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Posted by agnosticnixie (Member # 2219) on :
So, hi, I'm Lauren, 20-something, physical anthropology student, and apparently all around geek. Likes RPG, has been passing on the bug to friends and siblings since my teens.
I travel a lot, and write a lot. I sometimes do large walls of text (duh), but try not to (the reverse is true in term papers).
I tend to pick nits a lot, and like to think about the more pedestrian elements going on in settings I like: the big damn heroes are fun but they're part of a large world. Still I enjoy well-written character pieces.
And I'm currently trying to go through House of Leaves. And Firefly.

And I guess I could kind of apologize for having a wall of text as first post >.>
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Welcome to Flare- dont sweat a wall of text- most of our rambling posts stretch far further.

What does "physical anthropology" entail exactly?
As opposed to "spiritual anthropology" for example. [Wink]
Posted by agnosticnixie (Member # 2219) on :
lol, it's a bit of a distinction without a difference at times, and it's relative to cultural (but physical/biological anthropologists still deal with culture anyway), and it's more broad than what I really hope to do after I graduate, it's things like medical anthropology, primatology (other apes), palaeoanthropology (hominids in general), etc. It tends to involve genetics, osteology (a good chunk of most anthropology degrees is biology [Razz] ), thus the physical bit, and the last one is basically archaeology.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Say no more, I think you'll find there's an infinite number of apes to observe here. Welcome!
(PS: Avoid studying the eating habits and grooming procedures, though, neither are meant for human eyes)
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Wait wait wait... hold on a sec. Are you a girl?

The last girl we had show up was becky and we're pretty sure she was a robot or something.

But watching Firefly... ok points for that. Do you love it? If you love it you can stay.
Posted by agnosticnixie (Member # 2219) on :
I actually loved it, I can't believe I never watched it in all these years, checking the dates on the dvds tells me I was just barely in HS at the time xD

Friends say I'm a robot at times (awkward hugs especially lead to this), does this count?
Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
i'm into halflings and penguin Pr0n...
Posted by Aban Rune (Member # 226) on :
Awkward hugs lead to restraining orders. Sometimes.

OK... you can stay. [Smile]
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Originally posted by agnosticnixie:

Friends say I'm a robot at times (awkward hugs especially lead to this), does this count?

I get that too- especially when I go around swing my arms and yelling "CRUSH! KILL! DESTROY!

So, I was thinkning that you could throw all your professors for a loop by studying th remains of primates that people have killed for cultural and economic reasons.
Let them attempt to quantify that. [Big Grin]

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