has this card at the Lunar Base. If you didn't get it then, you have to get it from the Card Queen.

Doomtrain - Part of the Card Queen subquest again, the Pub owner in Timber has it.

Phoenix - the Presidential Aide in the President's Palaca on Esthar has this card. You meet him on your first visit to Esthar.

Leviathan - The CC Group's (from Balamb Garden) "Joker" member has this card.

Alexander - Piet has it at the Lunar Base, or if you find the crashed escape pod south of Tears' Point, you can challenge him there.

What exactly do you mean by "rare cards" page, though? Is it a Level 8, 9, or 10?

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
The "Ragnarok", eh? A game in which you can carry the Old Norse concept of Armageddon in your back pocket...
Posted by Tec (Member # 136) on :
Actually Ragnarok is the name of the spaceship you get later in the game.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Ragnarok has been a popular name in Final Fantasy, I believe it was the name of a sword or something in FF7.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Yeah, that's it. Hey, thanks alot 359.

So you've accounted for 7 of the 8 cards. What about the eighth, the one that is just above Chicobo? (I think)

It's not only the name Ragnarok that is used. Some other names that are included in many Final Fantasy Games include the Murasame, the Characters Biggs and Wedge (yes, from Star Wars), etc.

[ June 11, 2001: Message edited by: Tahna Los ]

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Ah... A ship that's named Ragnarok... That's a bit different, then...
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Okay, I now have the Kiros and Ward Cards.

However, I can't find the crashed escape pod from the Lunar Base. South of Tears Point? Can't see it. Not on the other side of the fence either. What exactly am I looking for?

I've played everyone in the CC group including Quistis (it took me some time and a little bit of luck to get her to challenge me). But none of the members that I've seen goes by the name of "Joker". Where is he?

I went to Challenge Aide in the Esthar Palace. He won't give up the Phoenix Card. I don't know if he actually has it.

[ June 12, 2001: Message edited by: Tahna Los ]

Posted by Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Can anyone tell me how to permanently abolish the "Random" rule from the world? It's such a pain, and it really irks me that I helped spread it by playing cards at Trabia in the first place.

[ June 19, 2001: Message edited by: Gurgeh ]

Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
1) Never play cards in Shumi Village, Trabia Garden, Winhill, Edea's House, and Lunar Gate. This is where the random rule begins.

2) If you do, Reset.

Okay, okay. I somehow managed to rid the Trabia Area of the Random Rule by sheer luck when playing Selphie's Friend for the Selphie Card. I think it goes by the following. You have rules from Balamb, and you have rules from Trabia. You combine them. Thus you get the following scenarios:

1) If the rules from Trabia and Balamb are the same, then nothing gets changed.

2) If Balamb has a rule that Trabia doesn't, then that Rule can be "spread" to the Trabia Region.

3) If Balamb does not have a rule that Trabia has, then that Rule can be "abolished" from the Trabia Region.

You want 3) to occur, and you want it to be the Random Rule. Patience applies here, and as a result, you may have to reset your Playstation several times. I had to reset many times before just to prevent the "Random" rule from being spread to Balamb, where the CC group was located.

Rules I like and that you should keep:
- Open
- Elemental
- Same/SameWall
- Trade Rule One
- Trade Rule Diff (Provided that you win)
- Trade Rule All (Provided that you win)

Rules I hate and that you should avoid.
- Random (prevents you from assisting the Card Queen).
- Sudden Death (you drag this out too long, and a rare card that you have will suddenly be in his hand)
- Plus (a tiny Red Bat card can turn two of your Rare Cards in his posession).
- Trade Rule Direct (prevents you from actually getting rare cards, or rare cards you lose).

I think there is the "Plus Wall" rule, not sure. Didn't play anyone at Lunar Base, because of the insanity of the rules.

[ June 20, 2001: Message edited by: Tahna Los ]

Posted by Gurgeh (Member # 318) on :
Thanks for the advice, I'll have a go at removing the scourge that is "random" from the world. I quite like the "plus" rule, though, as long as the "open" rule is in effect. It adds a bit more depth to the game.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Oh, the Card Queen can "Abolish" a rule from a region. I managed to abolish "Random" from Lunar Gate. At long last, I hate playing cards there.

I still have one missing card slot, it's just below the Chicobo card. Someone tell me what it is and how to get it.

And can someone confirm where I can get the Doomtrain, and Phoenix cards?

I still can't find Piet and the Lunar capsule. Where is he?

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Which Chicobo? The regular Chicobo or the Chubby Chicobo? The card after the Chubby is Angelo, which you should have gotten from Watts in the Forest Owl Resistance Group. After the regular Chicobo is Quezacotl, which you get at Fisherman's Horizon by challanging Mayor Dobe.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Actually, I think it is Chubby that I'm looking for. How do I get him?
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Part of the Queen of Card's quest again, a male student sitting down in the Balamb Garden library has it.

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