Getting the jump on the 'New Year' craze by starting it before Christmas.
I'm not sure what my life will look like in 12 days, so I want to pretend like today is the end of 2001 (for me, it kinda is).
I don't know if a lot of people are going to be saying this, but 2001 is a turning point and probably the most important year of my life.
But I mean something different. I'm talking about everything that happened to me between January 1st and September 10th. You know, that stuff you never talk about anymore, because everything is more important now?
This is going to be my 'Year in Review', but its incredibly long. Brace yourselves.
I rang in 2001 stoned and drunk in a cheesy apartment in Pawtucket, because I had few good friends that were available for New Years Eve. I drove my girl Julie and her friends to this place so they could continue tripping without freaking out at their friends house. Bad vibes for 01-01-01
January: I was 21. I was living in an apartment with my two best friends, Joshua and Jessica. Our 'Great Experiment' broke down in spacedock and has since been refit with standard warp drive. You see, we weren't getting along too well. They were dating, and are probably engaged by now. They needed their own place but couldnt really swing it financially. In April 2000 they asked me to room with them. It was a fantastic setup, because three people in two bedrooms equals dirt cheap rent. But I had lent them quite a bit of money for our initial deposit and they hadnt paid it back, despite the fact that I had lost my McD management job and fallen on hard times.
Our mutual friend, Amanda, had died in December and this were tense around the apt. I don't think they ever went back to the same way, in the beginning, because of the despair of that and the continuing money issue. Basically the good times were gone.
I was fairly settled in to my new cashier job, and was excelling at that anyway. I had run out of money for school though that fall, and therefore had dropped out. I hadnt been doing well in school (in fact i had dropped out that spring because i failed all my classes because i worked too much)
I was seeing a girl named Julie, who was incredibly important to me, and incredibly too young for me too. She mostly used me for rides, and encouraged me to smoke pot a lot, which i had never done before.
When March rolled around, my roommates were generally sick of me and me them, and decided to move at the end of our year lease. I was wondering what to do, as I had had a few spectacular fights with my parents (my stepmother had redone my room and trashed a lot of my stuff, even though i had fully intended to move back in May)
So I got on trying to find an apartment. Contrary to popular belief, one came up and knocked on my door. A girl downstairs was moving two months before the end of her lease, and wanted someone to stay in her place so she could get her deposit back.
So I did. It was one-bedroom and cost exactly twice as much as the one i was living in. When i got my deposit back, which paid back what the roomies borrowed, it was almost gone again.
And party time began. Living on my own, peeing with the door open. I got some furniture on loan from my brother. When I got it it had never been lounged on naked. I had girls over.. we did things. Captain was doin' alright..
Julie had moved, i had gotten over a crush on my supervisor at work. Josh & Jess never talked to me again after we moved, with the exception of a few random encounters. My new best friend was Derek: vegan, straightedge and supportive to a point.
I had taken one class in the spring so that my dad saw enough CCRI mail in the box to think that i was still in school.. it was incredibly hard, and i passed. When i was done with school, i started hanging out on Thayer Street and drinking to celebrate what was an extremely stressful semester. Thayer street is the college-area business district between Brown and RISD, and i was living on the expensive East Side close to there. Its also the biggest hangout for teenage and twentysomething slackers in RI. I met dozens of kids i knew from somewhere but couldnt place where.
I literally made dozens of friends. I renewed my reputation as the drunk guy with the lightsabers at BRU summer concerts. I had so many parties, not even realizing that id spent a whole year living next to the nexus of youth-culture of RI.
I built my own computer. The single most educational experience of my life is when my old computer died and i took it to be fixed, for a faulty fan. The repairperson (a father of a friend of mine) sabotaged my hard drive, destroying my data because he wanted me to get a new computer. I took the hard drive and was able to retrieve about half of the data (he had -- accidentally or intentionally -- destroyed the D: partition i used for archiving). But the fact that he had a credit card application and estimates on a $1100 system waiting when i went in to pick up the corpse is pretty damning.
I had started going out with my ex from high school ,which provided me with a good deal of turmoil since im still not sure how i feel about her. Pondering all these problems abruptly came to an end when it was time to move again, July 1st.
