Regions Bank has been utterly screwing me and my wife on a short sale, for which they hold the present mortgage. We've been set up and ready to buy for three months now, but they keep fucking up the paperwork. In the latest instance, they gave us a closing date, we took off work, packed our cars, arrived at the office, and signed papers for an hour, only to be told that Regions wasn't ready after all. If not for the fact that we're renting from family and moving to the same city (basically, if we'd been anyone else), we would have been homeless and had all our furniture on a moving truck!
I will have this house. And then I will hurt this bank in every way legally possible.
If you or anyone you know uses Regions, please find a new bank. Posted by Pensive's Wetness (Member # 1203) on :
i didnt know what bank you were talking about until i googled it, then checked wiki...
thoughts anyone? this might sound stupid but would this kinda of info be on Angie's list?
Posted by Fabrux (Member # 71) on :
You're just not having good luck with banks, are you, Stephen?
Posted by Omega (Member # 91) on :
So it would seem. Three have pissed me off this year.
Posted by WizArtist II (Member # 1425) on :
I worked in banking for a dozen years. If at all possible, I recommend that people join a good Credit Union instead. While they do not have the power of the megabanks, they tend to be more friendly to their customers.