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Posted by Manji (Member # 550) on :
Well, I just had a bit o' fun, On Monday I decided to go to Mohegan Sun Casino's Job Fair, In grand old Norwich Connecticut. I applied for several openings and am now waiting for a second interview on a couple of them. Afterwards, since I've never been there before, I headed to the casino to watch people spend their kids' college fund in a matter of minutes. I decided to give it a try, What the hell. I didn't have a lot to lose, and so I sat down at a Blackjack table with my last $5....
Ten minutes and five hands later I stood up with $1200 in my hand, and a very surprised look on my face. I headed over to the Roulette table where security stepped in and asked for my ID, I happly gave it to them saying it's been a long time since I've been carded for anything.
I finally made my way to the roulette wheel where after watching for a bit, I plunked down a hundred bucks on a number, and I'll be damned but it came up with a 3:1 payout, So I put the extra $$ away and continued to play with the hundred. Half an hour later I stood up to leave, muttering something about a two hour ride home and having to be at work early the next day. It was all true but it wasn't the real reason. I had just made an extra eighteen hundred dollars and wanted to quit while I was ahead. I made my way to the cashier to get my $$ and one $5 token to feed to the slot machines.
I wandered around looking for a slot machine that didn't have an elderly person in front of it. I spotted one but security decided to card me again, and it was snapped up by another grandparent. I found a machine in a corner and dropped in my coin and pushed the button. Some people might find it exciting when the siren and lights on the top of the machine start flashing, I found it kinda embaressing. A smiling cashier came over and handed me a bucket to hold the coins this machine was spitting out at me.
I headed back to the cashier to transfer it into cash and left to find my car and go home.
total earnings:
Blackjack - 1,200
Roulette - 1,800
Slots - 2,500
total - 5,500
All this from just $5, heh I think I'll go back there or Foxwoods on Friday
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I hate you.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'm glad someone is having a fun and profitable week. My car has started to act suspiciously, and I suspect it is conspiring against me. And I didn't get to finish my triple-thick milkshake or my medium Pepsi! Terrible.

Anyway, good job. But I wouldn't expect such luck to continue if I were you. you have five bucks I could borrow? Er, or 100.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
hmm almost up to my neck of the woods..

a lot of people around providence or parts west where i lived consider the casinos a great job opportunity.. as long as you dont mind commuting.

i dont considering that i drve 20 miles to work and back each day, no matter if i stay at home or at the grandparents. i wouldnt work there though, for different reasons.

by the way, congratulations, but gambling is bad. but its cool to win.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Snay says "I hate you"

I say, "I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

There. Now that I've vented my rage, the last time I was in a casino, I lost all my money (that is in my wallet) plus an extra 20 dollars given by a relative. I don't even know why I even gambled in that casino. Everytime I do, I end up losing money.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Perhaps you should consider bying Solareclipse from our old Grand Poobah CC himself.

Oh, and I want a car.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
$5,500? Damnit, I could go to Seattle and spend a month with Laura on that money.

Closest casinos...Atlantic City. What's the gambling age in Jersey?
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
"heh I think I'll go back there or Foxwoods on Friday"

That's what they are counting on....
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

All this from just $5, heh I think I'll go back there or Foxwoods on Friday

Indeed, that is what they want. You had a magical afternoon. Quit while you are ahead.

Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Yes, Manji. The first step to gambling addiction: a very big payout. Forget going on Friday. Enjoy your money while you're ahead.
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die

And leave me the money.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Uh, as it seems I've started a strange sort of Temperance Union kind of thing, I do want to point out that casinos are entertainment and you should be all means go back if you so desire.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
No. Americans cannot be trusted with this sort of thing. Anything fun leads to addiction. That is why it must be banned. Now.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...casinos are entertainment and you should be all means go back if you so desire."

In about the same way that being mugged is entertainment. I mean, you certainly run the chance that the mugger will get hit by a car after robbing you, and you can take your money back, plus whatever else hae had on him. But, usually, you'll just end up w/ lighter pockets.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
mmmm, speaking of mugging, Manji, where are you located????
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
In about the same way that being mugged is entertainment.
Oh, come on now Tim. You can do better than that.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
Manji, I know you won't listen to me, but this was a fluke. It will never happen like this again. You may try and try, but you will probably never get the magic you had tonight back. Do not go back. Ever. If you must, decide to spend a fixed amount (~$20) for entertainment's sake and don't spend any more than that.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Congratulations! That is really impressive haul. Like so many others here, I hate/envy you.

[ July 13, 2002, 13:43: Message edited by: Balaam Xumucane ]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Liam: I'm sure I could, but I didn't really bother to put much thought into it. I got the point across. That was enough.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Good fortune surrounds us.

No, really, it does.

A hundred. thousand. pounds.

We've decided to sell our house. We had it valued today, and the price we can expect will give us equity (that is, how much will be left after the mortgage is paid off) of somewhere in the region of one hundred thousand pounds. We're in shock.

Now, we're not exactly packing up and moving to the Bahamas. That money will mean we can make a substantial deposit on a new home, and get a much smaller mortgage than we might otherwise need to (given the house prices bubble is expected to burst soon in the new year, any new house we might buy runs the danger of going into negative equity, that is, being worth less than the mortgage taken out to buy it).

Other things might happen. Best case scenario, we might only get eighty grand (Only. ONLY! Excuse me while I cackle maniacally). Potential buyers' own surveys might find something drastically wrong that the appraiser missed. A meteorite might hit us. But it's cheered us up. 8)
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I hate you, too.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Liam: I'm sure I could, but I didn't really bother to put much thought into it. I got the point across. That was enough.

You got nothing across! Nothing!

I hate Lee too.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
And I start a cool new job tomorrow. Snay's gonna hate all of us. [Big Grin]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Hmm, would Snay be mad that I was at an orgy on Wednesday?
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
CM: No, because I was there, and I already told him you were just the valet-parking attendant. 8)
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
and your new wife felt how about you being there???

I was asked to go in to a partnership in a new business, which was nice to be asked.... coming up with the $10,000.00 to $15,000.00 is going to be a pain in the ass, especially since my divorce destroyed my, my wife did before leaving anyway...

This new business has good potential....

I hate life!!!!!!1
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Actually, I was the caterer. B(

I'm assuming that any property you might have to guarantee a loan is either still in dispute, or has gone to her?

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