Of course, being drunk and stoned all the time that i wasnt working wasnt conducive to apartment hunting.. i had been looking but not finding. Getting desperate i moved to a place outside the city, in pawtucket. It was slummy, but it was a great deal. It was 2 bedrooms and i would get a roommate to help with the rent.
Except after staying there a week i realized i was afraid to close my eyes there. My car got broken into, my roommates all fell through and i was petrified of the neighborhood and noises i heard. I started staying up all night and sleeping during the day. I was obligated to stay there for two months, since thats how much rent i had paid as the deposit. I would spend all night hanging on the street in the nice part of town, sleep in the morning and then go to work.
The all-nighters led to a lot of parties and a lot of drugs. The drugs scared me, so i would frequently 'quit' and sell what i had. That spun out of control too, with me becoming a recognizable 'hook-up' to the local kids. I tried and did a lot of things im not proud of those two months, the most educational period of my life. Thats when i became involved in a rather tawdry event with a young (confused) lesbian that is another of my more defining moments as a classic screw-up (but at least i have some pictures)
Come September, I decide enough is enough, need to move. Nowhere to go, no time to find it and a lot of expectations breathing down my neck. I tell my Dad I'm not going to survive if i keep going like that, but my stepmother wont have me back. My room is too much fun to redecorate. He talks my grandparents into taking me in in exchange for me going back to school. They pay my room and board, he pays my tuition. I get all my stuff moved and decide that i need to be sober.
At this point ive fallen madly in love with another too-young girl, whom i met at a concert and she loves to spend hours IMing me about hugging me. She is straightedge, so my sobriety seems like a fun idea. I even do a summer concert sober. Wierd. This lasts a month of solid school , no hanging out and no drinking/drugging. Katie (my IM love) mysteriously stops talking to me though
Schools good.. theres one last fall 'summer' concert, and that when i drink again.. a good time, and it doesnt lead to another bender. ive only drank thrice since then..
i meet Jen at school, who im not prepared to talk about because im not sure whether or not i love her and im not sure whether or not shes psycho (actually i think i know the answers to both, and the result aint pretty). We hang out in the comp lab all day causin trouble, and we smoke a lot (after class of course!) She's caused the most trouble in my life of any girl ever and we fight more than we get along but its the kind of relationship where fighting is a sign that everythings allright (plus she's psycho.. but so am I)
With no expenses, ive saved up a lot of money and have paid off all my old debts. The only problem nagging me now is that my cars insurance has lapsed and i bounced a check for my infamous birthday ticket. So my motor vehicle status isnt the best, but short of paying a late fee and getting new insurance VERY soon, i should be fine.
My jobs been steadily OK, but the atmosphere there is grim because a co-worker (and friend) killed himself. My friend is engaged to his brother, and i am close friends with them as well, along with working with them.
I failed one class, and that could cost me my living situation. I have two places lined up (one w/Derek who needs a rent-break of me staying in his living room, and one a basement across the street from my job.. how cool is that?)
So that leaves me here.
Oh, plus the whole 'America Under Attack' thing scared the crap out of me, i think the last time i did acid drove me insane (actually ive always been insane) and i saw a guy get killed and continue to have nightmares about it (along with continuing nightmares about being betrayed by my best friends/roommates and nightmares about McDonalds management).
I sincerely hope that 2002 is boring.
[ December 19, 2001: Message edited by: CaptainMike ]
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
On new years i think i'll go out and squirt prostitutes with water. I'm going to buy me a big super-soaker. the one with the super-flow thingie and a backpack tank. and waterballoons filled with rotten milk (ick).
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
There.. there it is.. now it all makes sense. Thank you for putting that into perspective.
God, I havent even thought of what to do this new year. Damn.. looking backward, not forward.. Danm, gotta stop doin' that
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I got so high November before last, first time using anything stronger then alcohol, I think I was floating for two or three days after.
Uh, anyhoo, I can certainly relate to your debt problems. I've got six credit cards, and two loans. Luckily, one of those loans will be payed off next month, I've paid two of my credit cards off (and will have two more done by May).
Anyway ...
