Tips are down -- after paying for gas & food, I'm lucky (LUCKY!) to clear $100 a week. My hours were cut to barely 30 a week, and with the slow business, I'm losing some off of that (in other words, I'm lucky to clear 25 hours in a week). I'm **barely** making $250 a week (most of that is my bi-weekly check), which is about half of what I need to pay my bills. I just re-started my job on campus, but with my schedule and availability, I'm only working half of what I did last semester. My rent was mailed on Tuesday -- due on Wednesday -- and I only have half of it (I’m waiting for my paycheck for the rest). Sadly, even with that, I’ll barely break even, and whatever I clear from rent is going to face close to $600 in monthly bills -- utilities, credit cards, and other debts. I also have at least three other bills arriving due in February (and the month is already 1/4 over).
Which means I have to do what I didn't want to do. I have to get a third job.
Last semester, I worked three jobs -- full time serving table, part time delivering pizzas and part time in the comp lab. I barely made any money, and yet I'm feeling the pinch worse.
There's always hope -- business will climb again as it gets warmer, but I have a $1200 past due debt to American Express looming over me (due LAST!!!! month), in addition to what I already owe on my car and other credit cards.
So, I am now officially hunting for a "night job." My primary hope is on the Amoco in Phoenix, MD. It's a rural area, and the owner is pretty chill -- there's a comp for employees to use when its slow. Since my desired shift is midnight to 8am Friday, Saturday, and Sunday morning, I'm hoping that after I stock, clean, and take care of whatever customers I have, that I'll be able to surf the net and do some studying and writing.
The likely hood of getting this job is, however, not very good. They lost their one night guy a couple weeks ago (moved back to England), and have yet to hire a new one. Also, I doubt they pay very much (which is also a negative -- there are about six other stations I would apply at, but again, money is the factor, and this station is the only one I know of with a computer).
So, my next target is the Nautilus Diner, a 24/7 place on York Rd (not far from Chi-Chi’s, where I used to work). It’d be a pain, since you have to wear a stupid faux-tuxedo, but it would be tipped wages, which is a plus (also as a plus is that this place seems to always be at least STEADY ... unlike Chi-Chi's, where I could four or five hours without a single table). The negative side to that, of course, is that I’d actually be doing a lot of work, and that would be a pain since ideally I would be coming to my night job from a seven-hour closing shift at Papa John’s (I would sleep during the day and afternoon, and then wake up, go back to PJs and then to the night job, and repeat the cycle, breaking it by staying UP during the day on Sunday, and getting a long night of sleep before my Monday classes).
I’m also considering trying to get a part-time job delivering at a local Mom & Pop here in Cockeysville -- I’d only do it two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday if I’m lucky), and while the pluses are good -- paid under table 15% of net delivery total), the negatives are worse -- more prep work, and the owners are a couple of real assholes.
If absolute worse comes to worse, I can probably get a job at the local Game Stop (I know the manager). But I know like, next to nothing about games, and the pay isn't great. And I'd only be able to work it one day a week. ARGH.
OTOH, a buddy of mine has been hitting flea markets and re-selling stuff on eBay. According to him, he's making $3 for every dollar he spends. Not too bad ... not too bad at all ...
Well, woohoo. Fucking wonderful.
Advice is welcome. Money is really welcome.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
I have neither, except to say that you must keep using this:
"the owner is pretty chill"
This is a chill thing to say, I think.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
This from the man who calls bad things "basement"...
