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Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
The internet provider that I've been using for well over 6 years suddenly had a "change in policy" yesterday, no warning whatsoever.

Long story short, they've been having serious financial difficulties, and have actually laid off most of their employees in that last few months. Since then, the mail server has been up and down, they just can't seem to keep it all working.

Then yesterday, they booted every single user offline and changed their settings so now only one computer per account can log on to the internet (we had 3 on that account), raised the prices, and cut it from unlimited access to a mere 160 hours per month.... pleh!

Since we hadn't been advised of this, once we realized there was something weird going on, we called - think we could get through? Nope. Busy, busy, busy. We finally went in and they told us what was up. My parents are dumb and just chose to sign up for 2 more accounts, but I decided NOT to play along and got on with a new ISP today.....

Moral of the story: Any of you that have my e-mail address, please update. :-P
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
A mere 160 hours a month? That's more than 5 hours a day, every single day.

Good god woman, you need to get out more! There's a whole world out there for you to crash things in to.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Well, to be fair, if there were three computers on the account, one might guess there were at least three people using the account. That brings it down under two hours per day.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
How do they tell how many computers are using an account at one time anyways? Unless you actually go ahead and use all three at the same time, I can't see how they could figure it out.
Course if you really had to use all three at once, you could go ahead and get a cheap router, and they'd be none the wiser.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :

How do they tell how many computers are using an account at one time anyways?

I suspect Bill Gates has them all marked.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
they were online all at once sometimes..... we could all log in one at a time, but the problem with that is that the business uses the internet from 8am-6pm M-Sa, and my sister uses the intenet at night, so it would just not work for me....

I very rarely disconnect my internet, unless my computer and I are moving to another location. It's too much work [Razz] I don't have time to wait for the connection usually 'cause I get online for a minute here and two minutes there throughout the day 'cause that's the only time that I'm home.

Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Me, I don't know how I'll live without broadband once I have to move out into the big, cold world... (assuming I won't have the funds to pay for such a cost right away). I've never been able to revert to the dial-up connections after my experiences with the university T-3 hookups, and later my family's cable connection...

Actually, now that I think about it, Comcast (which provides my family's cable) only allows one computer per account, too. My family now has five computers in the house (when we're all there) -- one for my dad's business, and one personal laptop for each family member. So he hooked up an ethernet router between the Airport wireless base station and the cable modem... [Wink]

(Of course, that requires a single-site connection anyway, and doesn't apply when anyone travels...)
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by Kosh:

I suspect Bill Gates has them all marked.
I suspect Bill gates is in my closet making that awful creaking sound at night.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Gates in the closet, never would have thought of that one.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Fuck my ping through Comcast.
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Posted by Daryus Aden (Member # 12) on :
Just out of curiosity how much are people paying for cable in the states at the moment? Do you have any data restrictions with that?
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
I don't know about restrictions, but a cable modem here costs about $40 a month. Charter has good service unless you live in a hollow, like I do. There is a box on the power pole next to my house. I can't get digital service till it's fixed, but Charter missed tweo appointments to fix it, so I took the box back to them. Would have been nice.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Well, cable SERVICE costs $40 a month. The modem itself, I'm not sure about.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
They are hooking up for free here right now, so it's only the monthly fee. I have a lap top, so they told me I'd have to get my own equipment, as what they had wouldn't work with a lap top. But I never talked to anyone who really seemed to know what was going on.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
A PCMCIA network card, I figure.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
By $40 a month for cable, is that TV and phone line? And what speed is it?
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
I pay $100 for TV and internet.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
You know, it just occured to me that if you were to come to SJ to live and go to university, you could rent a very nice place, lease a car, and have plenty of disposable income with what you're paying now... [Smile]

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