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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Just bought the new Season 3 DVD Box of Futurama, yipaa! It was a real steal too, I had a discount to collect.
This seems to be the best season yet, 22 whooping episodes, a lot of heavyhitters.

Anyhow, first out was "Amazon Women In The Mood", where the crew gets captured on the planet Amazonia.
The guys, despite their predicament, make a lot of chauvinist jokes about women, it's one of the best scenes ever.
(Zap Brannigan: "Hahaha, ah god you're killing me. *BONK* *CRAK* -"Oh my God, you're killing me!!")

Anihow, the amazons talk about how their basketball is coming along.
They have better fundamentals than guys which compensate for their inability to dunk. [Confused]

I remembered hearing something about this a long time ago.
But I thought it was just a rumor, and during my years doing Karate & Ju Jiutsu I got respect for girls on the mat.

So, what's with the no-dunk thing? I can't imagine it's genetic.
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
Maybe because women are, on average shorter than men.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
That, and the fact they have two, uh, debilitating features... 8)

Anyway. Women are at a tremendous disadvantage in a sport like basketball, where size matters (as does hand-eye coordination, for obvious reasons). That's genetic, too...
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Temperance and delight?

C'mon, man, there are sports bras.
Anyway, most athletic women train away the breast fat along with everything else.

And I've seen short guys slam dunk as well.

Edit: I was under the impression that women had better hand/eye coordination than men.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
Yes, I know there are. 'twas a facetious remark.

If stature & h-e-c are not contributing factors, then that doesn't leave many causes indeed. It's probably more myth than fact...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
I don't know if the "white (or any) women can't jump" assertion is even true, so I certainly don't know if this is related or not, but women apparently have a different center of balance than men have. That's why a woman can put her butt and heels up against a wall and touch her toes w/o bending her knees (assuming she can do that in the first place). A man falls on his face if he tries it. I don't know how this could affect dunking, but you ever know...
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I thought that had to do with the body mass being dispersed differently between torso and pelvis, in that experiment.
Males have 60/40, females have 40/60.

I heard that one woman had pulled off a dunk recently, I wonder if it's just like with the Dream Mile.
After it's been proven doable, other people soon start believing, and do it.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Death by SNU SNU!
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Damn the Canadian release dates!
We're still on season 1. Pleh.

On the bright side, although I haven't bought any other cartoon series on DVD to compare...the first season of Futurama DVDs had a really funny set of commentaries, one for *each* episode, which I thought was pretty impressive. And they were funny to boot.
Its nice to know that some of the people in charge are nerds like us [Wink]
Posted by Grokca (Member # 722) on :
I don't know how this could affect dunking, but you ever know...

Depends on what she is dunking on to.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Regardless of what the exact reasons are, it is simply the case that dunking is far less common in womens' basketball, thus making it fertile ground for joking, it seems.

This is the only year where Futurama aired with a full season's worth of episodes, incidently.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
That's probably why most people feel it's their fav season.

Mucus: I know! I listen to every commentary, there are so many gems in there. It's like you get a double set of episodes.

Here's something I found.,0,7249521.story?coll=bv-sports-topstories

In the middle of the article is a rundown on women's dunk history.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
The Simpsons DVDs also have commentary for every episode, and it is surely the greatest thing ever, and were it in my power I'd put commentary tracks on everything. But then, I spent an entire summer watching nothing but Pop-Up Video, once, and like to go on at great lengths about all sorts of things, often operating under the illusion that other people care. So I am right in the heart of the target market.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I'm gonna take that seriously and declare you silly for putting audio commentaries on everything you do. It must stop.
Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
Originally posted by Cartmaniac:
That, and the fact they have two, uh, debilitating features... 8)

[homer]Mmmmmmm... debilitating features [homer]

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