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Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i'm gonna have a spare $200 in the next couple weeks, and i was thinking about getting a console system (i have a Dreamcast, but it doesn't get touched too much anymore). i keep seeing all the "new crazy" x-box games coming out, but they are like 329483720 years away. then i saw a bundle at EB that was a refurb PS2+ Sons of Liberty for $189. all of my friends have PS2's, so i could borrow tons of games from them, but only 2 of my friends have X-Box's, and the only freaking good exclusive game right now is Halo (in a little while splinter cell will be out for it, so it will then have 2 good exclusive games). does everyone agree that right now the PS2 sounds better? i can always get an X-Box in the future....

P.S. Vice City also sweetens the deal for PS2 [Big Grin]
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
The only reason I ever even wanted a PS2 was for Sons of Liberty, seeing as how the original Metal Gear Solid was like, cool as hell.

Personally, I'm waiting until they go down in price to less than a hundred dollars. That should happen late next year.

They're probably going to lower the price again in a couple of months, though, for Christmas.

You might want to hit a pawn shop, if you can bear to get one that isn't perfectly new. I've gotten my last few videogame systems at pawnshops and used electronics stores for pretty damn cheap: I got my Dreamcast at one for forty dollars, and this was back when they were still 150.00 at the stores.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Another thing you might consider is XBox Live vs PS2 HDD. The XBox Live is a broadband adapter for the XBox that allows you to transfer data and play games online. The PS2 HDD adds both a large Hard Drive for the PS2 to store large amounts of stuff as well as a broadband adapter along with 56k line (for those not blessed with cable/DSL) for playing games online.

PS2 HDD is for sale now, XBox Live is on sale in November.

Both PS2 and XBox have their exclusive games. PS2 has Sons of Libert, Gran Turismo series, Grand Theft Auto, XBox has Halo, and Gotham Racing.

Also, PS2 is still the leader among video game systems. Game Boy Advance 2nd, GameCube 3rd, and XBox bringing up the rear in 4th. Therefore, you can be assured that PS2 has a future ahead of it. XBox is looking shaky right now. XBox has had the most returns out of all 3 of the big systems, so people must be thinking they aren't getting what they planned for.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
a friend of mine is a beta tester for X-Box live, and i haven't been too impressed so far. i play my online games with my PC anyway, so the internet capabilties of either system are not much of a concern to me. my biggest beef with the X-Box is the lack of games. how long ago was Metal Gear Solid 2 for X-Box supposed to have been out? it still isn't. yeah, Halo 2 looks cool, but it is a year away. Onimusha 2 is out for PS2 now (and it is sweet as hell), but it won't be out for X-box for a while.

i thought the PS2 hard drive was going to come out in the spring. i still can't find one for sale anywhere, except as part of the Linux for PS2 kit. i see plenty of stand alone ethernet adaptors, though.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
PS2. Better games, and a whole lot more of 'm.
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
Also: Sony has released the source code to the playstation...some really diehard codeheads have already gotten their P2's to run linux, and in the not so distant future it's likely you could use your Playstation as a back up 'puter.

Not that this is a selling point or anything, but I thought it was gnarly.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Originally posted by Free ThoughtCrime America:
...some really diehard codeheads have already gotten their P2's to run linux, and in the not so distant future it's likely you could use your Playstation as a back up 'puter.

you can actually buy a ready to go Linux kit for the PS2.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
According to rumor, back in the 90s there was a Playstation shortage because Iraq was purchasing them (there being no ban, supposedly, on video games and machines to run them) and reworking them to operate as missile guidance systems.

I know a girl who worked for Microsoft over the summer, playtesting X-Box games. She'd probably tell you to buy a Gamecube, but I think her Nintendo loyality might be unduly influencing that recommendation. She does say that Halo is the only game that really stood out.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Gamecube has even fewer games than X-box. about the psx's being used by Iraq, i wouldn't be surprised if Snopes had an article about that.
Posted by Ritten (Member # 417) on :
I dislike MS, so the Xbox is out....

If you have it to spare you can send a dollar, or more, to each of us.....
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
The Starwars Rogue Leader game for Gamecube looks good. I don't have ANY platforms, except for playing them in the stores - and I still like the PS2. Tekken 4 looks really good. There is the Buffy game on X-box, but I don't know if it is JUST for the X-box.

Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
a friend of mine has Rogue Leader, and it's pretty good. the Buffy game is fun, but really really short. i think it is X-Box only.
Posted by Balaam Xumucane (Member # 419) on :
I've got a PS2 I love a lot. There are a lot of games for the PS2 and more on the way. Sony has established relationships with the video-game designers, and although it's never a straight shot, getting a game to production via Sony is a well worn path. The X-Box is a new platform, and has a lot of potential. What I'm concerned about is M$ofts bullying tactics in this industry. I don't think that is really going to lead to more and better games. I'm still mad that they bought Bungie and that the Mac release of Halo was pushed back as far as it was despite promises from M$ and Bungie. That was a ruthless and some might say brilliant move on M$'s part, because if you ask me, Halo is the only thing the X-Box has got going for it. I mean it's all pretty cutthroat, but M$ has repeatedly illustrated it's willingness to use its OS dominance to buffalo smaller software makers.

So I'd say go for the PS2 and swap games with your friends. Just don't put your PS2 upright. Even though you are suppposed to be able to that, the mechanism gets worn out that way and it's expensive to get it fixed.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
The video store I work at has 3 times as many PS2 as xbox, and I don't expect that to change ANY time soon.

Go PS2. I'm going when I get the game system for my car....

Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
I personally have the XBox and love it to death. I agree that the PS2 does have a one-year advantage of titles released, but I had to go with the XBox for its power and lineup. Halo is basicly a required purchase when you get this system. It is by far my favorite game to date. Im not too woried about the amount of exclusives, although the exclusives the XBox does have are very quality games. (Multiplatform games always look best on the XBox). Some really cool titles that I reccomend include:

Dead or Alive 3
Airforce Delta Storm
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer
Dave Mirra's BMX 2
Turok: Evolution
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter SE
The Thing

Upcomming xbox-only titles (some are time-exclusive):
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Shenmue II
Brute Force
ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth
James Bond 007: NightFire
X-Men: Next Dimention
Unreal Championship

Not to mention XBox live-- $50 for a year of service and a plantronics headset worth the $50 alone. I'm pretty active in SA's game community, which is a massive one (CliffyB of UT fame posts there regularly) and the general consensus there is Metal Gear Solid 2 for the PS2 was sort of a let down since you play as snake only half the time. Substance includes the ability to play as Snake, the Ninja, and other characters though the entire game (sort of a parellel story for each character) plus a ton of new VR missions.

Then again, if you are a Final Fantasy fan, the PS2 is a must since Square and Microsoft talks are still shakey.

A lot of those awesome games coming out are within the next few months... not several thousand years.

The XBox comes with a broadband adapter built in, alowing you to play any game supporting system link online-- for free. The Live service is optional. The 10GB hard drive, and with a $40 Live-safe mod chip... the ability to play N64/SNES/NES/Dreamcast/PSX (and probably PS2 and GameCube within a year) games with xbox graphical enhancements makes it a must-have system for me. Hell, Halo alone was, but still the modding capabilities with all the components you get with an XBox is just damn sweet. Seeing Halo 2's trailer earlier this year gave me goosebumps.

Bottom line, XBox is the superior system, modded, it has the superior library of games, hands down. I consider it the serious gamers console.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
You want to increase your chances of crashing?

I've just bought a Gamecube, mainly because I really wanted Rogue Leader and Mario. And Super Monkey Ball. Plus we already have a PS2 in the house.

If I didn't have a console, I would probably (and begrudgingly) go for a PS2, for the DVD capabilities and the shitload of games available for it.

The Gamecube though wins out in terms of sheer "fun". And multi-player, simply having four controller ports means games are more likely to take advantage of them. Although some of you will have to try and get 3 other friends before you can use them. Halo does look better than buttered toast, but apart from that, nothing really seems to stand out. And it is coming out on the PC...

And wow. X-Box is getting "Shenmue II". Because it's impossible to play that on any other console.

Actually, if you do have friends, then you could probably pick up a Dreamcast, Virtua Tennis 2 and Chu Chu Rocket for less than a brand new X-Box game. And have a lot more fun.
Posted by Hobbes (Member # 138) on :
I thought about getting a game consol, but I'm in no hurry. After getting the N64 and Dreamcast and not playing them shortly after purchase I don't feel the need to waste money that could go into my car.

However, if I wanted to and could manage a way to have it play off my laptop I'd consider getting one or the other. Sadly both systems have games I want making the decision harder.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Originally posted by PsyLiam:
You want to increase your chances of crashing?

Holly shit.. what? XBoxes do not crash. They use popular components like NVidia and Intel, but that in no way makes it a PC. You are still running games straight, not operating systems or driver layers. Unless you were talking about PC.