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
And people wonder why I still live at home... Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
Your being, like, about thirteen may have something to do with that. 8P
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
yeah, i decided the living on my own thing wouldnt be cool til i got out of school.. i actually did live on my own for a year and a half, nearly ruined my life.
now i live with my grandparents for free and work three jobs.. pretty soon i'll have enough for a condo..
i realized the error of my ways when i got back my rent deposit and the receipt said that in the course of 16 months my roommates and i had collectively spent $16,000.. $7,000 of that my money... just something to ponder.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Any expenses you can live without, Jeff? Cable/sattelite isn't an absolute necessity, much as I hate to admit it, so you might drop that if you have it. You could also sign up with a free/cheaper ISP. Be careful with your water and power usage, too, including your heating if you have control of the temperature. You might save a good bit just by dressing more warmly in the apartment. You could switch out some of your bulbs for the new uberbulbs that never die, but given how much time you seem to spend conscious in your apartment, you might take forever to recoup your losses. You could also consider moving to a different apartment or adding a roommate, depending on your exact situation. You could also look into getting a different car that might have lower insurance rates. Oh, and spend less on legos.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Three jobs and school sucks....... it becomes an addiction though. It seems pretty worth it when your paying the bills, buying toys, and still having money left over.
Don't kill yourself over this... I'm not one to talk, I have three(+) jobs and school myself, but if you live like this, all it'll take is ONE bad thing and it's all over. A week long case of the flu... a car accident.... and bad case of mono (oh, yes... I'm living that one still 4 months later.) Just be careful.... that's about that only advice I can give....
Oh, and one more bit - don't take on any other responsibility above it.... ie. no building webpages on the side or volunteering at the local jr. high school.... doing that will take away any bit of a social life you may have salvaged. Trust me. :-P
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Hmmm, Omega has a point. $600 in utilities and ongoing expenses outside of school and rent, per month is more than a little excessive for a university student. ... And thats even before the conversion to American dollars.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Oh, and telephone/cell phone. You probably need one, but you may not need both. And long distance service can be a killer, too. All that, plus cutting back on the porn, should help a bit.
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
quote:All that, plus cutting back on the porn, should help a bit.
You are an evil, evil person.
I think the $600 a month in bills is excessive, but it's understandable since he says it includes his credit card bills (one of which is $1200 past due debt).
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well, I gave up drinking and stip clubs, which is saving me quite a bit of money. I already leave my heat off most of the time, and I don't pay for water. I have "uber" length-lasting lightbulbs (woot IKEA).
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
You travelled all the way to the Republic of Macedonia to hit the clubs? Those clubs are attic, I'd suppose.
Also: Priorities?
1) Lego. 2) Booze. 3) Slutty naked ladies.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
quote:Originally posted by Vogon Poet: Your being, like, about thirteen may have something to do with that. 8P
Have you forgotten, Lee, that I'm 18 and attending university? Posted by Vogon Poet (Member # 393) on :
They grow up so fast these days. . . B(
Posted by OnToMars (Member # 621) on :
Mmmmm....Papa Johns...
Do you deliver to Daytona Beach, Snay?
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
Ick. Papa John's.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
I googled for nothing.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I prefer Pizza Shack myself.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
No Omega, it's: "Ick. Pizza."
OnToMars: From Baltimore to Daytona Beach? You're going to paying me a 10000% tip.
Posted by Snay (Member # 411) on :
Well, to start with, this is going to be a good week. I get my first check from the writing lab for the semester, and it should be $100 or so after taxes. Also, I'm working a dinner party for a professor on Saturday night, and not only should I be well paid for that, but I'm also getting a nice Sunday shift to make up for my missed Saturday shift. Woot.
I've given up on Amoco -- they've got a guy for the slot, and I should stop pestering them. I wouldn't mind working there, but it's not my primary focus. Alas. I'm going to hit the Nautilus Diner for an application tonight after I get out of the lab, 9:30 - 10ish. I'm hoping its not too busy (I don't want to pester them when they're packed). If I get the job, and the hours I want, I'll have to start closing PJs on Thursday nights (instead of opening), and I'll be working sixty hours a week ... and with luck, I'll be making some good money for a change (good money defined as "being able to make my monthly bills, make over minimum payments on my credit card and other debts, and having disposable income).
I'll also be very tired. But, what else is new, right LOA? This is what I did last semester, and I made very little for it. It's about time I made some decent money for the hours I work.
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
That's why I never want to work at a food place. Probably kill my appetite permanently. And I have a pretty healthy appetite. for example... 5 second microwave burrito (mmm burrito) gone in 10 seconds.
