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Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Very bubbly.

Not sold on the slightly nerdy look of the gadget, but I read a clip comment that sounded nice:
change the activation phrase "Ok Glass" to "Computer" and the button on the glasses to a Bluetooth Star Trek communicator pin to hang on my shirt.
The only application I can see is if you want to record something and your hands are occupied, and you haven't got the dough for a GoPro Hero (assuming Glass will be cheaper than GoPro). I think the producers of this product also underestimate how awkward young people would feel spouting computer commands to themselves out among other people. If this ever takes off (very slim chance), I predict a lot of hushed talking on the buss.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
This must be a godsend for the physically disabled though- imagine someone with disabilies being able to control their computer and, if rigged up right, everything from the phone to the lights of their home, all vocally.

For us lazy Trek fans, this could allow us to vocally call up music, dim lights, order food delivered, etc, etc....all the things we see on Trek by way of casual commands.

But yeah, I dont see too many people talking to their devices in public...though a vocal security password might be nice if i's keyed to your voice.
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I like the top comment:
So.. Next to your head.. In this little package.. You have wireless Internet, gps, camera, speaker, microphone, and all the computer components like processor, ram, and storage.. Can anyone say brain tumor?

Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
Well what's the saying, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". ;
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
I like the top comment:
For its ignorance, you mean?
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
I don't really want to get into a big "thing" about it, but with regard to the specific comment, it was clearly meant to be humorous and I found it so.

With regard to the larger philosophical question of transhumanism, I very much believe that one way or another Man will find in the future, as he has in the past, that there will be a price to pay for his love affair with technology and particularly his perverse desire to bring it ever closer to the most vital areas of his body and being.

With regard to whether EM devices placed in close proximity to the brain can cause brain tumors, this is far from being conclusively demonstrated or falsified, but so far as I know the latest science may be taken to suggest that it is far from a ridiculous or negligible concern to be dismissed. I'm content to wait a few more decades before declaring anyone "ignorant" for having reservations about the practice.

I fully recognize your right to have a different opinion, and to challenge mine if you wish, but I will state upfront that the idea of becoming engaged in a lengthy circular debate on this doesn't really appeal to me at present, especially in the context of this particular thread. Thus, while I will be happy to read and consider any reply to this, I will probably not write much more on this topic.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Oh, I'm not a big proponent of the whole "transhumanism" deal, nor am I a gadget freak or Google aficionado. I just like hard science (in particular electromagnetism, which happens to be an extremely well-understood field of physics where there really is no room for different opinions), and that quote reminded me of the usual crowd more than it struck me as humorous.

(I mean, its originator probably didn't realize that even a current low-end smartphone *also* has 1) "wireless internet", 2) "gps", 3) a "camera", 4) a "speaker" / microphone, and 5) "all the computer components like processor, ram, and storage" in "a little package", unless maybe it was intended to parody the "cellphones cause cancer!!" believers)
Posted by The Mighty Monkey of Mim (Member # 646) on :
As I said, there have not yet been sufficient studies conducted to determine conclusive results, but two years ago the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer classified mobile phone radiation as possibly carncinogenic to humans based on studies which have been done. They were careful to note that further data is necessary, but to me this at least suggests that concern is not entirely unwarranted. And it would not surprise me if in coming decades this turns out to be one of those things that science does eventually bear out, prompting many long-time "believers" to respond: "No shit, Sherlock!"
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Do people really think that just having an electromagnetic device near your head will cause brain tumors? I thought the "cell phones = cancer" bunch were blaming the fact that a cell phone has a microwave emitter in it. Out of the things in that quote, the only component that uses microwaves is the GPS, and that's simply receiving signals from satellites that are all around you whether you're using a device or not.

I mean, if they think you shouldn't have speakers near your head, I hope they've never used headphones. Or, you know, a regular telephone.
Posted by Cartman (Member # 256) on :
Who knows, "radiation" of any stripe is about as verboten a word as "nuclear" now. These folks are not impressed when you explain that the frequency bands in which cellphones operate are associated with wavelengths on the order of (deci)meters which can not possibly penetrate human tissue (let alone damage DNA molecules), nor when you mention that the massive increase of cellphone use in the last decade has not seen any statistically significant increase in brain tumor count over the same period, so...

Personally, I think that in the unlikely case a causal link does exist, it will turn out to be our brains being unable to handle constant nonversational yakking into one ear and self-destructing under the barrage, since the tumor-forming process sure as hell wouldn't based on any known physics.
Posted by TSN (Member # 31) on :
Every cell phone is manufactured with a supply of cancer pixies inside. Any time you put the phone up to your ear, there is a nonzero probability that a pixie will fly out, crawl into your head, and start constructing tumors.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
The cancer pixies only come out if you pay your bill late or use a non major carrier.

As to the device itself, I'm more afraid of jackasses useing it while driving than of any cancer risk- here in Flori-Dih, the leglislature refuses to even ban texting while know this shit will be legal to use while driving or on construction sites or maybe at Turkey Point...
Meanwhile, cell jammers are federally banned as posing a risk to public safety...somehow.
Posted by Nim (Member # 205) on :
you know this shit will be legal to use while driving or on construction sites or maybe at Turkey Point...
Starting March 5th all texting or mobile surfing will be banned up at Makeout Point. Park attendants will intervene to remove any social media distractions.
Posted by Jason Abbadon (Member # 882) on :
Well, Turkey Point is a lot like Makeout point, except with more hard radiation and massive cooling it is, workers have occasioanlly been causght sleeping on the job instead of watching the reactor displays.
Very Homer Simpson-ish.

All they need is virtual adult websites beamed into their eye while they're doing whatever they get paid to do.

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