Originally posted by PsyLiam: Halo does look better than buttered toast, but apart from that, nothing really seems to stand out. And it is coming out on the PC...

Halo is scheduled for a PC launch in about a year. By then, Halo 2 will be in full hype, and of course, an XBox exclusive for a very long time... perhaps Halo 2 will hit the PC when Halo 3 is coming out for XBox? Mabye... Plus the community and interactivity XBox Live gives you is going to be loads more fun then a standard PC game. Voice chat with custom voice effects alone give you more of a feeling that your in a room full of friends.... not across the internet from them.

Originally posted by PsyLiam:
And wow. X-Box is getting "Shenmue II". Because it's impossible to play that on any other console.

Very true. I guess I didnt do my research. Of course graphicly the XBox version will be superior, but gameplay is gameplay -- and gameplay does come first.

Originally posted by PsyLiam:
Actually, if you do have friends, then you could probably pick up a Dreamcast, Virtua Tennis 2 and Chu Chu Rocket for less than a brand new X-Box game. And have a lot more fun.

Of course thats opinion, Dead or Alive 3 and Halo alone have kept me and my friends busy for hours.. even an entire night of Halo once. It never gets old. Especially when a friend comes over with his XBox and we link up for some 8 player action. Halo parties are so fucking cool.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Holly shit.. what? XBoxes do not crash. They use popular components like NVidia and Intel, but that in no way makes it a PC. You are still running games straight, not operating systems or driver layers. Unless you were talking about PC.

Actually, I was talking about Liz.

And yes, yes, Halo is excellent, great, only the forth game that popular hardcore gaming mag Edge has ever given 10 out of 10 for (very snobby. Simon would love it). But, y'know, one great game does not a console make. One amazing, stunning, superb game does not a console make.

By then, Halo 2 will be in full hype, and of course, an XBox exclusive for a very long time... perhaps Halo 2 will hit the PC when Halo 3 is coming out for XBox? Mabye...
And you can bet Microsoft will keep pushing it up until (and past) the point where we are bloody sick of it. At least Nintendo are wise enough not to release a Mario game every single year (if we ignore handhelds).

Voice chat with custom voice effects alone give you more of a feeling that your in a room full of friends.... not across the internet from them.

Yeah, and all this stuff is cool. I am still slightly wary of hardcore online gaming in general, but it doesn't stop this being nice. Although internet connectivity and all that was one of the main points of the Dreamcast, and look what happened there.

For the other games you've mentioned, Nightfire is definitly having a PC release soon (although it will be a bit different than the console version), there is at least one LOTR game due out for PC as well (again though, there is confusion due to the fact that there is a movie LOTR licence and a book LOTR licence), and surely Unreal Championship is just going to be a modified Unreal Tornament 2003?

The Life-safe mod chip does sound interesting, but I really, really, really doubt that it will be able to play PS2 games at anywhere near the speed of a PS2. The X-Box might be more powerful, but emulation is still a very processor intensive thing, and considering the nightmarish design of the PS2, I'd say it's unlikely to be even close to running the games on a PS2.

Bottom line, XBox is the superior system, modded, it has the superior library of games, hands down. I consider it the serious gamers console.

XBox is technically the superior console. Of course, the N64 was technically superior to the PSX, and we all saw how that turned out. The Dreamcast is now thought to be pretty much equal power-wise with a PS2, and again, we saw what happened there. Power does not make a console.

Modding is a PC thing. You are going to have to do a lot more to convince me that being able to Mod an X-Box game will drastically affect sales figures.

As for superior library of games, that's rather more debatable. Jedi Starfighter's a fun game. The Thing is a fun game. Dave Mirra's BMX 2 is probably as fun as Tony Hawk's 3. But they are nothing that the PS2 hasn't got an equivalent of. And the Gamecube may lack them, but it's targetting a slightly different audience.

Hell, even the much vaunted Dead or Alive 3, while no doubt an excellent game, is still not quite as good as Soul Calibur, the sequal to which is coming out on all three next-gen consoles I believe.

The PS2 is building on it's predecessor's name as the most successful console in the world. It's a brand that everyone knows of, it has the games, it has the looks, it's clearly in the lead.

The Gamecube benefits from the fact that, hey, it's Nintendo. Despite being possibly the least technically advanced of the three (on paper), Rogue Squadron shows that it can still look pretty nice, and Miyamoto's genius can never be underestimated. Through in the Game Boy Advances massive sales, and the fact that it has the best controller, and it becomes impossible to write Nintendo off.

