This is topic Who the Hell are you part II... in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by BWC (Member # 818) on :
Seems just as The Red Admiral came back everybody seems to be changing thier name. How about telling the good people of Flare just who you are, hmm?

[ July 25, 2002, 15:53: Message edited by: BWC ]
Posted by Red Magnus Pymster (Member # 239) on :
When we get anybody here from Flre, we'll let them know.
Posted by BWC (Member # 818) on :
Typo fixed!!!
Posted by Red Magnus Pymster (Member # 239) on :
Posted by Colorless Cartman (Member # 256) on :
My job here is finished.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Excellent. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out. 8)
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I've always liked...

"Don't just go away, go away mad..."
First time I heard it this way was by my gunner to another squad leader... the ass had no humor...
and he did go away mad....
Posted by The Non-Red 359 (Member # 37) on :
If you can't figure out who I am, you haven't been here long enough. Or you're damned stupid. Or both...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I know who you are. But we've already established that I am a very weird stalker who isn't too good at the whole stalking thing. I can't see to remember to leave my hiding place in the garbage cans before the garbagemen come around on trash day.

Fortunately, I'll always be easy to remember since I don't plan on changing or altering my publicly displayed name.
Posted by It's me, dawg, you know, me. (Member # 510) on :
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Mr. EdipisReks, I presume?

Okay, now this is getting really weird around here.
Posted by Red Vorlon (Member # 167) on :

Okay, now this is getting really weird around here.

Like that's something new?

Posted by Just Harry (Member # 265) on :
I am me. And Ultra Red Magnus Guy is a copycat!
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I am me. Always been me. You know me. If you don't know me, then haven't been hanging around with me that long.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I am Hobbes!! Woohoo!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
[Cliffjumper voice] Traitor! [/Cliffjumper Voice]
Posted by It's me, dawg, you know, me. (Member # 510) on :
Siegfried:Mr. EdipisReks, I presume?
yes, indeed, it is me. i've been unmasked. i'll get you yet, moriarti, i'll get you in the end *bwahahahahah*.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
You cannot ever fool me. I have power beyond that of ordinary mortals.
Posted by Red Magnus Pymster (Member # 239) on :
It's those midgets. They give off power through osmosis.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
wait a second. midgets give off power? then why the hell are we still relying on fossil fuels?
Posted by Red Magnus Pymster (Member # 239) on :
Siegfried is hoarding them.
Posted by Fuchsia Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Why not whore them... Make that money Siggy...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
No, the energy companies are just oppressing me. They buried my design for midget sex powered automobile engines. Said something about it causing the energy companies to face bancruptcy in record numbers, thus leading to economic disaster.
Posted by Red Magnus Pymster (Member # 239) on :
That, and that most people aren't too keen on having Siegfried and Midgets getting the busy on in the trunk of their car.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
You'd be surprised, actually. Still, it's all the fault of the energy companies. They're keeping me down.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Viagra can fix that.
Posted by Red Ultra Mega Psy Snay God Shinzon (Member # 16) on :
"Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, Commander, daughter of Andrei and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance, and the boot that is gonna kick your sorry ass all the way back to Earth, sweetheart. I am death incarnate, and the last living thing you are EVER going to see. GOD sent me."
Posted by Red Snay (Member # 411) on :
Posted by Colorless Cartman (Member # 256) on :
The "fuck"?
Posted by Red ThoughtPym (Member # 480) on :
Fuck's up with "fuck"?
Posted by Fuchsia Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Red Ultra Mega Psy Snay God Shinzon = Rumps GS...
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Geosynchronous Ass?
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Gone for a few days and look what happens a topic... strange.
Posted by Colourblind Harry (Member # 265) on :
Allright, who has hijacked the username "Harry"?

I tried to get my old name back, and I got this:

The login or public display name that you are trying to use has been reserved by an existing member. Please select another.

I'd like it back please.
Posted by Mr. Pink (Member # 621) on :
10 quatloos says it was MIB.

