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Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I got a call from my attorney (who is technically now no longer my attorney) today.

A warrant for my arrest has been issued today by the Commonwealth of Maryland. The specified charges are sexual offense in the 3rd degree, perverted practices, & child pornography. Maximum total sentence is 30 years & $75,000.

My attorney wants $5000 up front to handle the trial phase of the case; this is a third of the total fee. He cannot do anything until he gets this. I'm not sure I can get that kind of money from anyone, so I may be forced to take a public defender. At any rate, sometime in the next week I will drive to Maryland, surrender myself, & be arraigned. He's confident that due to my past cooperation & my lack of a flight risk, I'll be released on low bond or possibly ROR.

And then...who knows.
Posted by Dukhat (Member # 341) on :
This is a joke, right? Please tell me you're kidding.

But if you're the fuck did this happen? And isn't Maryland a state, not a Commonwealth?
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
I wonder if this forum is being tapped. You'll never know what dirt one can come up with.

And yes, how did this happen?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
He posted the story in at the end of thread a while back that was eventually locked. Basically, his former girlfriend was underaged and her parents found out.

Shik, I can't think of much to say other than I hope everything goes well.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Makes me wonder if her parents are doing this as a form of vengeance.

I don't mean to be crude, but hopefully you knew what you were getting into.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"And isn't Maryland a state, not a Commonwealth?"


"Makes me wonder if her parents are doing this as a form of vengeance."

If you found out that a guy in his late twenties had been fucking your sixteen-year-old-daughter, what would you do?
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Massachusetts is the Commonwealth.

Posted by Proteus (Member # 212) on :
child pornography?


child pornography?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Yeah, nude pictures of 16 year old women are considered child pornography in many (if not all) of the states.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Mmm. . . barely legal teens. . . Er, what? Sorry, what was I saying?
Posted by Nimrod Pimding (Member # 205) on :
Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Virginia is a commonwealth as well.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Anyone know which thread this story is in? I'm curious as to what it is, since this whole thing is definately unusual...even for Flare.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
It would be here.

This is not a joke. This is very real & very serious. It's also interesting to note that from the original search warrant, one charge was dropped & 2 others were added. The charge of "solicitation of a child for sexual purposes via the computer" is the big one, because it implied that I was an "internet predator," which I'm not. As far as "perverted practices" goes, we're thinking it's either because oral sex is technically illegal or because (horrors!) I purchased a vibrator for her. She picked it out...but I paid for it.

As for if I knew what I was doing...yes. Love makes us do irrational things. A kind of limited insanity. But they didn't have to react like this.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
I read your original post.

If the police nicked your PC then they would know where on the internet you would hang your hat. This is probable cause for a search warrant on the Flare Forums (Charles, I think you should be concerned about this). Thus, anything you may say here might be used against you in the court of law. Another possibility is that one or more Forumites might be subject to a Subpoena issued by the state of Maryland. Worst case scenario is that the Police might gather enough evidence to support charges on any one of us for any transgressions we "may have committed".

Yes, I'm taking this from Law and Order. But then, you want to be VERY careful as one slip up means that we don't see you for the next 30 years or so.

As a friend, I would advise you to stay away from these forums, moreso for your sake than ours.

Good Luck.

Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I haven't been arraigned yet. I haven't surrendered myself yet.

As for subpoenaing this forum or its members, that's such a long stretch it's not even funny. They've evidently got all the evidence they feel they need without even contacting anyone I know, for I have heard nothing from no one upon such matters.

We'll see what happens & I'll keep all y'alls posted in the loop.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Ergh. All that "First of Two for Emperor" crap is coming back to haunt me!

Oh, well. [Razz]
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Good luck.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :

On Monday, I drive to Maryland to surrender myself & be arraigned. I'll have to have a public defender since we can't afford the fees for the extant attorney. I'm sure that bail/bond will be incredibly low, & I'm hoping that I can ever get ROR; if I haven't fugitized by now...