He eats like a pig. I dunno I'd say he eats like a duck. Well some kind of farm animal anyway.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
5 seconds? Will that even do anything?
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Make friends with an old lady.
Eat nothing but dried apples.
Problems will then be solved.
Posted by E. Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"It's about time I made some decent money for the hours I work."
Yup. Would help if you weren't treated as expendable tho. Being a student apparently means you're a risk factor, if my job-hunting experience is any indication. Sucks.
I can't offer much in the way of practical advice, because I haven't actually been in your position yet (cheapass car plus renting from parents = few monthly expenses to cover), but keep in mind that all this will pay off after you graduate.
Posted by Daryus Aden (Member # 12) on :
Just what kind of rates do they pay over there?
Jeff have you ever considered getting into a more permanent position at a bar or club (pubs) something? You should be able to get fairly steady hours and decent pay plus there can be generous tips involved.
But I'm not sure if the whole pub/bar scene in the US in very different to here or the UK.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
quote: But I'm not sure if the whole pub/bar scene in the US in very different to here or the UK.
As long as he is at least 21, there is money to be made in bars, if you can take the drunks and all the smoke.
Jeff, do yourself a real fqavor, cut up the credit cards. They are not worth it.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Speaking as someone who works with credit card accounts all day, I agree. It's one thing to have a card for emergencies... but that's just it. Emergencies. Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
5 seconds is enough to get it warm, but not too warm. if it's too hot it burns on the way down... AND THAT HURTS! Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
I heard someone from West Virginia say "chill" in the context Snay used it.
So, it's an honest-to-goodness phrase. Used by Baltimorians and West Virginians. Which I can only assume are like the wino states. Or wino city and wino state. If West Virginia is a state. I mean, it's like Virginia Jr. Which is not much of an accomplishment. WHY IS THERE NO EAST VIRGINIA?
Being all rebellious like, being all: "THERE IS NO EAST, BUT WE ARE WESTERN!" I say: West Virginia is chill.
And not basement.
Posted by Kosh (Member # 167) on :
Harry Truman said it was nice to be in Virginia. Somebody in the crowd said, "It's West Virginia". Harry said, "It oughta be Virginia."
For those who probably don't study our history in detail. West Virginia and Virginia split during the Civil War. Of all the names they could have picked, they came up with West Virginia. They also considered Western Virginia, Kanawha and Augusta. I wish they had gone with Augusta. At least we'd be closer to the top of lists.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Since West Virginia stayed loyal, it should have kept the name "Virginia." And the Virginia that sided with the Confederates should've been re-named "South Virginia."
Since this thread got kicked back up ... I began working at a little mom & pop pizza place, owned by a guy named Gary, up in Cockeysville. Between that and Papa Johns, I'm pulling about 50 hours a week. My income has increased -- in April, I made about $2500 (including my tax returns), and I've already made $1800 this month. I'll be caught up on my utility bills this weekend, and my debt to AMEX will be finished by July. I've also managed to stick a few hundred bucks aside in savings, and I'm hoping to have three of my credit cards paid off by September.
Anyway, the money situation is imporoving. I've got 105k on my Jeep, however, and I'm considering buying a new car -- a Hyundai or something -- in the fall, and selling the Jeep after I pay it off (early winter). I'm moving in about three weeks, and I managed to get my current deposit transfered over, so I have to pay NO further deposits ... I just pay my pro-rated rent, pick up the keys, and I have from 4pm Monday to midnight Tuesday to clean out my current apartment. Woohoo.
Well, I'm going to post on Nemesis now that I've finally seen it.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
I'm sorry.
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
That I've seen Nemesis? It was a let down -- but it had its moments.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
I think he's talking about the fact that you're giving up your jeep.
So, I guess we're calling you.... Darth Hyundai? Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
I'm not selling it until Febuary! And honestly, depending on how much I'm paying on it in insurance, I might keep it.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Master Yugo held you in such high regard.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :