This is topic Interesting or just incredibly sad? in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Teachers Beam Up New Lesson Plans

Well, whatever works.

Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Hey, if it works, use it.
Posted by The_Evil_Lord (Member # 256) on :
Regarding the thread's title: probably both.

I wonder what those classes must be like in composition though. Probably very similar to the audience that attended the Saturday Night Live show. The one with Big Will.

Posted by MIB (Member # 426) on :
I'm sorry. I had to stop reading by the time I hit the 6th paragraph. I like Star Trek, but this is bordering on 'Get a Life' levels. Much like that woman who wore a starfleet uniform in court when she was called in for jury duty. Only she was way past the 'Get a Life' level of fandom. I'm not sure about this. I have a bad feeling about where all this is going. Next thing we know, going to police acadamy will by like diving into an episode of NYPD Blue. Or taking lessons on law at a college will be like walking into and episode of L.A. Law.

[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by: MIB ]

Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
I stopped reading after the second sentence.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
I just about got through the title. . .
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Actually, this reminds me of a conversation I had over lunch with my girlfriend. We've been invited to a leaving do for one of her co-workers, and he's specified that it not only be fancy dress, but you have to dress as a Tube (London Underground) station - i.e., Victoria, come dressed as Queen Victoria. Get the idea? Well, it's Kate's suggestion that we go as a pair using a station name with more than one word - like, Elephant & Castle, go as an Elephant and a Castle.

Only I don't want to be an Elephant OR a Castle. So I look at the tube map, and there are various possibilities. And there was one good one. . .

Canary Wharf. She goes as a canary (yellow dress, feathers, easy), I go as Worf. It's brilliant! Especially since the guy who's leaving is a Trekkie. Kate is an expert at stage makeup, no problem there, it just leaves one obstacle: I swore I'd NEVER, EVER dress up as a Star Trek character. Suggestions?

Posted by Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
You feel that thing stinging inside of you? That's pride. Fuck pride.
There, anything else? Low-fat or regular milk? Red or blue socks?
Hey, I'm a social PT!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I'd be really impressed if you went as Cockfosters.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
As Lee shows up nude with a can of lager in his hand....
Posted by Jay the Obscure (Member # 19) on :
It is California...North Hollywood to boot. I'd be willing to bet that there are people dressed as Klingons on Sunset Blvd. right now

But give it a go and see if kids learn...that's the important thing here isn't it?

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Actually, funny you should mention it but we were considering Canada Water. . . maple leaf and a glass of water anyone?
Posted by Jubilicious (Member # 99) on :
As I have no intention on paying the LA times any amount of money to view their archived articles, I guess I'm going to have to pick both just in case.

Interesting! Sad! Interesting AND Sad! Er.. That's my final answer, Regis.

Lee: Just go as worf. Women love it when the men they're with swallow their pride and do stuff just for them... it shows that you know what "making a sacrifice" is... and it makes women all happy and stuff. I should know. *sigh*

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
*sigh* That means I'll have to go get one of those Starfleet uniform shirt jobbies. Anyone have any recommendations about quality - TNG vs DS9 vs ST:FC style? Well, I want to look as good as possible! Fortunately I already have a commbadge, my brother gave it to me for some reason; never actually tried wearing it. . .

I suppose I'll have to make a baldrick, Christ knows how. Maybe I'll use turnips.

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