A friend of a friend called her parents the other night; they both work in law enforcement--the father is a 20-year veteran cop who worked with the FBI for the lats few of his career. They agreed that if I stick to my story & tell the turth, that I won't be hit hard, & may not even be hit at all. If I can show consensuality & maturity on her part (& I can), then it goes a long way, especially since it's her parents & not her that's pressing charges. Plus there's the fact that as this goes to trial, they'll have to hire an attorney to represent Lindsey, & then that means more money...dragging her through all of cetera.

Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Just out of curiosity, why haven't you surrendered yourself yet? I'm just wondering... It would seem like the longer you wait to do so, the deeper you're going ot be digging yourself.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Well, the warrant was issued on Wednesday & I found out about it then. I have to work today, tomorrow, & Sunday & wanted to allow for that if I could. There's also the fact that yesterday, the entire upper eastern seaboard was hammered by snow, & I didn't want to die on my way into custody. They know that I'm coming down & they offered me the chance as I requested; there's no need. As long as I honor the agreement, everything is fine. Indeed, it works quite well in my favor for them to wait for me to come to them instead of them coming up here to get me.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Ok... yes, so long as you have an understanding with them... It's definitely good that you've been in contact with them already. You said something about being a fugitive and that's what had me wondering...
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
A friend of a friend called her parents the other night; they both work in law enforcement--the father is a 20-year veteran cop who worked with the FBI for the lats few of his career.

Just to be sure, when you say "her parents", you're not talking about Lindsey, right?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I've yet to read the other thread on this but... woah - serious stuff!! Shik good luck. If you are one would hope that if you are honest and true then everything should work out ok.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Originally posted by Tahna Los:
Just to be sure, when you say "her parents", you're not talking about Lindsey, right?

I am not. Anna's parents.

1300 Monday afternoon, I surrender myself at the Golden Ring Barracks in Essex, MD. I feel like the Chinese circa 1975--"There is great disorder under heaven & the situation is excellent."
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
I'm supposed to be in Maryland right now. The detective called me at quarter to 7 this morning asking to delay things until Wednesday. I said Tuesday. So Tuesday it is.

It looks like I'll have to stay there overnight at least one night. He said that I'll see a commissioner that day who'll ask me questions to see if I'm eligible for bail. If so, then I'll have my bail review hearing the next day. After that...who knows.

Hey, Snay? What're you doing on Wednesday, right? I can call you for a ride to my car, right?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Wow... they want to delay things? That's kind of weird. At least, in the sense of I've never heard of that before. Why would the police want to delay you coming in to surrender yourself?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
"A situation arose." It's only a day.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
He asked you to come by on Wednesday, and you convinced him to make it Tuesday?

policeman: "Hello, Mr. Shik, this is the Maryland Police. We've had a situation arise, and we eondered if you might be able to hold off surrendering yourself until Wednesday?"
Shik: "Wednesday?! Wednesday?! But I want to go to jail now!"

Are you going to have someone drive you to Maryland so you can spend the whole time asking "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"?
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Ha! Nonono...I'm probably going alone. Maybe take my friend Julia, I don't know.

As for the day, it's because I'm not in a good place with my boss as it stands, & I don't need to be making extra problems. She alloted me Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday for me to work all this out. To have to go to Thursday...well, yeah.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Dude. That's real harsh. I hope it all works out well for you though. Good Luck! The age of consent in the States is like 18? It's like 14 up in Canada. but you gotta be 18 before you can do porn. At least that's what the DateSmart lady said.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Age of Consent at the national and state level is one of the more painfully unexamined fallacistic laws we have in America. Most (like 47 or 48) states have 18 as the default age of consent. A couple are 17, and one (which one, I can't remember) is 16. Most states also have a second, lower age of consent with parental permission -- in some cases equal, in others different for boys than girls.

The Age of Majority and the Age of Consent are about as annoying to me as America's archaic Consanguinity laws. Fortunately, the latter are being slowly phased out on a state-by-state basis. Not that I want to marry one of my cousins (although several of them are pretty hot), but we have no business perpetuating a law that only exists due to 15th-century European political convenience.

