I've had XP since 2001 but up until two weeks ago, had never encountered freezing browser-windows of the kind and extent I do now.
About two weeks ago it started, I was on a page and did something big, like reversing back to another page before the current one had loaded all its content (images, links) or right-clicked on a big link or something. Suddenly that Explorer-window freezes, I can't manipulate it or close it, I can't even press Ctrl-Alt-Del and get the System manager up. As this happens I also hear the processor fan go to max speed (Dell Dimension, variable output fan). I can however move other open windows (but not scroll or close them). After about ten minutes, the "bottleneck" seems to resolve itself and every action I tried to do now gets done at once; system manager opens, windows close, the cows moo.
This is different from the old-style freezing, which only happened if I had severely taxed the comp by eating up all the virtual RAM by, say, playing a big game for more than five hours. And that kind of freeze never resolved itself, you had no option but to reboot. Could it be because of some new fix that was released in Windows Update these last two-three months?
Has anyone else experienced this particular type of freeze? I couldn't find much by googling it. While I know it will resolve itself after about five-ten minutes every time (and this freeze happens twice a day now), most times I just pull out the cord, reinsert and boot up again.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Well I have a "sort of freezing" sometimes when windows start where no icons or toolbar come out and then I have to restart the computer manually.
Posted by dbutler1986 (Member # 1689) on :
I have two pieces of advice. One, get Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, and two, get Linux instead of Windows.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
No, I won't change braussers. And Linux can go eat a bag of hell, IIRC.
Update: It isn't a system-freeze, so much as a slow-down. If I drag a window during the thing, it moves 10-20 seconds later.
I'm pretty sure now that the problem is caused by one or two key files getting caught in a feedback loop, wrongly responded to by the computer by putting 100% of system resources into helping the aforementioned file. I suspect it is ALG.EXE, which has to do with internet handling and the firewall. If I erase ALG, will it be replicated by the system?
Does anyone have experience in how to make ALG.EXE (and other easily-disturbed files) relax when it hits?
Posted by Charles Capps (Member # 9) on :
Google. *nod*
What firewall program are you using? And why are you using IE?
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
I use FSecure 6.00 for security and firewall. The reason I'm sticking with IE is because I spent an evening trying out FF at a friend's comp and we spent half the time in IE anyway, as many of the sites we visited didn't work properly in FF.
That and I haven't exactly run into any major problems that would piss me off with IE yet.
Another thing, I got one of these slowdowns 30 minutes ago by just opening up "Downloaded Files" in My Documents, a folder I hadn't visited in some time. I quickly pressed ctrl-alt-del and looked at the performance meter, it was up at 100% of CPU power and stayed there for ten minutes, until I pulled the plug and booted up again.
Now will someone tell me what would make a computer take 10+ minutes to just display 17 files in a small folder? There is one hell of a bottleneck somewhere in the execution queue system. And it didn't exist a month ago. Weiiiird.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
What the hell is everyone's problem with IE????
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
It's a poorly-written, unsecure, and badly outdated piece of software? And maybe if IE 7 comes out before the apes take over some of those problems may be fixed, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Posted by bX (Member # 419) on :
No, but aside from all that...
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
quote:Originally posted by Nim: The reason I'm sticking with IE is because I spent an evening trying out FF at a friend's comp and we spent half the time in IE anyway, as many of the sites we visited didn't work properly in FF.
Really? Give examples.
I actually have had both (Mozilla and then) Firefox and IE installed for that very reason since Windows 2000.
But the situation has vastly improved since then and I only have two sites that don't work in Firefox, proteinexplorer.org since the plugin that it uses is old enough not to recognise Firefox (and I'm too lazy to configure it manually) and Microsoft's own WindowsUpdate for the obvious reasons.
Thus, I'd be interested in examples.
Posted by dbutler1986 (Member # 1689) on :
Brausser? you mean browser?? and umm... Linux can eat a bag of hell IIRC? you know IIRC means "If I Recall Correctly" right? I guess you mean IMHO...
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
It's okay. He's Swedish. They do things differently.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
With Allen keys, and bits of wooden dowel.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
quote:I guess you mean IMHO...
You are wonderful. No, I said IIRC and I meant it. In any case, I possess moral authority, miss.
About the familiarities of the web-brausser, see previous answer.
As for sites that don't work properly in Firefox, many swedish university websites weren't built for both IE and Netscape (and in that extension, FF), so fontsizes and borders can get screwed up there.
One problem-site me and my friends often happen upon is for the university of S�dert�rn, http://webappo.web.sh.se/. They've said they are working on improving it, so I don't know if it works better now.
Regarding the whole "Why do you still use IE?" debate, why do people smoke or eat meat? And are the stars but small airholes in the popcorn pot that is the universe? I'll tell you this, I'll never start smoking until they put beef in the cigarettes. (True, beef-cigars already exist but I hate having sex with men). And I'll think about using FF when the bookmark system and customization features get a little more...shall we say...liberal?
dbutler1986: Debbie, welcome to the forums, for the rest of your natural life you are mine.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
(I use my bookmarks as a lazy man's RSS reader. How's that grab you?)
[The unparanthesized portion of this comment was going to be some snark about sites not displaying properly in Firefox because they disregard agreed upon coding standards, but do I really want to be that guy, I wondered?]
Re that Swedish university website: "Logga in"? Seriously?