And just as an FYI, this is Stingray/OnToMars/Professor Chaos. I'm kinda late when it comes to jumping on the bandwagon. So sue me.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
There isn't even a bandwagon anymore. You are so last week.
Posted by Captain = Mike (Member # 709) on :
The bandwagon went trans-temporal. Last week hasn't happened yet.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
The new bandwagon is wanker status lines with stupid wingdings and colored text. Jump on quick!
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Posted by Captain = Mike (Member # 709) on :
Hm.. I'm breaking away from the pack and not using different colors.

This is the closest we can get to avatars right now, and i like it (especially since it is limited and understated, and therefore not as insipid as some BBS setups where you cant read anything based on the crap people post *around* what theyre actually writing.)
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Yeah, why did everyone suddenly discover Wingdings overnight? Last night, I didn't see any of that. Today, it's all over.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Soon the new fad will be the gradient text. Woohoo! Go Webdings!
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I'm trying to set a trend where everyone sets their status lines back to the generic "Active Member" or "Senior Member" or whatever. So far, it hasn't caught on...

Oh, well. [Wink]
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
It seems then, you are not as hip as the Pym.
Posted by Prismatic EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
And, of course, some of us a happy with sticking with our tried and true original publicly displayed names and status lines.

Back in my day, we didn't have all this fancy name alterin' and status line changin'! We were stuck with the name we picked at registration! We had to settle for New Member, Junior Member, Member, and Senior Member! And we liked it!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I just thought of something. If an "Active Member" doesn't post for a long time, shouldn't their status line change to "Inactive Member"?
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Inactive Member? In Wingdingese.
Posted by Colourblind Harry (Member # 265) on :
Originally posted by Magnus Pym Eye:
It seems then, you are not as hip as the Pym.

Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
I just thought of something. If an "Active Member" doesn't post for a long time, shouldn't their status line change to "Inactive Member"?

Well if they posted in order to have a status line that would make them active, no?
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Yes, but, Harry, I made it look good.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
I am, and always have been, LOA, the almighty Queen of Pooty and Pleh! Bow at my feet, or be smited by my merry men......

Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
You heard the lady! Bow at her feet!

Oh, and those of you who are compulsive PDN changers - once a PDN has been used, it's put in the reserved list and will not be removed until the list is purged. It's a manual process. [Razz] I just did so a moment ago, so some of the names should be freed up again.

I've only had to yank out one person's status so far. Let's try to keep them compact, eh?
Posted by Colourblind Harry (Member # 265) on :
My old name is still on the black list [Frown]
What's the use of that 'reserved' list? Reserved for who?
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
*is exercising self-control*
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Oh well, back to my old status line. [Smile]
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
*debates wether or not to change back to F.G. or The Defiant*
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Well if they posted in order to have a status line that would make them active, no?"

Not if they did so a year earlier, and hadn't posted since...
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
You know what's funny? Newbies who come, post once or twice, and leave.

That and


[ July 30, 2002, 15:43: Message edited by: Red BWC ]
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
:::sighs::: Is anyone else reminded of Alexander Haig by this guy?
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Not in the least.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Well, they're both obviously graduates of West Point.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Originally posted by Red BWC:


I wasn't aware Capps had PMS...

As for PM's though, he's not the only one... Yesterday I replied to a PM sent by Krenmin confirming me as a mod sent back in April. I would have liked being a mod, but I never knew the PM existed. That, and I was in boot camp in April which is why I couldn't have responded in the first place.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
Fixed, Hobbes.

PS - You know, I am a Calvin and Hobbes fan too, and I wanted the name Hobbes when I signed up. Grr...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Unless Red BWC posted something about being next in line for the presidency, I think you're the only one who is reminded of Alexander Haig, Shik.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
It's more of the "strutting about the halls of power with a misguided sense fo impunity & false concept of held power" thing.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I thought our Hobbes took his name from Wing Commander, rather than C & H.
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat was the name of book 9, though.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
Yes, it's Calvin & Hobbes. The status line should be a dead give-away.

[ July 31, 2002, 09:01: Message edited by: Hobbes ]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
If I had any of the books. Or were aware of their existence.

