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Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
The search for an alternative IM client has been driving me crazy these last few days.

I'm looking for a client that will let me connect to (at least) MSN and ICQ. Sure, there are enough of those around, but only Trillian seems to support MSN conferences (chatting with multiple people in 1 box).

I've tried Miranda IM, but it was a) too unstable and b) did not support MSN conferences. And I couldn't add new contacts. It did look neat and compact though.

Next, I tried Psi, a Jabber client. Works very nicely, except for the MSN conference thing. This problem seems to be inherent in the way the MSN transports work on Jabber servers. So basically, all Jabber-clients seem to be out.

I've also tried GAIM. Same thing. No MSN conferences.

I currently have Trillian. It looks good *and* supports MSN conferences. Except... it makes my Dscaler crash. It seems to have something to do with DirectShow.

So.. am I doomed to use MSN Messenger and ignore my ICQ contacts? Is there *any* obscure third party IM client that is stable and supports MSN conference chats?
Posted by deadcujo (Member # 13) on :
I don't know of any clients you didn't mention, but there is an "Invite to chat" option in the MSN plugin I'm using with Miranda--I assume that's the conference feature you want. I'd try initiating that, but since there's only one person online to chat with on MSN right now, I wouldn't know if it supports multiple users.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
Gaim can do conferences easily. Just right click on a contact and click on Initiate Chat.

You should have noticed, unless you weren't popular enough to get invited to a chat. [Wink]
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
From the GAIM FAQ:

Is there a way to invite more than one person to an MSN chat?
Not at this time. When the conversation framework gets another rewrite, it is possible that it will be worked on. Until that time, sorry. [Smile]

Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
You can listen to the documentation writers or you can FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF.

"But how will I know which picture it is?" "Its the picture with 'big-ass invite button' marked on it"

Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Omega arm-twisted me into trying out Trillian. You can find it on

- Support for ICQ, AIM, Y!, MSN, as well as an IRC client.
- Simple to use, as far as I can tell.
- It seems to do a better job of blocking auth requests and messages from porn spammers then ICQ itself does (no pesky auth requests since I installed it).

- If you use ICQ, you'd better save a copy of your contact list. It would appear that Trillian does not tap directly into ICQ's server to grab it for you.
- Cannot use buddy icons or see other buddy icons on MSN.
- Option to notify you of who is online via a small pop up window is not there (ala MSN).
- No way to set interval for automatic away.

Personally, I have not made up my mind on using this program from now on. I am however considering just using MSN from now on and not use ICQ. I simply haven't used it that often for quite a while now.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"No way to set interval for automatic away."

What, did they remove it? I mean, I'm running the free version with patch "D" (they're up to "I" now), and I have that option.
Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
I like Trillian too, but it makes my Dscaler crash [Frown]

And I'll try GAIM again, because it's getting weird.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
"Cannot use buddy icons or see other buddy icons on MSN."

Buddy icons are only one step below animated smilies on the "useless IM fluff for 13-year old degenerates" list.
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
It's not that, Cartman. People use their own pics for buddy icons in MSN. So it is looking at those icons that interest me. Sort of like an everyday glimpse of what is going on.
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
Trillian's always grabbed my AIM and ICQ contacts from the server for me. I also have windows popup in the systray that tell me when someone has signed on and when someone has signed off (something Messenger doesn't do). Not sure about the buddy icons for Messenger though as I use Messenger itself (my friends and I play the games through it and what not).
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Well, I just uninstalled Trillian from my PC. The last straw was when I found out that all conversation windows were always "on top" and I had to minimize them just so I can go about my business. I've decided to forgo ICQ for good as when I reinstalled ICQ, I then proceeded to get more porn spam from whoever is harrassing me (don't these guys ever give up?).
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
"...all conversation windows were always 'on top'..."

Seriously, did you ever even open the "preferences" window?

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