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Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well ... ?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
An adequate letter; its position has always granted it attention that some feel is undue. Pleasently understated, unlike the busy xi, and yet immediately Greek, unlike rho or the decidedly underachiving alpha. (It doesn't even try to look different!) Personally, I prefer delta.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The other Omega, however, was on ICQ just the other night, so he still exists, if you're worried. Just quiet, perhaps. Or busy. Some people are busy. I should be busy.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Jeff, that was a damned wordy opener.....
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Omega recently checked out the four Harry Potter books. I have not yet heard his opinion of them.

So I say again: WELL?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
The list of books that Omega has checked reading is longer than Simon's Sizer. [Wink]
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
I like books.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
They taste good.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I own the copyright on Simon's Sizer, thank you very much Mr Topher (if that is your real name). I thank you to come up with your own synonyms in the future.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I'd like to see those copyright documents, Mr. Ka~whatever, if that is your real name.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
They are like our constitution. Very hard to see, but definetely there.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

Mr. Ka~

Kavanaugh, Kavenull, kavenawh. Something like that.

Just wondering Snayer, what do you think of the books?
I haven't read any of them, but the movie was way to kiddie. My real life friends say the books are better, but are theyu less kiddie?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Damn those children's movies for their lack of mature adult content! More explicit sex in Disney cartoons, I say!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Yes. Our constitution practically demands that Disney hentai be placed on the big screen for all to see.

What do you mean Kosh, by "way too kidy"? If you mean it didn't have blood and angst and swearing and poinltess violence, then yes, the books are "too kidy". Stories don't actually have to have that stuff though to be good.

Apparently, each of the books is aimed at the age of Harry and co in that particular book. Therefore, the first one is for 11 year olds, the second for 12 year olds, and so on.

The third one's the best.

And you failed to get my surname right as well. Tsk.
Posted by David Templar (Member # 580) on :
^Disney and Hentai do not mix, you sick, sick man.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Hey Arnold Hentai?
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Somebody clue me in about Hentai?

(Note: if it's anything like that PPG website Liam gave me the link for the other day, then a simple explanation will suffice; but please, dear God, no examples of it)
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
Tentacle. Rape.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Don't ask me why cartoon sex exists, it just does. Stupid hentai.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :

*starts singing*
Oh I wish was in the land o cotton
Fine time thar, aint fergotten,
Lookway, lookway, lookway, Dixland,
In Dixirlan whar I was bornin,
*swats fly*
eerly in one frosty mornin
Lookway, lookway, lookway, Dixielan,
I wish was in Dixe! Heray! Heray!
In Dixie Land take me stan, to live and die Dixie, Way! Way! Way down South Dixie!
Way! Way! Away South in Dixie!
*stops singing*
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
the "fuck"?
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
Just felt like it, dont know the "fuck" either.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Hey, Hentai only involves japanese Anime-characters.
Anyone can do cartoon-sex, like Disney-crap or some shit. Can't believe people go for that, just like those fucking "furries" or what they call it, when you're turned on by toy animals.

Now, combining Hentai and Bukkake, well that's just nasty.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Do I want to even know what Bukkake is...?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Nim Pim:
Hey, Hentai only involves japanese Anime-characters.

Are you sure? Most people just use it to define hard-core sexual acts using cartoon characters. Pretty much exactly like that web-site I showed Lee.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Yes, many sites don't discriminate, but given that it's a japanese word I think it originally described japanese cartoon sex.
Isn't there a word for that phenomenomenon, where several things are called the same thing as the one thing that started it?
Like Xerox-machine, Zambony or "Kung Fu" movies.

Bukkake, now there's a hearty breakfast!
This link will explain (looked it up just now for the purpose of discussion, I swear).
The first link is text-only, Lee.

(These links contain spoilers on the plot of
bukkake, if you want to be surprised when
invited to a bukkake-party, do not read!!!)
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
My eyes! My eyes!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
"Yes, many sites don't discriminate, but given that it's a japanese word I think it originally described japanese cartoon sex."

But Kareoke doesn't just describe Japanese people singing, does it?

There is the one argument that says Manga refers to Japanese cartoon art, and the other that says Manga is a style that anyone can copy, but was started in Japan (actually, started by a Japanese person copying Disney, but never mind).

I'm at work, so I can't click those links. Damn it! I wanted to see dirty stuff.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Holy shit. I knew in a general sense what the term meant, but not the details.
Posted by Nim Pim (Member # 205) on :
You intentionally raised an interesting finger there, Mr Oasis-singer.

I don't know much about Manga/Anime, but I know there are certain Manga drawing-schools in Japan (probably in more places), I saw an indepth program about it a year ago, can't remember if the answer to your debate was there though...

If you hear anything, do tell.