As it is, I wrote a nice long rant, thinly disguised as a Sociology paper, on why the Ages of Majority and Consent should be re-examined and re-structured along with the American educational system. It's not enough that kids have always matured at different rates, and when you throw the mental/emotional/physical schism into the mix, it adds even more complexity to the model.

What's more, physical maturity is being reached at younger and younger ages these days than it was a century or two ago, and we haven't even remotely adjusted to that as parents or as teachers. I don't agree with the blanket approach of showing the entire class a basic sex-ed film in fifth grade (or so) when half the class has known about this stuff and more for years thanks to their parents or their own research, while the other half isn't remotely ready to be scarred by such subject matter.

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten past the stage of "desired final structure" in my noodling on what could replace what we have now. All I know is we need some way of dealing with everyone's different learning styles and rates of development in such a way that no one is either rushed or retarded. I know too many people who either chafe for years before their 18th birthday, or are still unable to take care of themselves when they're in their 50s.

*grumble* Shik, I'm sorry to see you get caught in the gears of a cultural blind spot...

Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by Da_bang80:
The age of consent in the States is like 18? It's like 14 up in Canada. but you gotta be 18 before you can do porn.

Only 14? Interesting. It's 16 in the UK, BTW.

Originally posted by Peregrinus:
Not that I want to marry one of my cousins (although several of them are pretty hot), but we have no business perpetuating a law that only exists due to 15th-century European political convenience.

First of all, disturbed.

Second of all, the reasons for non-cousin marriage extend slightly beyond "15th century European political convenience". To paraphrase Ross from Friends when he was wondering if he should snog his rather attractive cousin.

"Okay, just take it nice and slow. After all, that's what our children will be."
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
If I recall correctly, Spain has the age of consent at thirteen years-old. I think it was the late 90s/early 00s that the Spanish Parliament raised from twelve years-old.

I found an age of consent chart a while back, but I'll be damned if I can find it now. It listed the ages of consent for all the States and most of the world's nations, but its information seems to differ from Peregrinus's. According to it, the age of consent for heterosexual relations (in most of the states) is sixteen years-old. Age of consent for homosexual relations is usually higher at eighteen years-old. Of course, that's assuming that the state doesn't have a law banning homosexual relations (like Texas does).
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
theres a Soul Asylum song.. 'try to do the right thing.. the right thing changes from state to state'

BTW, i was arrested here in RI while in a private situation with a 16 year old.. the police officer specifically said i would be in a LOT more trouble if she was 'a few months younger'.. most people stress the 18+ standard, but the general consensus seems to be you can't get in trouble unless she's under 16 (but then again, i wasn't actually engaged in relations with her.. i'm not that kind of boy).. i'm not sure what the specific law is though..

the local gay-talk-radio show just had a show about sodomy laws in the U.S... i guess that in texas warrants are being issued for people suspected of engaging in 'non-procreational sex'.. that's right, by the government's definition, any sex that is not male-female, penal-vaginal (and specifically without a prophylactic) is illegal. frightening.. i know a number of girls who are guilty of the heinous crimes of oral sex and girl-training.. but i could never turn them in without implicating myself.. oh well.

all the girls i hang out with have parents that are cool with me.. their moms love my nail polish and offer to make brownies and their dads ask me to fix their computers.. oh well i don't tell them how old i am. i guess i'm the poster child non-threatening boy. or they can smell that i'm abstinant.. oh well.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Actually, non-vagino-penile intercourse is legal in Texas as long as it's a heterosexual couple engaged in those activities. Indeed, it looks like the US Supreme Court may be making a ruling on our sodomoy law since, if I recall correctly, it specifically outlaws homosexual intercourse.

A few years ago, a homosexual couple were in their bedroom having sex when the police broke into the bedroom. They were responding to a false report (I think it was burglary or assault) called in by their neighbor. The couple was arrested, and they've been fighting the sodomy law since.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Today's the day. In 15 minutes, I go to be arraigned. Whee-ness.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Originally posted by Peregrinus:
All I know is we need some way of dealing with everyone's different learning styles and rates of development in such a way that no one is either rushed or retarded.