XBox has Microsoft's muscle to back it up, but also has Microsoft's name to put it off. MS are still having to persuade Japanese companies to develop for it, and the Japanese public aren't really going for it. Remove the Eastern side of the equation, and you have a console for the west. In other words, a PC. You can't ignore the fact that Halo is an amazing game, or the fact that (again, on paper), it's the most powerful machine. And with Microsoft roughly the GNP of most of Africa into it daily, it certainly has support from it's parent. Will it gain the trust of the Japanese market though? Time will tell.

Also, the controller is shit. Really. It is. It's tragic. Awful. Who the fuck designed the thing? Eh?
Posted by Nimpim (Member # 205) on :
I'm just waiting for Vice City to be ported to the PC, can't wait for that M-60, I want to make swiss cheese out of motor vehichles.

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I was in the computer store today and they had three computers linked up playing a game... something Area III what is this... walk around and try to shoot the other guys... cool. It says it's not out yet - they had a preview copy playing.

Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
That would be Quake III Arena. I'm mildy perturbed by the fact you didn't recognize it. YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!

"Holly shit.. what? XBoxes do not crash. They use popular components like NVidia and Intel, but that in no way makes it a PC. You are still running games straight, not operating systems or driver layers."

Actually, they do. Instead of blue screens of death, you get... green ones. Very rare, but known to happen.

As for X-Boxes being technically superior: BetaMax, 'nuff said. Ultimately, marketing determines the amount of succes a product enjoys.
Posted by Nimpim (Member # 205) on :
Unreal Tournament 2003 kicks Q3A's a$$.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Originally posted by E. Cartman:
That would be Quake III Arena. I'm mildy perturbed by the fact you didn't recognize it. YOU ARE NOT WORTHY!

"Holly shit.. what? XBoxes do not crash. They use popular components like NVidia and Intel, but that in no way makes it a PC. You are still running games straight, not operating systems or driver layers."

Actually, they do. Instead of blue screens of death, you get... green ones. Very rare, but known to happen.

As for X-Boxes being technically superior: BetaMax, 'nuff said. Ultimately, marketing determines the amount of succes a product enjoys.

You are thinking about the XBox XDK system which developers use for games -- it runs though a SDK and a debug version of DirectX8. No home console can crash.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
And you can bet Microsoft will keep pushing it up until (and past) the point where we are bloody sick of it. At least Nintendo are wise enough not to release a Mario game every single year (if we ignore handhelds).
Halo selling way better then Sunshine is of course proof of this.

I am still slightly wary of hardcore online gaming in general, but it doesn't stop this being nice.
wary of hardcore online gaming? a third of the internet's users at any time are playing a game. check out gamespy's statistics on it. In fact, the UT2003 demo took up about half the internet's bandwidth at one time.

as for console gaming online, i dunno if you are familure with XBand, a huge online service for Genesis and SNES. There was definitely a stable community there for years.

The Life-safe mod chip does sound interesting, but I really, really, really doubt that it will be able to play PS2 games at anywhere near the speed of a PS2.
This is very true, however there are attempts being made. Even getting simple funtionality out of it would be a very good thing.

As for superior library of games, that's rather more debatable. Jedi Starfighter's a fun game. The Thing is a fun game. Dave Mirra's BMX 2 is probably as fun as Tony Hawk's 3.
I was taking into consideration the emulation abilities. That includes the entire NES, SNES, Sega Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Nintendo 64, PSX, Gameboy, GB Color, GB Advance.. and I think MAME will soon have a port with working sound.

and surely Unreal Championship is just going to be a modified Unreal Tornament 2003?
Its about 50/50. Half of the levels and weapons are also found in UT2003, but there are plenty of new maps and features to warrent owning both.

As for Nightfire having a PC release, where do you read this? About LOTR -- i was talking about the movie.

Not to mention the Matrix games are XBox exclusives.

But, y'know, one great game does not a console make. One amazing, stunning, superb game does not a console make.
In all seriousness, it doesnt "make" a console, but it certainly gets them into homes. Zelda for the Nintendo64 is great proof of this as well as Halo.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
It was Unreal Tournament - yes. And purturb all you like - The last 'computer game' I bought was Wing Commander 3. I've only JUST recently got a new computer to replace my 1996 P133. So I haven't played any games since... 1997 or so.

Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
of all the games mentioned for X-Box, Halo, Splinter Cell, Halo 2, and Shenmus 2 are the only ones i'm excited about. Rally is a good game, but i like GT3 better. I've played a beta of Unreal Championship, and UT2k3 does more for me. i definitely think i'm gonna go get the PS2, but i may go get an X-Box next year, if enough games come out for it. the GameCube is fun (a couple of my friends have one), but it needs more "adult games". Eternal Darkness is a good start, and the RE games are cool, but Nintendo needs to build on this. i also dislike the controller (the button configuration gives me fits, the buttons hurt my fingers, and i hate how the analog sticks have a polygonal guide around them). [Smile]
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Originally posted by Nimpim:
I'm just waiting for Vice City to be ported to the PC, can't wait for that M-60, I want to make swiss cheese out of motor vehichles.

your little friend there needs to load his M-60 [Wink]
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
Some of those N64 games are pretty good. I'm playing Zelda for the first time on it, and I think it's the best game I've played since, oh, probably Super Metroid. I'm still not convinced it deserved all those perfect ten scores, but hey, it's fun.

Metal Gear Solid was better, but that's because Solid Snake is the fucking shit as far as video game characters go. (We used to go around doing impersonations of that game's voice actors at work..."What's that you got there, Snake? A cardboard box? Heh. They'll never know what hit 'em" while breaking down boxes would usually start off a round of Metal Gearisms. Don't know why that was so amusing, but it was. My friend could do David Hayter's gravelly Snake voice so well, it was scary.)

Plus, it had my favorite video game institution: the (currently politically incorrect) sniper battles.

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was pretty great, too. Especially since if you didn't bother figuring out that you weren't supposed to kill the guy with the whip, you'd miss over half the game. Same friend of mine that does the snake voice bought Castlevania used, played it, got to whip guy, killed him, decided the game: "while graphically resplendant, it is far too easy and short for my tastes" took it back and sold it. Finding out that indeed, there was an entire second half to it, he went and bought it again.

I like my friends.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Proteus:
And you can bet Microsoft will keep pushing it up until (and past) the point where we are bloody sick of it. At least Nintendo are wise enough not to release a Mario game every single year (if we ignore handhelds).
Halo selling way better then Sunshine is of course proof of this.
Er, relevent how? Halo is new. I was talking about when it gets to the point where Microsoft have recycled it beyond the capabilities of the rational man to stand.

I am still slightly wary of hardcore online gaming in general, but it doesn't stop this being nice.
wary of hardcore online gaming? a third of the internet's users at any time are playing a game. check out gamespy's statistics on it. In fact, the UT2003 demo took up about half the internet's bandwidth at one time.
And I'm sure a good portions of the remaining two thirds were taken up by people looking at porn. I was more really thinking of MMORPG players anyway, but how does the fact that "lots of people do it" prevent me from being wary of it?

Originally posted by Eddyplinkyflinky:
i also dislike the controller (the button configuration gives me fits, the buttons hurt my fingers, and i hate how the analog sticks have a polygonal guide around them).

NOow, Eddy my boy, this is just plain wrong. The Gamecube controller has two real weaknesses. The D-pad is a little small, and the button layout doesn't lend itself to beat-em-ups. That's pretty much it, and who uses a D-pad anyway?

The X-Box controller has the best analogue sticks in the world, and a button layout designed by a blind elephant. I am scared to think what the hands of it's designers look like.

The Dualshock controller is, well, the dualshock controller. Suffers now from a lack of new inovation, but alos benefits from the fact that everyone knows it, has used it, and probably made love to it.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
Er, relevent how? Halo is new. I was talking about when it gets to the point where Microsoft have recycled it beyond the capabilities of the rational man to stand.
And why do you think Microsoft will do this? Theres been a single trailer for Halo 2, and there was a fair amount of advertising for Halo 1, but thats about it. They certainly arnt shoving it down our throats.

And I'm sure a good portions of the remaining two thirds were taken up by people looking at porn. I was more really thinking of MMORPG players anyway, but how does the fact that "lots of people do it" prevent me from being wary of it?
I was pretty much asking how could you be weary of something in such large practice? Additionally, reagurding your original point about the Dreamcast -- it was hyped up as sort of a WebTV deal with games on the side. Not at all like the XBox - where web surfing/chating/downloading anything but game material is out of the question.

