Malnurtured Snay
Member # 411
If you didn't see the thread title - SPOILERS! LOTS AND LOTS OF SPOILERS!
Re: last night's episode, wow!
So far, though, this season hasn't really impressed me. There have been a lot of stand-alone episodes which don't really seem to drive the plot line of the show this season, which is about an internal fight with the New York family's Johnny Sack and Little Carmine, and now a war between the New York family and the New Jersey family.
Meadow's fiance Fin sees a NJ capo giving a security guard a blowjob, and when Fin rebuffs Vito's peace-offering ... nothing happens? Chris' descent back into substance abuse and his alienation from Tony has had some repurcussions, in Silvio Dante's execution of Adrianna (but, c'mon, we knew this was coming since early last season). The storyline about Tony and Carmela's seperation is drawing to conclusion but ...
... let's face it! The season has been a bit of a downer. Way too many new faces being introduced, while Meadow, AJ, and Melfi are pushed aside. Instead, we get crappy episodes featuring Janice (please let someone kill this whacky bitch) beating the shit out of some snivling soccer mom; Tony dreaming about a lot of dead people; and story-lines from early episodes dealing with AJ's "teen troubles" (including getting super-glued to a carpet after a concert, and telling Tony - in front of a bunch of Tony's friends, no less - that he wasn't a virgin) being ignored.
This season is by far ... not the best. Two weeks until the season finale, and I understand that HBO is doing a sixth season ... well, good. Let's hope the writers can do a good job of wrapping up all the plot lines of this season. Here's an idea: less NEW characters, more time spent on KEY characters. Thanks, guys.