T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Tahna Los
Member # 33
Game 1:
Jeff is Terran while I am Zerg. Initially, he is able to mount a strong defense as a horde of at least 48 Hydralisks are mashed by two bunkers and 5 siege tanks. However, he has a plethora of Missile towers. Now, with the Zerg, their guardians can dispatch the towers while remaining just outside of the tower's range. After blowing a hole through the side of his base, 5 overlords carrying lurkers penetrate the side of his base and cause all manner of havoc. With some reinforcements available, his first base is easy pickings.
Then I find he has a second. Again, the same strategy is used, pound a hole through the side of the base with Guardians, then sneak the lurkers in. The second base goes just as easily.
His third and final base goes the same way, except this time, he has decided to go for a more heavier air strategy. So, along with my Dozen devourers, I also get a dozen Mutalisks. Here's the thing, a mutalisk shot can hit about 4 times, and a Devourer's acid spores actually add to each and every single subsequent hit. So, with 9 Acid Spores, a mutalisk generates hit points of 18, 13, 11, and 9. That is really heavy damage, compared to 9, 4, 2, and 1. Bye Bye Air Defense.
To ensure that he doesn't try to escape again, my Hydralisks catch him in the process of making yet a fourth base. Game over.
Game 2:
This time, both of us is Terran, to give Jeff an equal footing, and the fact that I am not so great while using Terran. At the start of the game, I am able to sneak an SCV into his base, without him knowing. Even though we are still in a 15 minute buildup mode, I build a Barracks and several marines and start a sneak attack. Not to inflict any permanent damage, but to show him that he really needs to keep his eyes peeled.
A modification of my Terran Strategy means that 12 tanks, 24 goliaths, and 12 Wraiths are able to mash their way into their primary base. As he tries to lift off his buildings, my wraiths give pursuit. They suddenly find themselves in a second base by Snay which means certain destruction of the wraiths.
No matter, I still have my tanks and Goliaths from my last attack. I use them, along with several reinforcements to force my way into his base. The only real resistance is from the Goliaths, but no one else.
Final Verdict- Me: 2, Jeff: 0.
Jeff: Some Advice: Don't concentrate on one thing too much. It is fine to have some sort of defense, but, as demonstrated in the first game, it does not always work. The proper use of a mixture of units can usually mean a well fought battle, even if you lose. Try going for 12 Tanks, 24 Goliaths, and 12 Wraiths.
Until Next Time.
Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
I got mashed like the Pittsburgh Steelers facing the Baltimore Ravens.
Thanks for the advice, Thana. I'll endeavor to do better next time. [ January 15, 2002: Message edited by: Malnurtured Snay ]