T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Springfield Armory Snay
Member # 411
quote: Errant house numbers, or even (and the far more common) "no house number." The complete absence of light within miles of the house in question. Rabid dogs. Some patrons aren't home when the driver arrives; they call from work with the confidence they'll "beat him there." In winter months, unshoveled walks and ice-covered stairs beckon. Broken doorbells. Customers have been known to "wait" in the shower, the back yard, or at their neighbor's house.
I remember walking up to an apartment door as the same time as the roomate of the guy who ordered. We enter to find Roomate #1 putting his genitalia into Roomate #2's girlfriend. That was a fun one.
The most fun are drunk or high kids on Friday and Saturday nights. "What's the total, duuude?" "$400." "Oh, uh, take American Express?"
Or, when I delivered to some insurance brokerage company up in Hunt Valley, and the secretary presented me with a credit card when I got there (and didn't call in the number before I left the store, as she'd been told to do). After she refused to pay by corporate check and refused to let me call in the CC#, I had to go back into the boardroom and start re-boxing the pizzas the hungry employees were munching on! I got my money when I started doing that, though, plus a nice tip on top of that. [ August 03, 2002, 19:50: Message edited by: Springfield Armory Snay ]
Colorful Cartman
Member # 256
Being a Delivery Boy rocks.
Prismatic EdipisReks
Member # 510
or not. Snay, when you mentioned that roomate #1 was sticking his genitalia into roomate #2's girlfriend, was that including the testicles?
Member # 722
quote: or not. Snay, when you mentioned that roomate #1 was sticking his genitalia into roomate #2's girlfriend, was that including the testicles?
Yes apparently it is a new sex craze, it is called "Balling"
Member # 343
Where's Frank to comment on the first-hand experiences of Worcester pizza events when you need him?
Member # 444
I will proudly say that I always try to follow the "Eight Commandments" listed at the bottom of that page -- though I've never seen those principles spelled out in so many words before.
And though I'm not a delivery person myself, I can certainly empathize with the encounters when working in the service industry. I've even run a few deliveries from time to time (the store does handle some corporate orders on occasion).
Prismatic EdipisReks
Member # 510
quote: Originally posted by Grokca: quote: or not. Snay, when you mentioned that roomate #1 was sticking his genitalia into roomate #2's girlfriend, was that including the testicles?
Yes apparently it is a new sex craze, it is called "Balling"
i think you are confused, Grokca. generally one does not insert the testicles into a woman when one is "balling". Snay's original remark suggests that the penis and testicles were being inserted. generally, it is one, but not the other.
Sol System
Member # 30
I have never had anything delivered.
Well, nothing I wanted.
Well, nothing I was expecting to want.
Never pizza, though.
Springfield Armory Snay
Member # 411
Let me be more specific: the penis was in the vagina of the other guy's girlfriend. Clearly, this was not the penis that was supposed to be in this girl's vagina at the given time.
Member # 29
And I was expecting a thread about Jeff's adventures in mud-wrestling Playboy centerfolds. Well, centerfolds from the 1950s.
Springfield Armory Snay
Member # 411
In your dreams.
And I *don't* want to know why that is.
Prismatic EdipisReks
Member # 510
thank you for the specificity. fap fap.
Magnus Pym Eye
Member # 239
I know what sex is now! W007!
Prismatic EdipisReks
Member # 510
to think! i've been doing it all these years without knowing what it is!
Springfield Armory Snay
Member # 411
Some people apparently needed it spelled out for them.
Member # 73
quote: Originally posted by Springfield Armory Snay: Let me be more specific: the penis was in the vagina of the other guy's girlfriend.
Then that's not his genitals, is it? That's only part of them. Would you say "He stuck his limb up the woman" when you in fact mean finger? Eh? No. Stupid boy.
Prismatic EdipisReks
Member # 510
thank you, PsyLiam. that was the exact point i was trying to make.
Balaam Xumucane
Member # 419
So wait... Are you telling me you're not supposed to put your balls in too? Aww... Man. No wonder it hurts so frickin' much...
Member # 36
I don't think I've ever ordered pizza here in Worcester, though. Maybe I should more often.
Member # 73
Tim shouldn't though. Under any circumstances.
Colorful Cartman
Member # 256
He's just big-boned.
Member # 73
Yes. And lots of fat in order to cover said bones.