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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Alshrim Dax: [QB] Simply 'gun control' isn't enough.. especially in the states.. where last spring there were 3 shootings in ONE WEEK in SCHOOLS.. Tell me how gun control stopped those kids from getting their mits on a gun.. or two.. or three. We're talking about a country where it is the constitution RIGHT .. not a priveledge.. but a RIGHT to own and carry a gun dammit !! SO... you have pappa.. who has been cleared to own a gun.. he keeps the freakin' thing in his side desk drawer.. and you have his kid.. a nice kid, tho' a little mis-understood. Now .. I ask all of you.. what is preventing him from getting his hands on that gun???? As a kid, if I wanted to get my hands on some of my ol' man's playboys.. that were supposed to be hidden from my prying eyes.. Well. dammit, I had my buddies over and all we did was go into the closet and look at em.. Kids know where things are.. they snoop.. That's call "Child-like curiosity". It's not called that for nothing. We can educate our kids.. sure.. Get a seriously mis-understood kid in a class like that.. and you're teaching him the potential destruction he can cause. The power he could invoke over others.. the type of power he wouldn't have unless he had his hands on his dad's gun! .. That is what those kids are doing in those school.. prooving they have that power.. Now.. HOW DO YOU PREVENT THAT??? Bring up your kids right??? NAW... REMOVE THE THREAT.. DON'T OWN A FREAKIN' GUN all together.. get it out of people's head that the even NEED one!!! Sorry.. I get sooo worked up over this topic.. cuz I hate .. HATE.. sensless killing. It's pointless and a waste.. I've never held a gun in my hands.. EVER.. Never needed it up here in Canada.. (and don't get me wrong.. i'm not trying to slam americans.. more, I'm trying to slam the policies brought forth by their gov't.) anyways.. I know that the dutch have great gun control.. very strict.. I'm happy to hear that... I am.. and I applaud them for being as successful as they have been. I also realize that shootings only happen, what? , , maybe 9 or 10 incidents a year?? But let's have the body count of those shooting, and let's ask ourselve.. how many of these victims could have had productive, and fullfilled life??? That's what gets me so hot about this topic.. But again,, I love the fact that it was brought up here.. The more ideas we bring forth, the better..maybe some politician is a ST fan and comes here and will get an idea too!! Thanx for putting up with my ranting!! [IMG][/IMG] [/QB][/QUOTE]
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