Hmm. I vaguely remembered you had some sort of Wing Commander Status Line at some point. But it must be brain rot caused by BWC talking. Sorry.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I doubt it since I'm not a Wing Commander fan. But no sweat.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
No, I am making an issue out of this! Twat!
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
You do know that you should put both books in your signature Hobbes, because, the Essesntial, Indespensible, and Athouritive C&H books were two or three books in one!

See here
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
um.. or maybe he put it in his tagline because it was a good catch phrase, not because it was the best of the books
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
No, because the first strip in the book, a Sunday one, featurs Hobbes sneaking up on Calvin during the night, pouncing him, and then his parents come in and ask Calvin what happened, and he says' Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat.' If you knoew Calvin and Hobbes like we do, it would make more sense.
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
I do know that. I have every single one of those books (unlike you, i can read the words after I'm done looking at the pictures too.) . I'm just puzzled why you would say that Hobbes should change his good catch phrase tagline to a dumb sounding name of a book tagline.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Calvin and Who?
Posted by Red BWC (Member # 818) on :
No, I do read the words. Calvin says 'Homicidal Psycho Jungle cat'

Any why the hell each time I leave out a detail or misphrase something you all jump down my throat? DO you all have your heads up your asses so far that you wont overlook a guy who just happens to make a damn error in grammar? Listen, I know you dont want me here, so I'll just leave for a undecided period of time. I'll make sure the door dont hit me where the good lord split me on the way out! Happy trails!
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
My favorite book is Square, Square, Square, Arrow. It's good.
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
Hmm.. i kinda feel bad now. not really bad, but kinda bad.

this is the repurcussion of my drunkenness? oh well.. time to play with publicly displayed names again
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Hangovers are a bitch.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
"I'll just leave for a undecided period of time."

By "Undecided," you mean "Permanently," right?
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Okay this is really getting old. Look, I'm not defending anyone. BWC is an easy target, but wouldn't it be easier to just ignore him? Now, this is only a suggestion, so you're actually free to continue this. But I think some people are getting tired at reading these insults put upon him.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
"The quality of that makes me fell like Mr. DeMartino after he flipped the lid after the barbeque..." != Old, either. No.
Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
I agree, even though sometimes BWC has certain traits about him that attracts insults to him, does not mean you have to be down his back every time he says something.
Posted by Springfield Armory Snay (Member # 411) on :
On his back, not down it.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Any why the hell each time I leave out a detail or misphrase something you all jump down my throat?
Mainly because in this line of business, if you can never say what you mean, then you can never mean what you say. On a message board, the only thing that people have to go on is words on a screen. And if those words don't make sense, then it makes you look like an idiot. (I'm not saying you ARE one. It just might LOOK that way sometimes.)

Clarity and precision -- along with proper grammar -- can be quite helpful in getting your point across. I don't do it ALL the time, but I usually take a quick second to re-read my post before I press the "Add Reply" button. It does wonders for your image. I've been a member for nearly two years now -- at least, I first registered in November 2000 -- and I have never been a target for extreme flaming and so on. I would venture that it's because I try to post carefully, and don't make inane and silly comments too often. Be thoughtful. Sometimes less is more.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
And try to keep a healthy distance to the Silly Peopletm like Ultra Magnus of Pym, The Springfield Snayer and El Capitan.

Oh, and I got my name back. HOORAY!!
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Who was it that said, I am leaving, came back, left, came back.... etc... ???
If I could do that to this planet... that might be cool...

Yes, silly short hand is difficult to read, as is para-sentenances.... and those people that never really finish a sentence....
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on : is...really annoying.

You're thinking of Darkstar, although he is by no means the only one to do that routine *cough*UM*uncoungh*
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I don't recall UM ever posting a "f*ck you to f*cking hell Flare!" farewell message, however.

Ritten...... could...... you...... please...... drop...... your...... Kirk...... impersonation......? [Smile]
Posted by Nim Pim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Fed. Up. With. People. Talking. In. Telegram. To. Make. A. point.

And those clever bastards at work who write the whole e-mail message in the subject-line and leave the big, lofty text-field empty, just to be effectif!
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
If they spell like that, then they aren't being very "effective" at all.

And "efficient" would be better.

Tsk. The spelling around here is falling to TrekBBS levels.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Eat a bag of "fuck", you "fuck"ing Flare! I am out of here! "fuck" you all.