The X-Box controller has the best analogue sticks in the world, and a button layout designed by a blind elephant. I am scared to think what the hands of it's designers look like.
I can see how the controller would be bad for small japanese hands. However, I, and many XBox owners like me, think the controller is pure bliss. The layout works fine for American-sized hands. Now, for me, gone are the days of tiny made-for-japanese-players controlers like the N64 and Gamecube. The Dreamcast controllers had something going for them, the XBox ones simply made it happen.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
my problem with the regular X-Box controller is two fold. one, the buttons hurt my fingers after a couple hours, and two, i can never find the damn black and white buttons without looking. the Type-S controller (the japanese one) has now become standard with all new X-boxes, so at least the button placement problem is moot no.
Posted by newark (Member # 888) on :
Let's talk about controllers first.

The X-Box will have four controllers this fall:

a. the regular controller
b. the controller-s (for small handed people)
c. a wireless controller
d. the Steel Battalion controller

The Steel Battalion controller comes with the game which costs $199.99. Why? This controller has 40 buttons for the game. There are buttons for navigation, for arming and firing, for ejecting (which is the save button as well), for monitoring vital systems, and so on. Additionally, there are two control joysticks.

T & A

X-Box is releasing for the second year of operations two games which push the boundaries of t & a in video games. These games are Dead or Alive: Extreme Beach Volleyball and BMX XXX. In the former, the females from the Dead or Alive series are playing championship beach volleyball. I have seen reports that some of the female players in this game can be seen topless. In the latter game, there are strippers and hookers who show some t & a.

Issues with the Japanese market
The Japanese enjoy Role Playing Games. This is a large market in Japan. The X-Box has very few RPGs. For a successful X-Box market in Japan, there has to be more games of this type sold for the X-Box.

Best and Worst Games of the X-Box

According to the official X-Box magazine, these are the best and worst games for the console.

Best Games

Aggressive Inline
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dead or Alive 3
JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future
Madden 2002
NFL Fever 2002
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Panzer Dragon Orta
Project Gotham Racing
Sega GT 2002
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
UFC Tapout

Worst Games

Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Batman Vengeance
Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon
David Beckham Soccer
ESPN NBA 2Night 2002
New Legends
Nightcaster: Defeat the Darkness
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
the rumors of seeing them topless in Extreme Beach Volleyball are just that: Rumors. in the BMX XXX game, you can play topless female characters who are biking around topless.
Posted by newark (Member # 888) on :
Which raises the question, why are they doing this? When a tv show is ailing, the producers will increase the sexuality to draw in more of the targeted audience. I don't see how topless bikers or volleyball players will help the games. I do see how the lure of topless anything will draw in the teenagers and pre-teenagers to buy these games. So, does this indicate there are more problems with the sale of X-Box units and games than what is generally reported.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
Posted by Free ThoughtCrime America (Member # 480) on :
There are people who seem to masturbate to video games. Now, there really will be.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
i hope that M$ releases a plastic cover for the gamepad.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Hmmm, *mental flash*.
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
heh, that comic was the reason i used the "M$" [Big Grin]
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
And of course, there's that whole disturbing fact that they've actually modelled the vaginas of the women for Dead or Alive 3.

I wouldn't mind, but it's a good fighting game. Does it really need to do that to make it better?

Also, you are right. The small X-Box controller is far better than the big one.
Posted by Nimpim (Member # 205) on :
Shirley not the vaginas???
At the most, the smooth vulvae bulge under the panties...

Anyway, there's a perfectly logical explanation to the explicit content in de new games, which ties in ThoughtCrime's previous statement nicely.

See, the companies make sexy games, which naturally forces the gamers to masturbate violently to the games, building up meaty callused hands, so that guys like OrificeReks can use the new, un-ergonomical controllers without their tender little hands taking damage!

Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Now there are two topics on Flare talking about vaginas. I sense a disturbing trend...
Posted by EdipisReks (Member # 510) on :
exactly, Nimchildrapistpim.
Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
First off, BMX XXX is multiplatform and being developed by acclaim.

Secondly, XBox, being an American system, focuses on the American market. Yes, video games are not as big here as in Japan, but my feeling for the XBox has always put the American market (action/adventure, extreme sports, racing, fighting) in front of the Japanese one.

They do make a smaller controller which I have not tried yet, but theres no reason to fix something thats already perfect (for me, anyway).

And, I like the big wonderfully bouncy graphics of Dead or Alive 3. So they modeled the vaginas? You dont get to see them.

Aki from Final Fantasy was modeled completely but you never saw any of that. (well theres a photo on the net, but its not officially released)

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