T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 341
Yes, I've just become a full-fledged member of the Five Figure Debt Club. I've bought a condo.I will be moving out of the rat-infested slums of Laurel, Maryland where I'm currently renting, to a (somewhat) brand new development in wonderful Elkridge, Maryland at the end of July. Of course no one on this board, with the possible exception of JeffKardde, will know where these places are. But that's OK. Take my word for it: Elkridge is to Laurel what Star Wars was to the Phantom Menace. I was also able to get a really good deal on my mortgage. For the first year, my interest rate is only 5.5%. The 2nd year it goes up to 6.5, then 7.5 for the third year and every year thereafter. Pretty sweet. Wish me luck!
Member # 36
*takes delight in the idea of a sub-standard city called Laurel*
Member # 29
Well, from one new member of the Five Figure Debt Club to another: congratulations on the new pad! Good luck moving, too. I just helped my friend and his roommates move apartments. We got about a third of their stuff (minus the big furniture) moved after six hours. My back and legs are still throbbing in pain. As for how I joined the FFDC, I got a new car a couple weeks ago (a '98 Saturn SL2) at the price of $8600, and I've taken out a student loan for $5000 to finance my final full year of college.
Jeff The Card
Member # 411
Ah, the five-figure debt club ... I'm in there too, although thankfully, the LOW five-figure debt club. How, you ask? Car payment, for one. I've got about $6,000 left on my Wrangler. Maybe less ... ugh, I need to pay more attention to my statements. I've also got three credit cards, all with balances around $2,000. Credit cards suck. But, they can be useful when you need to replace brakes and what-not. Elkridge! Moving up to Howard Country? Very cool! I actually didn't know there were any condos up there ... well, no high-rise condos at any rate. And, not all of Laurel is a rat-infested slum. Considering that it stretches across three (four?) counties (Howard, Montgomery, and P.G.), there are SOME nice sections of it. Although, the vast majority along Rt. 1 seems to be a jumble of auto-dealerships, seedy motels, prostitutes, Republicans, and trailer homes. ::shrug:: Anyhoo, congrats Dukhat!!!
Member # 426
Congrats on the move Dukhat! I am glad you found a better place to live. Don't worry though. I'll know your exact address soon enough. Unless, of course, you decide to come to my place personnaly to trade Star Trek micro machines! lol. I've decided that I want all 3 of the micro machines you offered me. Deciding which of my micro machines I will trade for them is difficult though. I have decided that I will give you a runabout, however, like hell you're getting my Ent-A I might give you my Romulan Warbird as well. However, I have to ask. What on earth is the Ent-nil??
Jeff The Card
Member # 411
The TOS Enterprise, MIB. Don't get off topic.
Member # 31
Frank: Gee, you're not bitter... :-)
Member # 36
As bitter as unsweetened raspberry cider!
Member # 341
Thanks for the kind words, everybody. My parents actually sold their house as well and are (egads!) living in my condo until August when they move to Florida. I was able to take all of their furniture that they didn't want, so I don't have to pay any more money for that.Although I'm still renting in Laurel until the end of July, I'm looking forward to the new place (although I'm not as much looking forward to living with my parents again...)
Member # 29
Oh, tell me about it, Dukhat. This is the first summer I've spent at home since I started college. The parents and grandmother are really driving me batty at this point. Of course, now I remember fully well why I was so anxious to move out in the first place.
Member # 343
I'm attempting to become a member of the Four-Figure Debt Club, hopefully at the end of August, but I'll settle for end of September. This all hinges on:--whether I can find a total of 40 hours of work since my job overhired; --whether I can keep FedGov in the dark again; and --whwther I can successfully charm/balls/magic my way into them giving me a loan. The math works for me, but it might not for them. Oh, yeah. This is all to get a car.