Hooray, I've lived up to my end.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
In what way are people "talking in telegram" STOP
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
Well (comma) in so many words (comma) there seems to be several different styles of writing here (stop) For this to be any different (comma) which it should not be (comma) then we would lose the certain something that we have here (stop).....

I happen to have made a habit of ... to go without doing ... I would feel lost... and abandoned in the dark lonely night of cyberspace... broken down on the shoulder of the infomration superhighway.... as it is...
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I.... swear, if SOMEone else. Starts to talk like KIRK... around here. Then I'm goingtoSCREAM!

Posted by Matrix (Member # 376) on :
Shatner's not all that bad, it's just his acting is... diffrent from... other... people.
Posted by Mr. Pink (Member # 621) on :
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Analysis Mr. Spock!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"After intensive investigation, comma, of the markings on the alien pod, comma, it has become clear, comma, to me, comma, that we are dealing, comma, with a species of awesome intellect, colon."
-Arnold Judas Rimmer
Posted by Nim Pim Pim (Member # 205) on :
wellbarringallruleswhatsoeverihavefoundthattoreallygetthemostoutofpostingishouldntusespacingcommasstopsoranyotherobsolete20thcenturyformoftextcommunicationitisbesttojustimmersemyse lfinthegoodnessthatislettersforhitsandgigglessothatwecanallgetjustonestepclosertoinstantsupercommunictionweallknowthatthebrainreadsthemessageimmediatelybuttodecpipheritonemustlooka talltheindividualletterstoformsomesortofcoherencebutidigressithinkweshouldallgougeoureyesoutandusethoseniftyblindtexttranslatorsthatusepiercinglittleneedlestomassageourfingertipsli kethatguyfromsneakerswithrobertredfordthemantoendallmenandthatyoungguythatcouldntholdhiscocaineverywellandalsobenkingsleyasthesupremenerdhackergodcompletewithponytailandallanywayit wouldbeagoodideatobemoreeffiskientthankyoupsyliambumsohowabouttelepathythenincreasethegovernmentfundinginthatdirectioninsteadthankyouhaveagreateveningimnimpimpimandilikesexandbiscu its
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Well, barring all rules whatsoever, I have found that to really get the most out of posting I shouldn't use spacing, commas, stops or any other obsolete 20th century form of text communication. It is best to just immerse myself in the goodness that is letters for hits and giggles, so that we can all get just one step closer to instant super communiction. We all know that the brain reads the message immediately, but to decpipher (AHA! TYPO!) it one must look at all the individual letters to form some sort of coherence. But I digress. I think we should all gouge (WTF?) our eyes out, and use those nifty blind text translators that use piercing little needles to massage our fingertips. Like that guy from Sneakers with Robert Redford (YUCK), the man to end all men. And that young guy that couldn't hold his cocaine very well, and also Benking Sleyas (WHAT YOU SAY!), the supreme nerd hacker god - complete with ponytail and all. Anyway, it would be a good idea to be more effiskient (TYPO), thank you Psyliam! Bum! So, how about telepathy then? Increase the government funding in that direction instead. Thank you, have a great evening. I'm Nim Pim Pim (YOU SUCK) and I like sex and biscuits.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"Benking Sleyas"? Are you sure you don't mean "Ben Kingsley as"?
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
Efficient was aslo misspelled on puropse.

[ August 03, 2002, 11:53: Message edited by: Magnus Pym Eye ]
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
You don't say.
Posted by Magnus Pym Eye (Member # 239) on :
I don't know. You were all like: "Typo!", and then Nim was all like: "Thanks, Liam!", and the Icy Hot Stuntaz were all like: "Bling! Bling!"
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
actually that was the WTC touristguy behind Icy Hot Stuntaz saying 'Bling bling'..

he was on some type of grassy knoll.
Posted by Captain... Mike (Member # 709) on :
and i'm on some type of knolly grass
Posted by Nim Pim Pim (Member # 205) on :
Cartman, pistols or steel?
Posted by Colorful Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I beg your pardon?
Posted by Prismatic EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
will you duel with pistols or swords.

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