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Oh. My. This reminds of that day when Something Awful linked to the thoroughly disturbing StileProject. I wish I never saw that. It will haunt you. DON'T EVER GO THERE!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Hear anything from where? My army of mole people living under Japan?
Posted by Nim Pim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Well perhaps you have some connexion with some trading house part of the british empire, in Tokyo harbour, exporting tea, opium and sundry goodies?
Run by some navy uncle of yours that have red sidebrows, extending into a big moustache? And a monocle?
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"This reminds of that day when Something Awful linked to the thoroughly disturbing StileProject."

Day? IIRC, Stile Project had a permanent ad banner on SA for a while back in the day...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Do I dare ask what "the Stile Project" is?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I'm going to have a stab at showing their are weirder/sicker people that the bukkake thing. Because I am homogonous. Or something.

A World of Harmless Pretty Fun created by a Normal Person.
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Thoughtchopper (Member # 480) on :
That gave me hope for the future.

Of what, I have no idea.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Well, I am officially disturbed now.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
Eh, er, um, uh, ei, o-kaay...
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Well, now I can kind of see the odd attraction several of you have had with these girls....

You sick shits....

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I should point out that those pictures don't show situations that occur in a typical episode. Possibly on the Spanish Cartoon Network I suppose.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Well, okay, if it is limited to the Spanish....
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And the Canadian.
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
It hasn't spread that far, yet. We're still at the My Pet Monster hentai era.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I DON'T want to see the Spanish I. R. Baboon!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
That would be more unpleasent that the Spanish Ed, Edd and Eddy. But only just.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Hey, I like Ed, Edd, and Eddy. Don't knock 'em. Double-D is my hero.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
Harry, The show is called I Am Weasle instead of I. R. Baboon, but I. R. Baboon is like the star.
(How did I know that?)

Double D is my favorite Ed to, Siggy.
Posted by Thoughtchopper (Member # 480) on :
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Harry, The show is called I Am Weasle instead of I. R. Baboon, but I. R. Baboon is like the star.
(How did I know that?)

Just to throw a crazy and wild hypothesis out into the field; perhaps you watched it?
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I KNOW that. I MEANT the character I. R. Baboon.

No comments
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
It was always much better than Cow & Chicken at any rate.
Posted by Nim Pim Pim (Member # 205) on :
I saw some cartoon a couple of years back, with a wallaby and a cow. Mostly pretty fun mostly.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Neither IMW nor C&C can hold a candle to Dexter's Lab. Or Johnny Bravo for that matter. Ok, so Weasel is voiced by Trek's resident Klingon, but famous vocals do not a good cartoon make. And as for Cow and Chicken... who watches that freakshow anyway?
Posted by The_Tom (Member # 38) on :
I believe Nim experienced Rocco and that modern life of his.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And it's crazy theme tune, I'll warrent.

Originally posted by Cartman:
Neither IMW nor C&C can hold a candle to Dexter's Lab. Or Johnny Bravo for that matter.


Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
And I felt like sharing my opinion, obviously.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
No, not that sort of "And". "And" as in "I am Weasel and Cow and Chicken cannot hold a candle to Dexter's Lab. Or Johnny Bravo. Or..."

So, er, the type of "and" that is an "or". You get the point though.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
The Powerpuff Girls?

I love sitting in the comfy chair in the living room watching Cartoon Cartoon Friday and Sunday evening's Adult Swim. Besides work, walking, and cartoons, my life is an massive singularity of malcontent.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
Wow. My life is work and love.
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
And jocular beguile.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"My life is work and love."

Better than if your work were love. That's illegal everywhere in the country but Vegas...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I could never be a prostitute because I'm just a cheap manwhore.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
So what you're saying is you can't be a prostitute even though you apparently are?
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
No, he's saying that he is not of a high enough class...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
What Ritten said. Plus, I could never live on the money I'd make as a cheap manwhore.

I'd be so poor that I'd have to consider becoming a prostitute in order to survive financially. That's when you really know you suck at manwhoring -- when you have to be a manwhore to supplement the income of your day job as manwhoring.

[ July 23, 2002, 00:46: Message edited by: Siegfried ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
What you lack in quantility though, you could make up in quantitiy.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Plus, he has a steady income from his series of midget-sex videos.
Posted by CaptainMike: Director's Edition (Member # 709) on :
i thought it was good if you sucked at it..
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Like a good vacuum???
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
The porn industry is notorious for underpaying male actors. Only the women and the embodiment of fetishes get paid top dollar. For example, the midgets in the midget sex videos get paid on the order of two to three times as much as I do. The only times a male actor will get terrific pay is if he's world-famous (like Ron Jeremy) or making gay pornography.
Posted by Ultra Magnus Pym (Member # 239) on :
if (dailyQuotientOf.GayPorn == Achieved){
cout << "Hey, that's great!" << endl;

Hey, that's great!
Posted by Nim Pim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Beavers and ducks!

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