T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Mark Nguyen
Member # 469
You don't get many of these anymore, but a bunch of O'Hare pilots and ground crew swear they saw a disc-shaped UFO hovering over the airport and then shooting away. Someone should dust off the ol' Project Blue Book reports...
Member # 341
In this day & age, where everyone has some kind of camera on them at all times, whether it be a digital or cell-phone camera, the absence of photos to corroborate this story makes it just as sketchy as any other UFO report without proof.
Member # 44
I don't know - not everyone has the best of mobiles. And if they do - they probably don't have great cameras. AND even the best mobile digital cameras aren't great for distance shots - so if someone DID manage to take a photo using a digital camera on a phone - the quality would be shit and people would be complaining about that.
On another note the main UFO sighting I have had involved a similar sort of story - mainly the part about the object shooting up into the sky/clouds very fast.
And another note - Chicago, Illinois - anyone here a fan of Sufjan Stevens? His Illinois album "Come on Feel the Illinoise" starts with the track "concerning the UFO sighting near Highland, IL". GREAT track.
Member # 528
If there really were an advanced race of being from another world, why the hell would they be interested in a planet full of hairless monkeys?
Mars Needs Women
Member # 1505
AndrewR is right, this is just another UFO story. So they saw something yet no one took a pic. Oh well. Who cares.
Member # 265
For Spaghetti Monster's sake, I wish people would stop using UFO as a synonym for 'alien spacecraft'.
Member # 49
Speaking of Spaghetti Monster, I ate spaghetti for dinner tonight... meat sauce, no cheese though - chesse is taboo Still, it was positively delightful!
Mars Needs Women
Member # 1505
On the news it said that it was probably just some weather phenomenon. It's always some weather phenomenon.
Member # 44
Maybe someone dischared a ball of plasma from themselves? A Mutant of some sort? Was that an X-men power?
Member # 71
What is it with everyone and Sufjan Stevens? Sigh.