T O P I C ��� R E V I E W
Member # 33
Not My Fault at all!!!
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
Oh, the shamelessness of modern society. I've always loved when some scandalous whore (male or female) would get ratted out and be mad at the one who did the ratting. Such audacity!
I'd love to have the opportunity to write her directly . . .
"Lady, before it was just that everyone you know knew you were a whore. Now everyone in the free world knows you're a money-grubbing idiot whore. Stick with your own kind ... live in a landfill, and shut the f*** up."
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
You seem a tad sensitive to this issue, Guardian, old chum.
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
No, I just take a dim view of such dishonesty, male or female. I don't really care what kind of relationship people want to have (if you're a couple of swingers, go for it), but if you're in a committed monogamous relationship with someone else (a.k.a. marriage), then one party changing the terms of the relationship without discussion except lying about it is simply dead wrong.
I don't care who you are or if you "get away with it" ... you can kiss my ass.
And yes, there are special contextual considerations. For instance, extreme situations of abuse or neglect where for whatever reason divorce is not an option (and that's "not an option", not "I didn't choose to", and in any case this tramp has said no such thing) ... situations like that may slide. But I'd wager that 90% of cheater types could easily do the proper thing and get a divorce rather than go skanky on things.
In other words, I'm a somewhat old-fashioned fellow in that regard . . . but, then, I'm old-fashioned about a lot of things. It's simply a question of honor . . . she has none, and her attempted lawsuit is just supremely offensive to all mankind (even beyond her whorish nature), and I take great exception to it.
I mean, this isn't like Clinton screwing around and trying to lie. You expect that sort of thing. But can you imagine if he had then used presidential authority to have Ken Starr or that ugly lady (that was a 'friend' of Monica Lewinsky's) killed?
That would be an extra heaping mess of pure unadulterated (no pun intended) amoralist nastiness, and I'd have voted for the removal of his head.
This is the same sort of situation in principle . . . the perpetrator has already abused ethics and trust. Now they've declared full war upon it.
Me, I call for the stake.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
How some couples can stay together after one cheats, I'll never know.
That kind of betrayal is grim, indeed.
Member # 335
It really depends how much importance an individual couple places on fidelity and how much they're willing to tolerate in order to be with a certain individual. I once had a girlfriend that was very upfront about the fact that she didn't mind if I messed about or even used hookers (I didn't, for the record) but she said I wasn't allowed to fall in love with any of them. So not everyone has the same priorities.
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
Exactly. You two talked about it, established an open relationship, and all was well at that point. That's exactly the honesty I'm talking about, not the unethical sort of selfishness of one who wants you to stay put while she goes out to get screwed.
I mean, hell, even over and above any of what today would be considered older-fashioned considerations (honesty, integrity, ethics, et cetera), there's the simple fact of having been cheated. Not "cheated on", but cheated . . . I'd be pissed as hell to be that husband and learn that I could've been screwing around the whole time just like the skank was. Think of all the missed opportunities!
So that was one mean-spirited skank . . . another crime to add to the older-fashioned list.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
For the record, Rev- even if you're no longer with that girl, try not to fall in love with any hookers.
Member # 33
Can you say BIMBO?
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
It is unethical and a betrayal of trust for a person to want some on the side while not allowing the other the same privilege, but it *is* an invasion of privacy to unilaterally disclose information like this to someone who you didn't get permission to disclose it to. I mean, nowhere in the law does it say you only have a right to privacy if your actions are morally upright. I know it's not all the phone company's fault - she shouldn't have done it in the first place - but it's not her fault that her husband found out. That is purely the fault of the phone company. It is a little much to claim they ruined her life, but I've never heard of a lawsuit like this being conducted with reasonable language and full admission of one's own responsibility in the matter. (Something tells me that's because the system rewards exaggeration and lies and lawyers know that, but that's another conversation.)
Mars Needs Women
Member # 1505
Fry her ass!!! She's trying project her shame onto others and use them as a smokescreen.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Yeah, it's always someone else's fault when they get busted- people transfer the embarassment of getting caught into self-righteous anger to whomeber they can blame.
It's not like Rogers told her to sleep around, or like they intended her husband finding out.
Boo Hoo, baby,
Guardian 2000
Member # 743
quote: Originally posted by Daniel Butler: [QB] but it *is* an invasion of privacy to unilaterally disclose information like this to someone who you didn't get permission to disclose it to.
Like a spouse? Like a spouse with whom you shared the account and with whom you live in the same household?
Privacy, my ass. Whores (male or female) and other such dishonest people need to live in a panopticon, but I'm glad this particular one wasn't because she's making such a wondrous example for us all.
Seriously, she's just a dumb whore (whore is obvious, and dumb, too, if for no other reason than because she didn't even think to get a bootyphone), and I'd imagine the "Mr. K, Mr. X, Mr. D, and Mr. T" guys from the list who claim to her that the same thing happened to them are also dumb whores (or dumb man-whores, if you prefer) who also probably mainly contacted her in an attempt to screw her, 'cause now we all know she's easy and completely shameless.
You could just roll a vibrator down the street and collect six or seven such skanks, but why waste a good toy when this particular skank is doing such a good job advertising her skankery? Just fire off an e-mail and she'll come skank up your world.
Daniel Butler
Member # 1689
Granted, I don't view marriage the same way other people do. I don't believe in your spouse just getting access to everything. But I suppose that's why I don't want to get married, because marriage is *weird.* Why would you trust another person so fully as to give them access to all of your information and records and property? Since when are people not douchebags? Isn't it a little naive to think that only some particular subset of people is dishonest and beneath the rest of us? *Everybody* is a liar, even to ourselves. It's actually part of how the mind works (false belief in general and deception in particular). I think there are plenty of people who think humans are 'good' or something, and so any particular example of 'bad' behavior is held up as proof that the rest of us are 'good,' by decrying that person as 'bad' and therefore different. I do not agree with that line of reasoning at all.
Dude. You *really* hate people who sleep around. I think that's an issue we just won't see eye-to-eye on. I mostly pity people who value base physical gratification so highly, but I don't see a reason to hate them. It seems immature, not, I dunno, evil. They mostly don't do it to cause pain, they do it because they can't help it, because they can't get beyond "if it feels good, do it." That's to be pitied in my book, not hated.
Jason Abbadon
Member # 882
Definitely some hostility there...
Member # 73
quote: Originally posted by Daniel Butler: Granted, I don't view marriage the same way other people do. I don't believe in your spouse just getting access to everything. But I suppose that's why I don't want to get married, because marriage is *weird.* Why would you trust another person so fully as to give them access to all of your information and records and property? Since when are people not douchebags? Isn't it a little naive to think that only some particular subset of people is dishonest and beneath the rest of us?
Lots of people aren't douchbags. Assuming that, under the surface, everyone is ultimately out to screw you over is a very depressing world view. I'm getting married next year, and I trust her completely. On the other hand, even in a marriage it's not that easy to screw over the other person unless you are paying no attention whatsoever. I would assume both parties would check their joint bank account, mortgage etc regularly, not out of a lack of trust but because that's what sensible people should do.
quote: Originally posted by Reverend: I once had a girlfriend that was very upfront about the fact that she didn't mind if I messed about or even used hookers (I didn't, for the record) but she said I wasn't allowed to fall in love with any of them. So not everyone has the same priorities.
While that is indeed better than behind-the-back cheating, it's very unlikely that a relationship like that would last for any decent amount of time without a serious adjustment in rules or paranoia destroying it. "You can shove your penis anywhere, just don't cuddle afterwards" is just not maintainable.