Posted by DietCaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I'm amazed that I was unsullied by drugs until I was 21 and stupid kids got me into it.
At least I don't smoke cigarettes.. that's really nasty.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Then I guess I'm reactionarily straight-edge for you young'ens. Let's see, the only drugs I've taken in my 22 years of being me have been doctor-prescribed medication. I didn't know what marijuana smelled like until two years ago when I began working in the dorms. I didn't have my first taste of alcohol until about six months following my 21st birthday. Ee-yep, for these reasons, some of my friends think I'm conservative.
2001 has been an all right year. Not the worst year I've ever had (that "honor" still goes to 1991), but it wasn't the best year I've had either. I've spent the year in a hazy fog as I've tried to straighten out my financial situation. I had a job I dearly loved snatched out from under me twice in the same year. Thank you, Residential Life and Housing. I found a good paying job in October, but I had to give it up because the work was infuriating (tech support) and the hours were killing me. Finally, in November, I found some semblance of stability in the job I currently have.
There have been some positives to the year for me. I got a new car during the summer. My grades have been steadily improving over the past three academic sessions. My family is still doing very well. Right now, I actually have money sitting in both my checking and savings accounts. I got my first credit card (which I really to start paying down soon) this summer as well as my first student loan. Of course, for the next few years I've have a five-digit debt obligation over my head, but I've been lucky that I could by until this year. Plus, this year saw my return to Flare as a regular and active member.
So, in the end, this year was all-right. Residential Life and Housing has given me the final screw job and ass rape that they'll get away with. I'm still single and available for a wonderful woman to take my breath away, but there's no real prospect for that on the horizon. I lost a pet to complications from old age. But, I've also been improving my grades and financial standing. I've been spending more time with my family. I've got more time for creative outlets now.
Of course, there is the whole September 11th tragedies and the aftermatch, but what can you say about that?
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
CaptainMike, have you ever thought about being a writer? That's a helluva life story to put on paper.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
I HAVE thought of being a writer.. and as for that being my life story, that was just THIS YEAR.. if my whole life had been as messed up as this year, i think id be less sane than i am now.
And thats saying something.
The previous 20 years are probably just as muddled, just not as scary for me. This is the first part of my life that actually had be worried about facing the next day. I'm glad things have calmed down.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Oh, yes, that reminds, me, Michael. You need to stop being so reserved around here, open up, don't hold back so much. 8)
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
oh, and i left out all the girls.. what a year its been for girls
much like the other happy new year thread, i am pretty fucked up too.. i have been since friday.. im in love with leanne, weve been going out for a week but tonight i met another girl who kissed me. now i feel this wierd hot feeling in the back of my head that might be my conscience. or a spider.
but ill probably not see the other girl again. i missed leanne a lot i dont know what she did tonight but she is so important to me
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Hmm.. i just woke up and was all set to make my first few posts of 2002, when i see here that i already did about 12 hours ago. funny, that.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
2001 was remarkably unnotable for me. It was fun, nice, cool stuff happened, but in the end, who cares?
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
Yes, and who wants to read about it?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I do. I gotta make up for the fact that most everyone else on this forum leads more interesting lives than I do. Unless you consider feeding Lay's potato chips to renegade squirrels to be fun and interesting.
Posted by Michael_T (Member # 144) on :
All I have to say is that I'm glad it's a new year and would like to forget the events that lead me to my trigger happy mentality last year.
Posted by StarFire (Member # 748) on :
2001 for me:
School- Worked hard Spring and brought my average up a tad bit. In Fall, ran out of money and dropped my classes at the 10% date. After having to fight to get into them 8 weeks earlier. On an up note, in Dec found out if I change schools, I can go for free and get out a little doing that in March 02.
Family- No comment.
Life- In general, I have worked the same crummy job for almost 3 years now with all the same prolems all the time. Except this year, a customer called me a "bitch". Ow. I'm hurt. Love still manages to elude me despite falling incredibly hard for a guy only to have nothing to come of it besides friendship. Then, a month later, someone (a friend of 4 years) walked into my life and I'm pretty content right now. We're nuts about each other, but at the moment it's long distence. Soon to change though.