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"Islam is a peaceful religion." If true, in what ways is this religion peaceful?
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Malnurtured Snay: [QB] [QUOTE]Man, we ain't playing school "Counseler" trying to be nice to the bullies terrorising the school yard![/QUOTE] We're killing the bullies terrorizing the school yard. We're trying not to kill the classmates of the bullies who don't want or have anything to do with the bullies. [QUOTE]When Allies when to war in WWII, we fought Nazi "GERMANY", not just the Nazi party![/QUOTE] The difference, of course, that we went to war with a nation, and not terrorists. [QUOTE]Ruling government represent the country as a WHOLE, even when there are oppositions![/QUOTE] When a country is in the middle of a civil war, the "ruling" government does NOT represent the country as a whole. The United States certainly didn't represent the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War, now did it? [QUOTE]Avoid civilian casualities sound moral and pretty, but who's saying that they should be the utmost priority? military professionals, or politians?[/QUOTE] The U.S. Military is commanded by the Commander-in-Chief. The United States is ruled by the Congress and the President. So, yes, politicians do. Duh. If you talk to any career military enlisted or officer, I'm sure they'll tell you they'd rather kill enemy military then enemy unarmed civilians. [QUOTE]I'm not saying U.S. should be out to get the civilian, I'm saying when the issue of "civilian casualities" are pitted against "military objectives", then "military objective" should take prioirty any day![/QUOTE] You're ignorance is so astounding. We've got complete military control over Afghanistan. The Taliban defenses have been destroyed. We've eliminated them, and been able to avoid mass amounts of civilian casualties too! Where the fuck do you get your news? [QUOTE]Killing people is not pretty, and that's why war is not pretty, and therefore people try to avoid war from happening![/QUOTE] Um, okay, on one hand you're saying we should blow up civilians, then you're saying we should avoid war? What the fuck are you trying to say, because I don't get it. [QUOTE]But when someone provoke you into one, we should do everything in our power to win the war![/QUOTE] Look, dude, it's not like these terrorists have home nations. It's not like they've got military bases. They've got members spread out across the world, and even if we do take out every single nation that has supported them, they'll still be out there. This isn't like any war ever fought before. Every single person on any TV channel, in any magazine, in every newspaper across the world has only said that about 50 billion times. [QUOTE]U.S. are not doing that, they're restraining themself like usual, and guess what, that's not the way to win a war, and there's plenty of examples in past U.S. military operations for the last 50 years.[/QUOTE] You're an idiot. The U.S. is not "restraining" itself. The mission profile has been changed regarding air-combat rules that were in place over Kosovo. Plenty of examples? You mean like the Iraqi army? Open a history book. [QUOTE]Finally, no matter how "high-tech" today's warfare is, the last move to win a war is land troop, and I ask you this question, where's the damn troop? I don't see any, do you?[/QUOTE] As has been WIDELY reported (except, apparently, to you), the 10th Army Mountain Division is in or near Afghanistan. Over 1,000 Special Forces soldiers have been on the ground in Afghanistan for at least two weeks. <h2>WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR NEWS?!</h2> At least when argueing with Omega, I've got to do research and critical thinking and stuff. I mean, this is like taking a machine gun back to the Revolutionary War and raking it across advancing infantry. No challenge. [/QB][/QUOTE]
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