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Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :

I've flat out had it with Netscape 4.

It's four years old, buggy as all hell, and has been completely replaced by v6.

The next Flare layout will also probably break in Netscape. You have been warned.

(This means it will render, but it will look like absolute shit.)

Posted by Mojo Jojo (Member # 256) on :

The browser war has been over for a long time, Netscape clearly lost. Sad, really. IE was pretty shitty up until version 4.

Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
i hate browsing with netscape.. its obscene..

I used Netscape 4.something to edit html though, and i got so used to it it was difficult for me to learn something else so i stuck to it.

When my computer crashed in april i downloaded Netscape 6 for my new system.. damn it sucked.. absolutely no useful features in the composer program and it would have taken me longer to relearn it than it would have to DL a more useful HTML editor.. id rather code it in notepad!
I'm lucky they still offered 4.77 (the one i was comfortable using)

I think the functionality of Netscape 6 has something to do with the association with AOL.. it seems to have all the features that make that program great (pretty buttons, blue screens of death & having to reformat your drive to get rid of it)

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
If it's four years old, I'd have given up trying to remain compatible with it ages ago. You don't try and make Flare complatible with IE 3, do you?
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
IE3 renders Flare just fine, IIRC.

In fact, any table supporting browser can render Flare.. just at different levels of prettyness. NS2, for example, doesn't know how to do table background colors or font faces... It'll render, it's just ugly as sin.

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Yeah, but the fact that it works in IE 3 is more coincidence than you making sure it works in IE 3, right? If you found out that it didn't render, would you care?

Out of curiousity, why doesn't it work in Netscape?

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Since he already explained about Flare, I assume you mean Solareclipse? I believe it's because they never got around to having Netscape correctly support CSS...
Posted by G.K Nimrod (Member # 205) on :
I'm using Netscape 4.78 now, there are no problems whatsoever, the last "crash" I had was three months ago. And the site looks great, no graphic errors at all.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I hate to admit it, but I'm using Netscape 6.1 and everything looks fine so far. Maybe, I'm missing something, but the board looks better than ever. BTW It seems like italics are being rendered more smoothly when they are in a bit of plaintext. Sexy...
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
6.2 was just released. Upgrade.

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