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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I was watching something the otherday about humanity and it's journey into space. They said we were already supposed to have a base on the moon by 1982. By now we should be exploring Mars. Hmmmm - all those wasted jobs over the last 30 years? Maybe someone should sue the US Government for their crippling cuts to the Space Program!?!

Posted by Wraith (Member # 779) on :
I can think of many things I'd like to sue the US government for...

Maybe we should sue whoever cut the Anglo-Australian space program.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
You're going to sue politicians for lying.
Gee, while you're at it.....
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I'm afraid this thread strikes me as really, really pointless.
Posted by MinutiaeMan (Member # 444) on :
Indeed. It would have been possible... but would it be PRACTICAL? Sending the Apollo missions was practical, but establishing a permanent base isn't. Not now, at least.

I'd love to see it happen as much as the next person. But the fact remains that with the way our politcs go, both nationally and globally, we can barely afford to keep the International Space Station flying, much less establishing a permanent base on another planetary body.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Tora Regina mentioned at one point that King Henry in Shakespeare's time actually interfered with scientific developments at that time. She also mentioned that if it wasn't for him, we'd have starships by now.

Let's sue his descendants. There will be a big windfall after that.
Posted by ZARDOZ (Member # 1064) on :
Yeah ! I want my flying car! I still have a book that I got as a child in the 60's , It speculates on what the "upcoming" lunar landings will be like. It goes on to show our moonbase(1980) and atomic fueled Mars rockets(1999). I remember 30 years ago during the Apollo program I figured that by now comercial space travel like in "2001" would be a reality. Along with flying cars and robot maids. I think the problem is that space never really "paid off" in ways that made it comercially viable to private industry, or attractive enough to the public to make us continue funding it in a meaningful way.
But consider that many of the leaps in tech that we do enjoy now , like cell phones , PCs, GPS,and many other commonplace items are the product of the space program, if not space exploration. I talked to a friend in Ireland today on a cell phone that is smaller than the old Star Trek communicators were. I you had told me I could do that 15 years ago I would not have believed it.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...King Henry in Shakespeare's time..."

I guess this has to be Henri III or Henri IV of France, since the last King Henry in England died seventeen years before Shakespeare was even born?
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Hey there have been more pointless threads on here than this Sol. [Razz]

It does have a point. I'm not being serious about suing... but doesn't it make you wonder 'what if'?

Maybe this is why there is no Money in Trek - Spacee Exploration wasn't about making money.

I reckon when they can use Mars as a way to alleviate overpopulation (shades of Kim Stanley Robinson's R/G/B Mars) or the mining of Asteroids is accomplished - space Exploration will boom!

But It was just significant to me that there was supposed to be a moon base in 1982 *sigh*.
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
There were supposed to be many things. If the Greek & Roman empires had flourished for another 2000 years instead of collapsing, or if the old Arabian culture hadn't stagnated after the 13th century, or if the Chinese civilization hadn't fallen into decline during the Ming dynasty, or if Europe hadn't been caught in the languishing grip of the Dark Ages, or if the Incan Kingdom hadn't been wiped out by the Spanish, or if the Egyptians hadn't met their demise at the hands of the Hittites...

It's hard to pinpoint blame without all the facts.

"I want my flying car!"

Ask and ye shall receive!

[ July 07, 2003, 04:09 AM: Message edited by: Cartmaniac ]
Posted by Woodside Kid (Member # 699) on :
Unfortunately, you can't sue the US government unless it decides to let you sue it, as a number of people and groups have found out over the years.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
I wonder if this thread will be picked up by the Echelon network? [Smile]
Posted by The359 (Member # 37) on :
Originally posted by AndrewR:
I wonder if this thread will be picked up by the Echelon network? [Smile]

[Voice From Nowhere]There is no Echelon network, and we didn't hear that[/Voice From Nowhere]
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>>>>>>Icarus has found you
>Icarus has found you

Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
The only time I've ever heard of anyone actually suing the US Federal government was the Area 51 workers who complained of health problems because of open pit burning of toxic waste.

According to the show I watched, "Return to Area 51". They won the first case, causing Area 51 to be officially revealed to the public, as if anyone didn't already know about it... And they lost thier second case and are appealing.

Lesson: If you whine and bitch enough you'll get what you want eventually. Even if it's just to shut you up! [Wink]
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
"I wonder if this thread will be picked up by the Echelon network?"

I dropped the word 'Arabian', so yeah, someone will be reading these posts intently. 8)
Posted by Ultra Magnus (Member # 239) on :
"Da Bangerang:" That was just on yesterday. With John De Lancie?
Posted by First of Two (Member # 16) on :
Come, now, people.

You KNOW that Emperor First has always planned on making Space Exploration and Development a linchpin of the American Future (TM).

So get up off your asses and sweep me into office, and you'll never have to worry about us sending troops to the Middle East ever again. Or any where else. Once we've got those solar collectors, the rest of the world can solve their own problems without our interference (or our money, but hey, it's two sides of the same coin).
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
Originally posted by Ultra Magnus:
"Da Bangerang:" That was just on yesterday. With John De Lancie?

Yes, on discovery. It was pretty awesome.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by Da_bang80:
The only time I've ever heard of anyone actually suing the US Federal government was the Area 51 workers who complained of health problems because of open pit burning of toxic waste.

Lesson: If you whine and bitch enough you'll get what you want eventually. Even if it's just to shut you up! [Wink]

Or THEY shut you up for you.

What KIND of Toxic waste by the way? From a downed UFO!?! [Smile]
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Originally posted by First of Two:
Come, now, people.

You KNOW that Emperor First has always planned on making Space Exploration and Development a linchpin of the American Future (TM).

So get up off your asses and sweep me into office, and you'll never have to worry about us sending troops to the Middle East ever again.

First of Two swept into office by a small group of on-line nerds! (yes that was a tautology) [Smile]
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...yes that was a tautology..."

In what way?
Posted by Cartmaniac (Member # 256) on :
How many off-line nerds do you know?

[ July 09, 2003, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Cartmaniac ]
Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Actually, yes. A lot of them.
Posted by Phoenix (Member # 966) on :
Originally posted by Saltah'na:
Tora Regina mentioned at one point that King Henry in Shakespeare's time actually interfered with scientific developments at that time. She also mentioned that if it wasn't for him, we'd have starships by now.

Let's sue his descendants. There will be a big windfall after that.

Assuming you mean Henry VIII, his children all died childless, leaving a distinct lack of descendants to sue. [Smile]
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
"What KIND of Toxic waste by the way? From a downed UFO!?!"

They said it was materiel related to the stealth fighter project, so maybe bi-products from the creation of radar absoring paint. Or they're just saying that to cover up the truth.

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