It's called "parental attention". If parents would do their jobs and teach their children this stuff when it was appropriate for them to learn, Mrs. Bobnot, the 70 year old spinster health teacher wouldn't have to decide when to tell Sally and Jimmy that these feelings are normal and that they shouldn't freak out. After all... they'll have plenty of time for that after Sally gets pregnant.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I believe is the site you want, Siegfried.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Whenever I can't find something, it's always in the most obvious place. Thank you, TSN, that is the one I was remembering.
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Well, it seems that Shik has quite the humour. Just look at his profile. I must hand it to the guy for keeping his head up under these circumstances.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Yeah, that's double tough. I know it'd take much less to crack my spirit.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Well, well... It seemse the ages in many states have dropped a bit since I wrote that paper seven years ago... Unfortunately, I doubt anything is being done at the parental level to instill any sort of moral compass in those kids who are being granted permission to do something about which they will very likely be woefully unprepared...

Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Siegfried:
Age of consent for homosexual relations is usually higher at eighteen years-old. Of course, that's assuming that the state doesn't have a law banning homosexual relations (like Texas does).

BANNING homosexual relations? What, with all those large hats, guns and leather chaps - it's almost the "Village People State"! [Smile]
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
hm.. like Texan style government is now sodomizing most of the world, politically. how gay is that?
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Note: the viewpoints and opinions expressed by the Bush Administration, National GOP leadership, Texas GOP, Moral Majority, Christian Coalition, Religious Right, Texas Conservatives, and the Cafeteria Lunchladies Union in Support of Spam Fridays do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Flare Sci-Forums poster Siegfried.
Posted by MaGiC (Member # 59) on :
Yes they do and you know it :-)
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, the important word was "necessarily"...
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well he's on bond or something. He's down in Towson (County seat of government) and I'm going to give him a ride down to Penn Station in a little bit.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Shades of OJ hiding in the back of that Bronco. . .
Posted by Tahna Los (Member # 33) on :
Does anyone know if Shik made bail? If he did, he'd most likely be back posting here. But he isn't. Unless I missed one of his posts.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I assume he made bail, since he called me and asked me for a ride to Penn Station so he could go back to PA. I waited for half an hour for him at the agreed upon meeting place in Towson Town Center, but he did not show, and I had to go to a function at one of my professor's homes, and I only now got home. So, here's hoping he got to Penn Station. My caller ID showed that he called me at 9pm and 9:52 pm (I was supposed to pick him up between 4:45 - 5:15), so whatever it was that kept him from the meeting for near four hours must've been important.

Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Must have dropped the soap. . .
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Here's hoping he's not stalking around Towson waiting to slit my throat with a knife.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Well... I think he's in enough trouble without worrying about murder charges...
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Yeah, so�I�m back.

The short version: $10,000 bail, paid by my father at a $3000 bond; that money is gone & never to be seen again. I spent 3 days as a guest of the Baltimore County Detention Center. I made my first shiv. I was put in protective custody for the last day & a half; that�s just what classification decided. My assault & battery story stuck mostly.

I learned that prison food isn�t that bad; that Maryland has no self-defense law; that the public defender system is utter SHITE--I don�t get to see my counsel until a week before trial, & I have to drive back down to Toswon to reapply with them since my release nullified my initial application put in by being detained.

It�s the aftermath that�s far, far worse. I seem to have lost all my friends either through their own sense of self-preservation of acts of gross misconduct.

I drove down there with 2 friends. I gave one of them the use of my car. I gave her very specific instructions: call my father, call someone in CT, & call work to tell them I wouldn�t be in. None of those things happened. I authorized her to use my car in my absence. This meant within reason�shopping, seeing her boyfriend, seeing her grandparents 45 minutes away. When I picked up the car on Saturday, there was an extra 300 miles on it & it was a shitheap full of trash. Never mind the fact that she was supposed to come get me. I called & called & called & there was never an answer. It took me 24 hours to get home by cab & bus. I got 6 hours of sleep in three 2-hour blocks & then went to work, whereupon I got shit for it. FUCK THEM.

