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Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :
Tuesday the 10th, I moved.

Wednesday the 11th, I organized (somewhat).

Thursday the 12th, I got internet/cable hooked up ... got a call. Matt Simms, stupid pot head driver, quit. He's the assistant's ride-in, so no manager. I go in, work from noon to 11pm.

Friday the 13th. Work 11-2 at Pizza Connection, then go over to Papa John's and work 4:30 - close (we got out about 12:30).

Saturday the 14th. Off during the day, Pizza Connection 5-Close (about 10:30). Went in to PJ's so Wayne could go home and get an early start on Father's Day. Got out of PJs at about 1am.

Sunday the 15th. Worked 10:30am to 6pm. Got out early, even though cry-baby Josh was cussing me out because I refused to work his closing shift.

Monday the 16th. Supposed to be day off. Worked 5-Close at Papa John's. Tip average: $6.5 on 13 runs. Niiiice. Not so niiiice? Ex-assistant and roomie (ex-driver) used key and passwords to break into the store, and rob weekend deposits from safe: $6,000 gone. Bad owner for not getting key back. To top it off, they threw a cinderblock through side window to make it look like a not-inside-job robbery.

Tuesday the 17th. 11-2 at Pizza Connection, 5-Close at Papa Johns.

Wednesday the 18th. 11-2 and 5-8 at Pizza Connection. Because Tony didn't schedule a closer, went in PJs from 8:30-Close.

Today! Pizza Connection 11-2. PJs 5-Close.

Tomorrow! Pizza Connection 11-2. PJs 5-Close.
Posted by Griffworks (Member # 1014) on :
Yeah, you sound like someone in desperate need of a blow job and a break. [Wink]

I'd recommend setting yourself up the day before you take your break by stocking up on food and alcohol, as well as any other "required" items to help you have a relaxing day off. Get out of work and consume your beverage of choice 'til you're tired. Wake up whenever you gotta piss and start drinking again. Eat as necessary. DO NOT DRIVE! Would ruin the whole concept of a laid back day off.

Repeat as necessary. [Big Grin]
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
How do you like closing, Jeff? I'm currently on my two week close rotation at Subway. Sun-Wed I close at 12 but on Thu I close at 3. It gets busy sometimes but I'm by myself after 7 Sun-Wed and after 10 on Thu, which is annoying because we get rather busy after 2 when the local bars close.
Posted by LOA (Member # 49) on :
Snay, that's what happens when you have 2 jobs... or three, as it may be.....

Maybe it's time to quit one..... After the amount I worked the last two weekends, I had to do that.... no more Reb Robin after next week! :-)

And you shouldn't work on your days off... it's bad... its confuses your body....

Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

Did I ever tell you my first job was at a Subway franchise? Worked it for a year and a half.

I don't mind closing. Its either busy or dead at both places after the late driver gets cut, so either I make a lot of money, or I get my closing duties done faster.


Not working on my day off would presume that I had days-off to begin with. [Smile]

Actually, I do have Saturday off -- some friends are coming up for an "apartment warming" -- just picked up some Amstel Light and Coronas for that. Which adds one more thing to the list: I gotta have this place unpacked and organized by 4pm Saturday!!! [Embarrassed]
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
The problem with people like us, Snay, is that the rest of the world realizes we're willing to do work when it's needed, and so they just shove off more stuff for us to do.

You have my sympathies...
Posted by Siegfried (Member # 29) on :
Originally posted by MinutiaeMan:
The problem with people like us, Snay, is that the rest of the world realizes we're willing to do work when it's needed, and so they just shove off more stuff for us to do.

And then they won't take the friggin' hint when you tell them you need time off because of all the extra work they've flung at you like monkey feces. Finally, you just have to yank the battery out of your cell phone, lock out your email account, and spend the night on the roof to avoid being bothered.

I'll be feeling how you do now in another ten days or so. My roommate and I have found another apartment, so the week of June 30 to July 4 will be an interesting juggle of classes everyday, two final exams, a holiday work week, and moving.
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
no more Reb Robin after next week!

Heard that before. [Wink]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Subway closes at 3:00? In the morning? The one a couple blocks from my apartment usually closes at 9 or 10p.m., I think.
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
That is too bad!

You are up so late every day that you could be able to go to Subway and get skinny like Jared!
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Like Jared? I'd have to gain weight.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Subway is open until 3AM, yes. The local bars close at 2, so we stay open an hour later than that. Between 2-3 is usually the busiest time.
Posted by CaptainMike (Member # 709) on :
My night job, Spikes, is across the street from a bar.. weekdays in RI, bars close at 1, and 2 on weekends.. Spikes is only allowed to b open til 2, so we only get the bar rush during the week.. but drunks will pay anything for food at that hour, no matter what day there are plenty of drunks.. many will actually leave before last call just for the privelige of paying $3.50 for a hot dog that would cost $2.50 during the day.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
Originally posted by TSN:
Like Jared? I'd have to gain weight.

If you gained weight, you would cover 2/3rds of the surface of North America. Roughly. you need to do all this work? Is it to get money to survive, or to eat, or just to buy new speakers for your jeep?
Posted by Malnurtured Snay (Member # 411) on :

I need a new car by the end of summer, and yes, I do need the money - I'd like to make some big dents in some of my debts, and I'd like to put some more $$ into my savings account.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
I remember what happened two years ago, when I went back to work at Manhattan Bagel. I'd originally worked there during high school summers for the cash, and got along pretty well with the owner/manager -- who loved me because I was much more conscientious than the usual crop of losers that he ended up hiring for the most part. (There were some decent people there, too, of course.)

Anyway, in July 2001 I decided to go back there and ask for my job back (I'd quit to go to college), and he happily accepted.

The owner was going on a vacation -- his first in five years, because he worked there 7 days a week, usually betwen 10 and 14 hours per day. Because I liked him personally and was willing to help out, I agreed to his request that I do the night shift, baking bagels for the wholesale orders -- keeping the keys, basically, since the baker he'd hired at the time was on a work-release program from prison. (Go figure.) Anyway, that worked out -- I was waking up at 11:30 PM, working until 7:00 AM, then sleeping most of the day away because the schedule completely f*cked up my sleep pattern.

But did I get to stop doing the night shift after that week? No, of course not! Just a few days after the boss got back, the baker decided to quit. And with no one else to turn to -- especially no one else with experience at already doing the night shift -- I got to help out there again. For the next four weeks. And I ended up working 22 days without a day off -- probably 75% of those days on the night shift.

So yeah, I know that feeling. And I can assure you that I am DAMN protective of my time after THAT experience!
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Night shifts are annoying, especially when my girlfriend works days. Also, when there's hardly any customers, it gets lonely. I start talking to the walls...

...and sometimes they talk back... [Wink]
Posted by StarFire (Member # 748) on :
I've done the two job/full time college gig and it got me into trouble. So I cut back. Now I'm doing the weekdays are for classes and weekends are for work gig. Suits me fine, but the pay is crap. So, I dig out the want ads. Which brings me to today...

Actually, I have an interview Tuesday which might just pull me out of retail hell forever. And it might also end up being my (required)internship...a paid internship. Me likes.

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