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
See, now, I was stubborn about using Firefox. Especially when Charles did that twatty thing of shouting at people using IE on the main page. But now I use Firefox, and everyone who doesn't is wrong. Use Firefox, or you are an idiot. Anyone who tells you to use Linux or a Mac is an idiot. Contradiciton? Yes, but you are an idiot so it doesn't matter. Go Team Kavanagh!
What's wrong with Firefox's bookmark featues? And surely between the extensions and themes available, Firefox is more flexible than IE?
And as to your other problem, have you tried clearing file caching, going to all of your folders in a mad rampage, restarting and then turning it back on? Because that probably won't do anything, but maybe...
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Well it could be worth a shot, caching sounds like a very potential bottleneck. As long as this isn't a high-risk procedure. So, how do you disable file caching? I did a search but all the net talked about was Novell software and SWG.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
quote:Originally posted by PsyLiam: Go Team Kavanagh!
Yes, please go. As far away as you can, and quickly as possible.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
*grabs arm* Don't do it, Lee! He's the only one who knows the way out. Besides, it wouldn't bring Blanche back and you know it. She knew the risks involved when she signed up. Unlike Debbie here.
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Debbie Does Niklas?
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Now what the kind of precedent would that set? Romancing lost little girls who've ended up on our forums, out where the buses don't run?
No, less and more
And on that note, what's this I hear about disabling file caching?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Mind you, he didn't say disable file caching, he said clearing. Which I presume means clearing out the Temp folder, that sort of thing. And when did you last defrag?
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Did it last month, I was going to today but it said it wasn't necessary. But what did Liam mean by "clearing file caching /.../ restarting, then turning it back on"? That sounds more like some HKEY_ROOTS_BLAH thing than your theory of just emptying Temp file buildup. Would that we'd asked him before you pushed him into the mine shaft.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
quote:Originally posted by PsyLiam: See, now, I was stubborn about using Firefox. Especially when Charles did that twatty thing of shouting at people using IE on the main page. But now I use Firefox, and everyone who doesn't is wrong.
Psy and I actually AGREE on something. Surely this is the final sign of the apocalyse and Jason is about to be crowned Emperor of the Megaverse. Either that or the entire universe is about to colapse into a singularity the size of Tim.
I have tried Netscape, IE, Opera, and Firefox. I'll take Firefox over any of the others. It appears to be more secure, stable and loads as fast as Opera.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
quote:Originally posted by WizArtist II: Either that or the entire universe is about to colapse into a singularity the size of Tim.
So, status quo then? :ducks:
Posted by Da_bang80 (Member # 528) on :
I've been using Firefox for a while now, even without additional themes, extensions, and mods it's an easy to use program, A billion times better than Internet Exploder.
Anyways, the wierd windows bug I experienced happened yesterday. I downloaded a program called Fraps that lets you record video of D3D and OpenGL video games. anyways, It worked once, and the next day I tried to fire it up and it cause Windows to crash. All the icons, and the taskbar disappeared, leaving only my wallpaper. I left it for about 10 minutes to see if it would return to normal, eventually I had to reboot. When I restarted windows it tells me that Fraps has become corrupted. WTF! so I completely uninstalled it, deleted the folder, the install files, and, all the registry entries and tried it again, same thing. I dunno what the hell's wrong with it all of a sudden.
Posted by PsyLiam (Member # 73) on :
I was talking about that thing where XP remembers the contents of your folders to speed things up. It's called the, er, oh yeah, indexing service.
Now, with this sort of thing there's normally a way of clearing it. Which I can't find. But you can't go far wrong with right clicking on your drive and unticking the "use idexing service" box. Untick the "compress drive" box too, if that's ticked.
Something there might be useful.
Posted by Mucus (Member # 24) on :
quote:Originally posted by Nim: The reason I'm sticking with IE is because I spent an evening trying out FF at a friend's comp and we spent half the time in IE anyway, as many of the sites we visited didn't work properly in FF. ... As for sites that don't work properly in Firefox, many swedish university websites weren't built for both IE and Netscape (and in that extension, FF), so fontsizes and borders can get screwed up there.
One problem-site me and my friends often happen upon is for the university of S�dert�rn, http://webappo.web.sh.se/. They've said they are working on improving it, so I don't know if it works better now.
They look pretty much exactly the same to me, despite my overzealously compressed jpeg comparison
Also, unless you're like the best student ever, I kind of doubt you spend half of your Internet time on Swedish university websites.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Well Liam, I implemented most of the tips shown on that page you linked to, it seemed to have made the comp more lean and such, especially after disabling all the superflous services in the background. I don't think the hangups happen as frequently either.
Something strange happened in the process though, I can't get thumbnail previews on any of my video files. When I go to my video-directory none of the files (wmv/mov/mpeg/avi) show anything but the company logo. But I do have the folder in "Thumbnail"-mode.
How does one turn "show video-thumbnails" back on?
Also, I think the .mov-files (quicktime right?) never showed thumbnails to begin with, is there any way one could "force" them to show a thumbnail? Any hotfixes roaming the net?
Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
Can you still play the files OK? Only time I ever saw that was on a new PC, after I'd copied my vidfiles over, but before I installed the codecs.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Yeah, they play alright. Maybe the files stopped showing thumbnail previews because of my disabling the indexing service?
Posted by Topher (Member # 71) on :
I tried disabling the indexing service and it actually slowed my computer down. So I turned it back on.