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Posted by Manji (Member # 550) on :
Ugh... I hate moving. just when you get everything the way you like it, your forced to move on. I like it here in State College, PA. and a few of the people anyway, but then financial problems are forcing me to scrape together what little of my possesions I have left and high-tail it back home to regroup.
I'll say it again, I hate moving....
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I hear ya, brother (or sister)! I've spent the past four years living in college residence halls. I've had to move in, move out, and move around the dorms way too much. Moving is a pain in the rump; packing is just as evil.

I move back into the residence halls next week. Yay. So far, I've got five boxes of various sizes packed. I have four egg crates, a duffel bad, my laundry basket, my trumpet case, computer case, and a backpack. That should the majority of stuff into my new room. Then all I have to worry about are my microwave, refrigerator, table and chairs, television, and bookshelf.

The weekend I move into the dorms will be the weekend I won't be on Flare at all. For one thing, I move in on a Saturday and I can't pick up my network cable until Monday. For the other thing, I'm going to hot, sweaty, and treating sore achy muscles. Fun!

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Geez, what a coincidence. My parents just said not even 30 minutes ago that we might be moving back to the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania next year. Although, I personally believe it'd do more harm then good to try and move now.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Well, by the end of the month I'll be moved out of my bachelor pad in North London, and in with my girlfriend in East London. It'll be all change: new address, new computer, new email (current one has gotten so spam-ridden it's ridiculous). . . new job (this last being a bit trickier).
Posted by Manji (Member # 550) on :
Gaahhh... I just heard on the pathetic excuse for a radio station that exists here, that the temp. for today and the upcoming weekend is going to be Lows-75 and Highs-95+, and with high humidity too. yay for me. With any luck I'll drop dead of heat exaustion while I'm loading the moving truck... I just checked outside and it's 90, and it's only 9:25am. Oh well, I've got to get back to packing.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Damn, that sounds like where I am. It's going to be pushing 100 degrees when I move into the dorms. The humidity is going to suck, but such is the case when you live on the coast. At least my room is close to the front entrance of the complex. However, it is on the second floor of the building. But my room is right in front of the stairs. But I have no one helping me move. Ugh.

Wear sunscreen and drinks lots of water.

Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
I don't mind moving that much, or at least I never did before, but it's probably because I'd never had much to MOVE before now....

Anyway, I'm thinking about moving, as well... if a certain job transfer goes through, I may take the plunge and move to the extreme other side of town, just to save on driving distance (It's already a 35-45 minute commute to work... this transfer will have it pushing an HOUR!). If this happens, things will be interesting, but not too bad... I think I can make it.......

But good luck with your move, guys.... remember... LIFT WITH YOUR LEGS, not with your back!


Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
But good luck with your move, guys.... remember... LIFT WITH YOUR LEGS, not with your back!

Damn it. Now she tells me this.

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
Tell me about it. Every now and then I get really bad back pains. Rarely, thank god, but I get them. Had one last night -- couldn't move from my computer chair for like five minutes. Ow.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
The countdown is now standing at T-minus-6 days until I get to move back into the dorms. I was content to have my mother drive some of my stuff in her truck and just move it all myself, but she has "hired" my little cousin to help me move the stuff. Well, at least I'm going to have some help.

I'm just making sure that I have all the important stuff packed, all the breakable stuff wrapped, and all of my files secured in a safe place. Tomorrow I get to go shopping for shoes (you do not wanna know what shape my current pair of shoes is in) and essentials: shaving creme, socks, toothpaste, new toothbrush, soap and shampoo, and alcohol. I also gotta make sure that the tires on my moving dolly are inflated.

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
Shaving creme sucks. I just shave in the shower.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Well, if I could avoid the whole shaving the face thing I would. I really detest shaving my face because I can never seem to get a really close shave. And electric shavers tend to be worse than a razor and shaving creme. I'm tempted to dunk my face in a bucket of Nair, but I don't particularly want my face to be burned off with the hair.

I could grow a beard, but facial hair drives me crazy. I haven't shaved in a couple days, and the stubble I have is driving me nuts. It itches! AUGH! Okay, I feel better now.

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
Electric suck. But shaving creme sucks too. I use a regular razor, and just make sure my face is nice and wet before I start. Problem with shaving in the shower: if you're not careful, ::slash!:: go the sideburns.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And ::slash!:: goes another embarrassing haircut.

I don't have a problem with electrics, but I'm not especially hairy. Probably due to all that milk I drink.

Still, it's probably better in the long run. Hairy backs make me go (as the Americans say) "Ewww".

[ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: PsyLiam ]

Posted by Manji (Member # 550) on :
Yay, I'm ...back again. I was all set to move to a cardboard box on the East end of town, but my folks just couldn't stand to see their first-born living on the streets, decided that I move in with them, So for their 27th wedding anniversery, their oldest has moved home....

I've been here 3 days and I wish I had turned down their proposal,

Anyone have a large box for me....?

Posted by MeGotBeer (Member # 411) on :
I think Shik lives (or lived) in State College, PA.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I hear ya, Manji. I'm the oldest, and I've spent the summer living with my parents. Oh, the horrors I have seen. I am so thankful to be heading back to the dorms in five days. It got a bit worse when my sister came home for a week and a half recently. I fully remember why I was so eager to jump into the dorms. Just five more days...
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Shik does indeed live in State College. Manji is my former roommate.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
T-minus-three days and counting until I move back into the dorms. I've finished most of my shopping (all I need now are a new set of tennis shoes) and everything but my computer and marching band pictures are packed and ready to go.

There's only one downside I can see right now (besides the actually moving and unpacking that will come on Saturday)... There's a 30 percent chance of rain on Saturday. Terrific.

Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
The only good thing about moving i think, is that sometimes you find something really cool. i found a 1856 coin while moving stuff up to our new cabin at the lake.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
In sixteen hours, I will be moving back into the residence halls. Yes, the slow torture is finally over. I'll be on my own again by tomorrow afternoon. However, the moving is going to suck. My little cousin agreed to help me move (for twenty dollars and lunch) about two weeks ago. He's bailed on me now, so I'm going to be very sore by Sunday morning.

Right now, the items that I'm hauling include five boxes, four egg crates, my scanner, my printer, my laptop, a backpack, my laundry basket, a tube container, a tack board, my trumpet case, two small bookshelves, two chairs, a small table, an floor chair made of cushions, a refrigerator, a microwave, my television, a dufflebag, my floor lamp, and two plastic bags.

Anyway, I probably won't be around until Monday. Before I moved out of the halls this past May, the housekeepers threw out my network cord. And knowing the housing department the way I do, the Operations Office (where I can get a new one) will be closed for the weekend. Of course, the Operations Office is on the ground floor of the Towers complex and flooded with 10 feet of water when Allison flooded Houston. So I don't even know if they have any cords right now. I may be out of action for longer in that case.

So, wish me luck tomorrow. There's a 30% chance of rain, and it's going to be a humid scorcher.

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