This is topic Mercury, Gemini, Apollo... And now ORION! in forum Officers' Lounge at Flare Sci-Fi Forums.

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Posted by Mark Nguyen (Member # 469) on :
It's going to be official very soon - but NASA sources have revealed that they will be calling the next generation Crew Exploration Vehicle "Orion":

I'm glad that they're giving these things cool names again. With international efforts never able to agree on a name (The International Space Station will forever be known as such), and no one really giving the space shuttle a name, "Orion" signifies a return of NASA to its glory days, perhaps.

Posted by Shik (Member # 343) on :
Orion-Ares, eh? Hm

Personally, I like THIS headline near the bottom:

Falcon 1 Failure Traced to a Busted Nut
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Orion was much more exciting the last time around.

(I'm going to continue to pretend that I totally scooped the original article.)
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
NASA intends to use the moniker Orion as both the title for its next generation manned craft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV), and as the project�s name. This approach is modeled after the 1960's program when Apollo Command Modules launched astronauts under Project Apollo.
I didn't think that Apollo referred to the CM specifically, but of course I wasn't around then. I haven't ever heard a specific name for the LEM, either.

So it's like this:
Apollo Project
- Apollo CM
- Saturn boosters

Orion Project
- Orion CEV
- Ares boosters

But yeah, the previous use of Orion was much cooler. But personally I'm thinking the NASA guys are SG:Atlantis fans. [Big Grin]

Posted by Harry (Member # 265) on :
Err.. how does the Project Constellation name figure into this? Has it been tossed aside?
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
This is the true Orion. It will swat your Orion out of the sky like a puny fly!!!!
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
No it won't. NASA's Orion can actually be built in this century, and is in no danger from something that doesn't exist. [Razz] And while we're at it, the Enterprise-D would totally put a cap in that thing's ass. [Wink]

Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
I'm pretty sure the Enterprise-D would find a match in this ship.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Phht. Get the can of RAID.
This would send them screaming for their mommas.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
It's annoying, yet I can't look away.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Yes, and while mesmerized, Saltah'na's ship will fly into the sun.

Strangely, on Family Guy Brian does that entire number (in a banana suit no less) in an attempt to cheer up Peter.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Well since you people are mentioning Freespace ships I though I would mention that I just downloaded Freespace2. I must say it is a quality space combat game, yet I need to get a joystick since I'm using a mouse and I can't aim for dick.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Mars definitely needs women -- he can't find his own dick! He said so himself. [Big Grin]

Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
He never said he cant find it, only that he cant aim....
Which would more nessisate a coat of paint on his bedroom walls..or a girlfriend of supreme paitence and a guiding hand. [Wink]
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Or Auto Aim!
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
Just as long as you make sure that's the toggle you hit and not "Invert Mouse". That would suck...

Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
Okay, what's the oldest computer component you own and still use? I realized that it's my computer's joystick, which is a simple two-button one (but still effective) that I bought around 1990 for a 386SX16. Originally got it to play Chuck Yeager's Flight Simulator, then used it constantly through the years for things like Wing Commander, X-Wing and TIE Fighter. Unfortunately, it rarely gets used anymore because of the near-complete lack of any good space fighter sims.

Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Invert Joystick, you mean. Unless he plays that game with his mouse, too, in which case a rotten aim is probably the least of his concerns.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Yeah I use the mouse, but I'll start looking for a joystick. Something cheap. Oh and the oldest thing on my PC was my graphics card which I replaced last Friday.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
The oldest component is one of my computers. Hewlett-Packard HP-125. Boeing Surplus. Circa late '70s to early '80s. Computer and monitor integrated in one unit that sounds like a jet engine when I start it up, and an external dual 5.25" floppy drive. No hard drive. And I'm not sure how much system memory it has. I wrote all my school papers on it (graduated from high school in '93), and these days use it to practise writing programs. If I accidentally kill it, I won't be too heartbroken.

I also have the remnants of a Pentium (90MHz) serving as a dedicated firewall.

The oldest component on the computer I'm actually using to type this...? Probably the keyboard itself. *heh*

Posted by Chris (Member # 71) on :
The oldest component of my computer is a 36x CD drive that doesn't work as it's from a PII 333...
Posted by Sol System (Member # 30) on :
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
The space bar on my keyboard has a big divot from my thumb hitting it several thousand times over the last four or five years. Most of the letters have rubbed off too - except for probably q and z.

Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Originally posted by Jason Abbadon:
Yes, and while mesmerized, Saltah'na's ship will fly into the sun.

They don't fly into suns. They blow them up instead.

Mars: this is the joystick I am using. I don't use the Force Feedback joysticks as I heard they break easily, even though Freespace 2 supports force feedback.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Posted by B.J. (Member # 858) on :
My joystick (the ~15 year old one) is manufactured by Kraft. I'm not kidding.
Posted by Peregrinus (Member # 504) on :
My ThrustMaster... *waits for laughter to subside* ...needs a new pitch spring, but it's served me well for twelve years now.

Posted by Lee (Member # 393) on :
And your FleshLight probably needs lubricating, as well?

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