My father told me that one of my aunts, his middle sister Dee, died of cancer while I was incarcerated; she�d had cancer for 2 years & I never knew. No one ever TOLD me, just like no one ever tells me ANYTHING. �There�s not much you could�ve done,� he said. But there WERE things that could�ve been done at the outset if I�d known.

My holiday plans have been shot because I�m not allowed to stay at the place that I normally do, my old place back in CT. The ex-roommate has stated a desire to put distance between us, that she �can�t afford to have it look the way we do right now,� the ex-girlfriend feels �uncomfortable,� & she & the landlady don�t think I�m taking any of this seriously. That I shouldn�t be talking about it at all her or anywhere else online. Again, FUCK THEM.

I HAVE to talk about this openly. I HAVE to joke about it all; if I don�t I will most surely die. I know how my mood can both affect & effect my fate & outcomes. If I�m pessimistic, dour, cynical, then that�ll make everything go horribly worse. �Not taking this seriously.� FUCK YOU. I was the one who showered once in 3 days. I was the one in the orange jumpsuit. I was the one who had to sit & do NOTHING for 3 days with no contact to the outside world, my mind screaming for something to occupy it & ward off atrophy. I KNOW what the fucking stakes are & who the fuck are THEY or anyone ELSE to tell me how I SHOULD or should NOT be feeling or acting?!? At the ONE time I needed my friends�the ONE TIME I needed them to do nothing but blindly trust & follow my exact orders�.they stumble, & blunder, & fall.

So now�now there�s no reason to go back at the end of the month, & I end up saving a lot of money on possible presents, & a lot of time. But I�m incredibly fucking HURT. I�m fucking SAVAGED by this, because I know that had the roles been reversed, there would have been no question on my part whatsoever. The aftereffects & fallout from a mild incarceration are Infinitely fucking worse than that of the imprisonment itself.

It figures that the only person I feel I can trust anymore is the one who got me into this mess in the first place. A little bitter & angry? Yeah, but y'know..why the fuck not, hm?

Oh, & Jeff? The reason I wasn't there was because I was at the Barnes & Noble downstairs entrance. Miscommunication. Happens. I'm more pissed that I had to call you at all.

[ December 16, 2002, 12:07: Message edited by: Shik ]
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Oh shit dude, I actually parked at Towson Town Center and was waiting inside for you. I was like, "hmmm." Hope you got home okay.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Eventually. The itinerary went like this after waiting for you:

Friday, 1900: call a cab.
2030: Still no cab. Call again. They say they came, but they didn't.
2045: Cab comes & takes me to Fayette St. bus station in Baltimore City. The next bus to Harrisburg doesn't leave until 0450. I walk out to the Barnes & Noble on Pratt St. & buy goodies to keep me entertained--"Fight Club" & "If Chins Could Kill," the autobiography by Bruce Campbell. Yes, that Bruce Campbell.
Saturday, 0450: Bus to Harrisburg.
0615: Arrive Harrisburg, wait for 4 hours for first bus to State College.
1045: Bus to State College.
1235: Arrive State College, & call for my car.

I didn't get home until 1300 Saturday (having been released at 1230 Friday). I didn't fall asleep until 1430. I had to wake up at 1600 to be at work at 1700.

Fucking YAY.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
Well, you've still got friends here. There's really nothing we can do except to give you comfort and support, but it's still much more than what all of your ex-friends have been giving you back at home.
Posted by gypsy (Member # 937) on :
Sometimes what appears to be "not supportive" is really supportive. It depends on what side of the coin you are looking.

Remember your past mistakes, and who took you in, gave you a room over your head at half the rent.
Letters written for you....when you really needed them. How quick you forget.

Bye for now.

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"I was the one who showered once in 3 days."

