I have a fairly simple question, but I've found it hard to find the answer. What is the number of people from each state in the U.S. military? I'm not talking about the number of military personnel stationed in each state, but their registered home state. For example, by brother-in-law is currently stationed in California, but when he registered, his home state was (and still is) listed as Florida. So that would be +1 for Florida.
Should be there someplace.
Posted by Toadkiller (Member # 425) on :
For some really, really odd reason the vast majority of military folks are - at least officially - from state's that don't charge state income tax at all or at least not to military folks.
Odd that.
WA and FL being two examples.
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Well, you can change your home state to whatever state you're currently based in. My brother-in-law was actually from Florida at the time, and has no reason to change it. With the low pay that is given to most in the military, I don't begrudge them taking any advantage they can get.
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
I tried a few different searches, but couldn't seem to come up with anything other than what you aren't looking for. I guess you might try asking a librarian, as it seems like the kind of information that should be available in some obscure DoD publication.