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Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Not that he's really talked about here but... anyone else a fan of Conan!?! This crap with Leno and NBC is rediculous. How could they do that to him and The Tonight Show. Why doesn't Leno just go away!?! He had his time. He wasn't funny. Move on. I'm behind Conan 100%
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I find it hard to believe too. So, here you've got a guy who's ratings are so bad, they want to move him to a better time slot to replace someone whose ratings are better... me no understand.

But hey... this is the same industry that canceled Firefly and gave us a season of the new Knight Rider... nothing they do makes any sense.

I mean I always liked Leno. But he chose to leave and do this new thing (which is essentially a shorter Tonight Show at a different time). It was his choice. It didn't work. And Conan's awesome. So yah... I'm with Conan.

Oh... and there was also a horrific earthquake in Haiti today.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
yah... double post
Posted by Krenim (Member # 22) on :
I didn't change my status line last night for nothing.

And I don't blame Leno for this. I blame the incompetents running NBC these days.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
THESE days!?! They DID kill Star Trek! Ohh should I change my statuts? I'd be the first change in 10 years!
Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
...IT'S WHY... *cough, cough* it's why i just watch TNT (Law & Order, maybe Angel) and Adult Swim, only (besides Youtube & Youpr0n [Big Grin] ), TV hasn't been worried about viewership for YEARS...

Does it matter? If the viewership (that doesn't drop entirely) goes to CBS, then CBS is happy, yes? everyone agrees that TV (national/local at least) has been retarded for 2 decades at least...

Cable 4tw, peps (of course, the cable companies know this and fuck you over, emass but that's another rant all together...
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Join the I'm with Coco facebook page!
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
They've been shafting Conan O'Brien since day one of his position as host of the Tonight Show. They basically used this man to try out their lame-brained experiment with that ass Jay Leno, which failed miserably. Now taking a cue from one of their shows (I'll let you guess which one), they want to press the Reset Button and pretend like the changes in timeline never happened, despite the presence of several temporal anomalies which have yet to be resolved. Screw them, they've become the third member in the axis of incompetence, along with the MyNetwork (formerly UPN) and "Syfy".
Posted by Saltah'na (Member # 33) on :
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Oy. I foresee a plummet in the Tonight Show's ratings.
Posted by Mars Needs Women (Member # 1505) on :
Stay classy NBC.
Posted by The Ginger Beacon (Member # 1585) on :
Originally posted by Saltah'na:

Read NBC tell Conan to fuck off and kiss Lenos enormous backside like they do.
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
We were discussing this at work. The theory is that Leno had a strong following among the people who watched him at 11:30 and Conan's too edgy for them. And it would probably take more to buy Leno off.

But here's the thing... How can Leno show up hosting the Tonight Show again with a shred of credibility. Not that anyone will care... they'll just watch.

And again... I like Leno. I think he's funny and he seems to be a decent guy. And I can't blame him for wanting to keep his job (even though he's wealthier than most countries). This just isn't fair.
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
Leno's okay for his ginormous car collection. He actually does drive every vehicle he owns.

Never watched the show, though.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Aban Rune, Jay Leno has NEVER EVER been funny. He may appear to be a 'nice guy' on his show - but he's such loser for taking back the Tonight Show.

As Letterman said, after he retired from the Tonight Show/Was asked to leave - he should have gone to another network to make NBC pay for what they did to him, but he didn't he just hung around the lobby.

The lowest, seriously.

How could anyone watch that hack anymore!?!
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
"Funny" does not really factor in so much- The Tonight has, since Jonny carson left, been just an advertizing vehicle for TV and hollywood- people watch the show for the guests, not Leno's monalogue.

Carson used to put on wacky acts, comedians and skits...and recurring strangeness like wild animals from the national geographic society.

I have not bothered watching that show in years (or any TV in the past two- there's nothing I want to see there that I cant catch online or wait for DVD).
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
I totally agree that Carson left a void a will never be filled. He was the king.

I used to fall asleep to Leno's monologue in college.. so I have some nostalgia issues.
Posted by AndrewR (Member # 44) on :
Well Conan is funny.

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