You didn't drop any soap, did you? I hear that stuff is a bitch to keep ahold of...
Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Just finished reading this thread. Damn.
Whatever you do, don't drop the soap in the shower. If you do you might meet s big, burly black man named Bubba.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Wow, thanks for that insight, which until now has gone unrecorded in the annals of human knowledge!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, that seems somewhat racist. White men have been known to ass-rape, too...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
It's true. I saw that in American History X. And maybe a couple episodes of Oz.
Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Okay so he might meet a big burly white man named Bubba Joe Bob as well.
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
It doesn't matter anymore anyway. She hates me. Resents me. Has a new boyfriend. Is happy with him, with her life.

It6's all been for naught. I'm such a fool to have believed in love.

Never again.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"It6's all been for naught. I'm such a fool to have believed in love."

I'm not sure I'd go that far. You were, of course, a fool to believe in a sixteen-year-old's love. But not love in general.
Posted by Teelie (Member # 280) on :
Yeah, what he said. Believing a 16 year old girl is in love for more than a few months? Time to move on, and hopefully move up a little older to someone who's got more sense of what love is than a teenager.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I'm sorry Shik, for what you are going through. This whole things sounds a little too weirded out for me though. OK the girl was 15/16 - she wasn't like fucking 10 years old. How old are you again mid-twenties... in ten years, the age difference wouldn't matter. Yes, I know there is the whole law thing - but unless you really hurt that girl - why would her parents try to make you suffer to the FULLEST extent of the law as possible!?! Why not give you a stern warning etc. It looks like they've got some sorta of vandetta to make you be punished all the way. This IS, though - only a take from reading bits and pieces here and there.

What about those people you see on Jerry Springer etc. for half of those shows - Steve should be up there arresting them straight off!
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
yeah, its a lesson i've learned the hard way, girls that young are seriously fucked up in the head.

but then looking back, when i was that age i was fucked up in the head (yes, moreso than today.. these days i understand why i act wierd.. back then i was mad and confused because i didnt know how to deal with being me.. which is why all teenagers are the way they are)..
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
I would urge you to not generalize. I met my fiancee when she was 13, and her love has been unwavering throughout. It varies on a person-by-person basis -- reference my earlier rant. In this case, it looks like Shik gave her credit for being more mature than she was. Hell of a price to pay for an error in judgement...

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, I wasn't saying that a sixteen-year-old can't ever ever ever possibly bee in love for real. I'm just saying it's incredibly rare, so don't believe them without doubt until they're older. And certainly don't do anything to get your name permanently inscribed on the sex-offender lists...
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
SPeaking as a woman, all I have to say is that one should NEVER assume that a girl can be taken at her word, or even her actions... we're fickle people, yes..... [Razz]

If I were a guy, I'd be gay... I'd never want to have to date a woman.... what a NIGHTMARE! But on thaqt note, I have to say that I'm not you're average woman, so any hot, rich, sensitive men in the audience that would like to marry me can put in their resume and I'll respond accordingly [Wink]

Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Actually, I'm sure it's brainwashing by her parents, pure & simple.

I don't know how long we might have lasted, or if we would have at all. But I would've liked that chance & had things end of our own accord if they had to end. As much as I try to like her parents, I keep coming back to find myself despising their actions & inactions, not just on this matter, but on a lot of things concerning her.

:::sighs::: Yeah. Anyway...yeah.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
OK the girl was 15/16 - she wasn't like fucking 10 years old. How old are you again mid-twenties... in ten years, the age difference wouldn't matter.

And if they'd gotten together ten years earlier, the age difference would have been even worse. So, y'know, rubbish point. Sorry.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
That's just silly Liam.

We're getting into Tribble territory there! [Smile]

"As Far As I can tell - they're born pregnant". [Smile]
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Originally posted by LOA:
so any hot, rich, sensitive men in the audience

No, no, and yes....damn, 1 out of 3. [Embarrassed]
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
*heh* Yes, working on it, and yes... But I'm taken, and I don't think even two out of three would suffice...

Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, define "hot", "rich", and "sensitive". If the room is hot, I do sweat more than I'd like to. And I eat a lot of sugar, so I'd probably be somewhat rich if anyone ever tried to eat me. And I know I'm sensitive. You wouldn't believe how easy it is to cause me pain.

