The 20GB Hard drive that I have is a removable drive which can be used between the lab and my home computer. Over at the college, the network techs image my hard drive in order for me to receive their programs complete with a Windows 98 preinstalled (they do this by copying an exact image to my hard drive). It appears that my computer has nothing to do with whatever problems that I have, rather the problems appear to be based on the image itself. More problems that I have never seen before are popping up. And now it's pissing me off.
Soma (the tech head) says that he can't do anything about it even though I said he should re-assemble the image to make it much more stable. As well, the college is getting new computers soon and whatever new image that will be created will be based on that.
So I'll have to wait a month for this to happen, and I'm not going to bother wasting time tweaking my hard drive as I've had enough of formatting my HD and reinstalling the programs such as ICQ, etc. As a result, I'll leave it until the new image comes out and hope it is a lot more stable, or I will install the necessary programs myself.
And yes, that means no Starcraft for a month as well. Sorry, Omega. I guess you'll have to live with the stigma of having your head crushed like a tin can... .