And, female or gay, I can't imagine why anyone would be attracted to men. We simply are not in a form that is pleasing to look at.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Timothy, you need to stop talking now.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Agreed *L*
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
And I eat a lot of sugar

And that's why you're a fat bastard.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Oh, and...

Originally posted by Sol System:
Wow, thanks for that insight, which until now has gone unrecorded in the annals of human knowledge!

He he he, that looks like "anal".
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Laugh! Liam made a funny!
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
Originally posted by The359:
Originally posted by LOA:
so any hot, rich, sensitive men in the audience

No, no, and yes....damn, 1 out of 3. [Embarrassed]
or do you mean 1 out of 4?
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
In my experience, younger women don't have a clue as to what they want. They haven't figured themselves out yet. I was absolutely in love with a 17 year old a while ago. I was 25/26 at the time. And it was hell... she didn't know what she wanted... how could I ever approach her with the idea of a relationship?

As for the idea that all women are a nightmare to date... I find this whole idea that all women are unreadable, mind changing, impossible to decifer people to be a cop out. It's a stereotype that society has now decided is "just the way women are" and has become an excuse for women to be fickle, mean, and self centered. I know women who aren't like that. And it's because they work at it.

Just my 2 cents...
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Originally posted by CaptainMike:
Originally posted by The359:
Originally posted by LOA:
so any hot, rich, sensitive men in the audience

No, no, and yes....damn, 1 out of 3. [Embarrassed]
or do you mean 1 out of 4?
I'm not going to ask what you're implying...
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Unlike us twentysomething males, who have our lives so TOTALLY FIGURED OUT it is CRAZY in the TOTALNESS of the ORGANIZATION.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Will anyone ever scratch beneath Simon's surface?

Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
It's a dirty job, but I volunteer to scratch below Simon's surface. Wish me luck.
Posted by Dat (Member # 302) on :
I certainly don't have my life figured out yet. I can't even get a steady job. Right now, i'm tempting for Sacramento County as an office assistant in the Risk Management department under the Human Resources Agency. Oh, yeah, I also don't even have a girlfriend now, and don't even go and meet any new people. I'm pathetic. [Frown]
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Don't be blue. You're, like, assistant Satan for a whole county. They don't hire just anyone.

Here is where I deliver a nudge to the ribs.

And here is where I say "Get it? Huh? Do ya?"
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
I don't get it.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
At last, I have my woman completely figured out.

She's insane.

Moreover, they're ALL insane. Every last one of them.

The trick isn't figuring out that they're insane, the trick is determining WHICH insanity/ies they have (most of them have several), and determining what to do about them. Certain irrationalities can be ignored, some must be nurtured, some must be obeyed, some must simply be endured.

If you think you've found a woman who isn't insane, it's just because she hasn't sprung it on you yet. The longer this goes on, the more crushing the blow when it finally becomes clear.

ALL of them. INSANE. You've been warned.
Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Well, someone had a nice Christmas.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
All women are insane. I am insane. Therefore, I am a woman.

I never knew!
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Thats not the contrapositive statement!
I'm talking about math while on break!
I'm using absurd numbers of exclamation signs!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, all women are insane in the same sense that all people are insane. And, since all people are insane, and all women are people, it went w/o saying that all women are insane. So, what's the point?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'm on a pretty even keel, myself.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Women are insane becuase men drive them to it.

Don't argue the point - I am woman, therefore I'm right.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Ironically, men drive women insane, and any sane man wouldn't let a woman drive him anywhere.

Do you see? Ahhhh.
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Originally posted by Vogon Poet:
Well, someone had a nice Christmas.

I had a great Christmas, aside from being sick.

Se, once you have the insanity figured out, and how to deal with it, everything runs smoothly. You know when you can ignore the sudden crying, and when you actually have to DO or SAY something. It saves SO much time.
Posted by Daryus Aden (Member # 12) on :
First, I bow to your wisdom.(You'd better frame that, because its probably the last time you'll hear it from me). They are all nuts. [Big Grin]

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